Sunday, December 29, 2013


Can We Save the Planet and End World War 3? A 3 Step Process to Finding Out:

Step 1. Know your enemy, What evil is trying to achieve:
  • Get rid of ammunition by making it cost more through the implementation of green bullets, have gun registration to later know where the guns are when you outlaw them.
  • Introduce GMO's which in studies were show that when fed constantly to animals, the 3rd generation were unable to have children from altered genetics by the GMO's, as a form of genocide and eugenics. Basically copying what has already happened on the grey alien planet of zeta reticuli where all offspring are genetically engineered into slavery.
  • Silence whistle blowers by imprisoning reporters and wistleblowers as terrorists and censoring TV and internet as in europe. Poison the environment and control the education system and media to dumb down the population.
  • Arrest and torture every single freedom fighter and also kill them. Assassinate leaders. Eventually kill off most of the people on planet earth into a controllable number.
  • Create false revolutions to promote imperial agenda of over throwing other rulers by sabotaging electricity and water and economy to create artificial shortages causing discontent creating a problem then offering a solution of a new evil leader that is no better or even worse.
  • Destroy the dollar and replace it with another currency that the people don't control but banks and governments control. Impose heavier taxes.
Step 2. Implement offensive and defensive countermeasures against your enemy, Ways of defeating evil:

How to create a positive revolt or reverse an evil revolt using concepts of freedom and truth:

Disenfranchise evil:
  • Arrest them
  • Get rid of their funding sources
  • Don't pay taxes
  • Seize their property
 Enfranchise the masses of good:
  • Educate
  • Give supplies and money
  • Provide alternate modes of survival
Worldwide actions:
  • Create an event that destroys their funding sources and jails all who committed crime while still maintaining working infrastructures for peoples survival, Redistribute wealth to the people, redistribute power to the people, Take over control of the media with positive military force and show the truth to humanity.

Step 3. Assess the capability to actually carry out positive objectives... Can you win?If not then retreat and regroup with friends in another part of the world and live to fight another day.
  1. The only way to win is for the entire planet to make unified moral decisions together.
  2. The only way that is possible is through complete transparency and education of people about facts and the media is the fastest form of education, once reality is known then people can act together on it.
  3. Also if the people of America revolted they would not win because of how big and evil the industrial military complex is right now. So the only way to revolt would be if there was a big enough truth revealed to the people that the entire military then refused to take orders or became a positive military, but then again they'd just replace moral soldiers with drones. Or another solution would be to arrest all the evil people controlling the industrial military complex and giving orders to turn it into a positive military.
  4. So the main objective to educate the main population and reveal a big enough truth to cause positive change, is to control the media as the best form of fast education, otherwise we cannot win. 
  5. Since we cannot do that ourselves within a meaningful time frame on a world wide scale we need to retreat and regroup with outside help. Outside help is our only hope of winning. Within the near term.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Understanding 5D Reality Concepts

This is my 333rd post. It just happened to be a prophetic dream.

I just had a prophetic dream about 5D reality concepts. The true economy is based off of emotions which control the ideas and knowledge produced which then control the actions you take to build the ideas with your hands. And that the NDAA is a direct result of emotion interference and freedom of emotion. You disrupt the emotional balance you disrupt every form of thought pattern and productivity.
The productivity of a group is based on the synergy of that group and how well they work together and time is variable because at higher emotional states your perception of time changes and if you work well together and have synergy then you will have a longer day but also get a lot more work done in that day than uncoordinated individuals because of time expansions. So if you're president of a country you definitely want to have a group on your team that works together really well and has synergy to outperform all other groups around the world who work together less well.

Why men love women and why women love men and the sexual preference and sex drive can only be explained by it's effects but nobody knows it's cause. Maybe the human experience is our duality that at birth we are compartmentalized into one viewpoit viewpoint to see the universe through either as male or female and we don't have the full view of reality, and that why we are attracted to the opposite gender is because they are our "other half" and see the universe thourgh through different eyes and we are attracted to them as part of us as a whole and we are trying to reunite as a whole and share in the full experience of reality. The interesting thing is that sex is an expression of the emotion of love and the concept of unity carried out in physical reality. Love is knowing that everyone is connected and part of a whole and that you actually know everybody and everything

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Event Considerations and how the Astral Plane Effects It and True Strength

The thing about "the event" and a paradigm shift that big is that showing people information that is that new and different will be extremely hard to believe by a lot of people. Who knows the percentage that won't be able to accept the information. So it actually has to be a gradual teaching process once you have control over the media. And really they still may not be ready for it even if you prove everything to them because people may actually need to be spiritually ready to accept new knowledge which means that if the astral plane actually exists then it is of utmost importance to0 get that cleared before you actually show them the pink elephant of aliens and gods and ascended masters and gravity propulsion etc. because they may not even believe their own eyes and it may drive them crazy and they may not accept it.
Really the big question is why did it take exactly 25000 years for us to get to the point of making computers to share information and create drones and atomic bombs to kill every lifeform on earth and then right exactly when things are getting unsopable was exactly 25000 years after the negative energy took over. This problem of beleivability of this whole scenario we're in right now lends credence to it either not being real, or that evil is actually a force of good going easy on us so that we can win no matter what and really there was never anything to be afraid of and there are no real consequences in the universe and it's all just an illusion. In fact evil was built into the universe in the first place so why would the universe build in a factor that would destroy itself??? So satan actually being an angel makes more sense than satan actually being evil. But can a soul be destroyed in a black hole??? That's another question. Or can it turn purely evil and be irreversible? None of this makes any sense because I obviously don't have the full picture or any real facts yet.
If you knew that the universe was all just an illusion and there was no evil. And if you knew that there were no consequences to anything, and if you knew what was in store for you in the future and you'd have to go through infinite trials and tribulations, would you agree to comply and play the game of your own free will??? That's the real power in the universe, free will.
Knowledge and mental prowess is not the real strength in this world because there is always infinite more things to learn and you will eventually always forget those things and need to learn them again, and anything you can do there's always other people that can do it too and take your place. So really what is the true power or strength in this world??? It may be, if it even exists at all, you spiritual frequency or level and strength. This spiritual strength may be what decides your ability to enect your own free will upon the universe and to keep others from enacting their negative free will upon you, if in fact spiritual energy and the etherial plane effects the physical world in the form of luck and mind sets and actions and world events creating either entropy or regeneration or counter-entropy.
Because after all is the reason of living to live and experience and carry out your own pursuit of happiness. this is our freedom of will. To do this you want help and don't want hurt. To prevent hurt you may need higher personal spiritual/psychic powers and spiritual/psychic allies. 
 My bullshit detector turned on when I heard the words "masters" or "Contract". When reading about the "galactic federation of light". There is no soul contract that we must die because we could find a cure to death. and there is no such things as masters of anything. We are masters of our own destiny which is freedom of will. Bad use of words and the use of trigger words and easily manipulated language is usually a sign of evil.
What we have to be the most cautious of is strangers/romans bearing gifts. This could easily be a ploy to lure us into a trap. This is our biggest danger as a human race in the coming changes. Only the few among us who can sense danger and evil will be able to avoid such trickery and will have to guide all the others that don't have full senses and feelings. "Know reality" is the main qualification of a starship captain and that quality may be needed soon.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Words and Phrases that are Pure Bullshit!

Certain words just trigger my Bullshit Detector... 

They are going to try and brainwash you with psychological warfare. They will try and make you feel powerless, try to make you give up, make you think you are not special and have no value when the exact opposite is true. Never give up! 
  • Energy frequencies: When referring to psychic or spiritual energies is impossible to prove exists and that electrical frequencies or sound frequencies or time code frequencies have any effect on the physical body other than mild annoyance at best is highly questionable and unscientific.
  • Shakras: The different parts of the body with different energies and colors is totally unprovable and does not have any basis in reality and would not even make sense if it was real that your feet energies should control any aspect of your spirit. Nonsensical and unprovable and unscientific.
  • Meditation: This was originally prescibed to cure mental illness or insanity(sanitary brain) instead of medical aid. Your brain can only really come to conclusions and not change its own emotions unless outside influence changes those emotions. Meditation is not a science and is just a placebo.
  • Energy vortexes: Why would a vortex have any greater effect on us that any other form of energy? and why would it be located on a specific place on the earth's surface, and not undergrouns and doesn't move with the weather like an actual weather vortex? And why does geometry supposedly effect this? And what type of energy is it? Totally the most unscientific idea I've heard yet.
  • The power of Intent: That just feeling a certain way or thinking a certain thing can bring that thing to you is total brain washing of the public into non action. This is a typical propaganda disinformation campaign to enslave the people. Total nonsense and unscientific.
  •  I AM, DO, BE: When these terms are used in improper english in sentences describing how you feel and what you are doing always brings the writers credibility into question. These are powerful words to some people like trigger words used to trigger certain emotions but they have no actual useful meaning other than trying to make you also talk like an idiot if you copy them.
  • Holographic Universe: The universe may in fact be a complex algorythm. But nobody actually knows this equation and this holographic universe term is actually used to make you separate yourself from reality thinking that everything around you is actually fake when in fact it's real and can kill you. This is another trick to manipulate your mind into inaction and trying to find magical solutions to the worlds problems from within when you have to actually get off your ass and do something to solve problems.
  • Interdimentional Travel: Fist off there is no way to EVER prove through science that there is another dimetion to existence. Because it is outside of our reality and therefore not testable. This is the least scientific term ever created but the science pundit Michio Kaku supports it with string theory which is false science on its face because it's untestable. And secondly to think that you could travel through these dimentions through a star gate is even more unlikely. More likely is that there is just one dimention of many layers and facets, and using the word dimension is just a bad choice of words to begin with and doesn't accurately describe the real universe.
  • Time Travel: Cause and effect and history itself and paradoxes negate the possibility of time travel. This is a brainwashing campaign word to make you think that there is someone out there with ultimate power that can change your life with this technology to make you feel helpless and fear. Typical disinformation and propaganda.
  • Prophecy: Impossible unless you're simply predicting the weather. because time travel is impossible.
  • Teleportation: This is currently not possible with existing technology and may never be possible. It basically defies every rational way of thinking. So it's most likely not possible.
  • Spiritual Healing: Just go to the freaking doctors already. This is fake and makes you feel good about dieing slowly. This is brainwashing and is unscientific and imaginary magic that never has worked in the history of all medicine men. Escpescially not the fake ones we see promoting this these days.
  • Miracles: Basically it's a lie to get you to believe in jesus. You have to witness a miracle for it to be real not just something written down 2000 years ago and edited since to control you.
  • Stargate: No evidence that there are other dimentions or that stargates can let you travel between them. This is pure conjecture and isn't worth thinking about.
  • Portals: That you can open up a portal in a person that lets out a lot of good energy that can change a planet is not very believable. And that positive change doesn't just come from people cooperating and communicating and being moral people of their own free will is hard to believe. And why did it take 5000-13000 years for a portal to emerge and then another few right after that within a few months? This is too nonsensical to consider and is unscientific and controversial.
  • Sacred Geometry: That a special shape has special powers is retarded. Devices specifically made for a specific purpose with energy then applied to them have special powers, like lasers. Not some inanimate object with no energy applied and no specific reason to have any effects other than being a paper weight.
  • Karma: There is no proof that anything you do in this universe has any consequences. If you became saved by god, then sinned and made a deal with the devil, and then got saved again, and then made another deal with the devil until being saved yet again would negate the whole concept of consequence to any of your actions. But I would say there is something to be said for how you feel personally after doing something that was wrong. There may be actual psychic consequences to actions.

Terms that could be real:

  • Ghosts: There have been some caught on film, and I have actually seen one when I was a kid and no doubt everyone else has had personal experinces that they can't deny.
  • Psychic powers: These were proven in the early 1900's and then were quickly disproven and dicredited and are now looked upon with disgrace and disaproval. There is no more research going on in the U.S. of psychics but the new world leader in that research is the UK and you don't pump money into researching something that isn't real. Not only that but there may be psychic boosting medications that have been made and could be being kept secret.
  • Aliens: There's no reason that aliens wouldn't exist and could travel between planets with gravity and time dialation technology. They would be a lot more advanced than us and always develope along certain evolutionary paths like lizards, insects, mammals, and amphibians etc. Because those planetary environment adaptation principles apply across the universe. They would have had the same governments and ideas and concepts and technologies and would be either good or evil and be able to help us or to hurt us and there's no telling how many of them there are or the percentage of good and evil ones. And if somehow they had a technology to look human and talk like us somehow there would be no telling how many of them would actually be walking among us right now. Also there are infinite UFO sightings across the world of technology that is far in advance of earth technology giving credence aliens visiting us.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Judicial system and Rule of Law, and how to fix the Courts and Bring in Common Law and Justice

 "Legality is not Reality." -A Judicial Maxim
"That which you have wished upon another is YOUR wish granted in return."
"What ye sow, so shall ye reap."

How to fix our judicial system... Are you ready?... Here it goes...

Get rid of the cause of crimes and there will be no crimes.

Now this may not work 100% but it will get rid of most crime and what's left can be settled by people in charge with their own rules and punishments... or by the people in charge getting the 2 or more parties involved in the crime together to reach an agreement to settle or balance or make amends or fix the dispute. After all it is a transaction that has taken place between 2 parties when a crime has taken place, whether it be a spiritual transaction or a material transaction, so to finalize the transaction and leave it behind you you have to come to some sort of equalization of deeds or properties lost. When there is no property that can make up for something priceless then it must be repaid with something priceless which would be a deed or service or sentence.

The cause of white collar crime is: Sadistic satisfaction and power and profit, silence, extortion etc. Get rid of those elements and make them unobtainable or non existent and you won't have motive for any crime so crimes won't be committed in the first place.

This all requires a different form of government or societal structure:

-First of all people should not be owned by the state from the time they are born until the day they die, okay!
-instead of currency everybody should all have the same stuff and everything they need so that there's no reason to steal.
-there needs to be transparency so that we can see everything except for codes to proffesionals jobs and if people know they will get caught then they won't commit crime and also they won't be able to be blackmailed either.
-fight/prevent force with an equal and opposite force so that it's mutually assured destruction if you try to harm someone or force them into a contract with force. Such as in the case of murder, the penalty should be execution which is an equal and opposite force.
- do not allow sadistic satisfaction to be satiated with truth and systems and they will have to find some other form of satisfaction or wither away.


People that try to change the world only by solving their personal problems with courts and contracts are first of all not helping other people, and second of all supporting the system of courts and contracts, and third of all their attention is focused on something that doesn't help solve the actual problems facing the world.

They are using their free will as a vote to support the system by cooperating in it and accepting it even though they know by it's very foundation that it's corrupt.

 There are so called freedom fighters all over that just like to fight in court instead of spreading the truth and are only taking advantage of a corrupt system and participating in it to save a couple of bucks on car insurance and mortgage payments etc.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Concepts have always existed since the beginning of time since the first alien civilization and are basically a law of physics because they are universal and unchangeable.
It is up to us as sentient being to use discernment to choose between concepts keeping the good ones and discarding the bad ones for our personal use.
Matter and energy have always existed in the universe and were put there in the beginning of time also.
It is up to us as sentient beings to use discernment in collecting resources and information and using it to better ourselves and our environment creating value for ourselves out of what was worthless.
You could say that both concepts and the matter in the universe since put there in the beginning of time were a gift from the god that created the universe and that none are truly ours but are only given to us. It could just as easily be said though that since there are both good and bad concepts and bothe good and bad environments and good and bad energy that what was given to us could be considered both a blessing and a curse.
The only real conclusion to all of this though is that it is up to us to choose the environment that we wish to live in out of what is available. The freedom of choice. That is the meaning.

What if in the course of history there have been particular individuals of different species that through the course of their lives had experienced a certain concept, and that their embodiment of that concept was so complete and extreme that when they died because of their vast knowledge of the concept they and proven worth that they gained a special place or seat in the universe as a god of that concept. And that each concept has it's own god. concepts such as "determination", or "vengeance" or "mischief".
This would be a very entertaining way for the entertainers(as I call them) to run the universe. This is how I would probably run the universe because of the entertainment value and for the wisdom value and governance value.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

False Destructive Concepts

  • The concept of scarcity is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of mental illness is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of land ownership is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of the petroleum based economy is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of bills and debt are false concepts implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept that Mars and Venus are uninhabitable is unprovable since our government has proven untrustworthy, and this concept has been implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of overpopulation is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of necessary evil is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people... There is no such thing as a necessary evil. Evil is not necessary.
  • The concept of the inequality is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people. 
  • The concept of Jobs is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of worthlessness is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of subtle imperceptable downward trends although they work is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of intellectual property is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of secrecy is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What it's going to take to Save the World

What it's going to take:
The entire human race as a whole needs to make unified moral decisions based on awareness. Making immoral decisions, separation, and lack of awareness will lead to the destruction of the planet. To make moral decis...ions the people need to be aware of the issues and what's going on to be able to make a decision about it. If we all in unison say that we do not want to pay taxes which half of it goes to the military industrial complex because we don't want war, then they won't be able to enforce the law. What good is a rule if nobody follows it(quoted from the thundercats!)Not even the people in power if they are moral and making moral decisions will be able to win this war because they are being road blocked. This problem of saving the world requires everyone as a whole.

First step:
The best way to raise awareness is in the same way that awareness was raised about marajuana and now most people now think it's harmless and want it legalized we have to come to this kind of awareness about all issues effecting humanity.

Second step:
Make Moral/mature decisions as one people with one mind unanimously.

Polling data is the best way to monitor the awareness level of planet earth.

You either choose love outward concepts helping others or choose hate inward selfish concepts.

Now that you know and understand what has to happen, you can at least have peace of mind going forward, even if the planet is doomed.
See More

Concepts that need to be understood more by all are: GMO's, Slavery in all its forms(credit, contracts, taxes, laws, apps, patents/licensing/registration, monopolies, etc.), currency is food, Fracking, Privacy laws, Death Robots, what really causes war, real causes and cures of diseases, Hidden revolutionary technologies, torture, animal rights, secret cults/societies.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Organizing to Save the World

There should be a national go on strike day where everybody in the country or even the world goes on strike and because there's nothing to do when you're on strike there can be speaker. People with High courage and wisdom and reputation and fighting prowess and courage and spiritual power who talk about a new form of society and about the Iroquois. Because it seems that going on strike is the only effective means of communication between big business and the government and the people. And public speakers are the only effective means to communicate to large amounts of people. This event would have to have a large advertising campaign building up to it.

If you were to authentically show a science or invention or multiple that actually worked that were being hidden from the citizens of the world, then you could ask them the question "what other sciences have been hidden from the world?" like the science black out of wwII in atomic research which is provable. Is psychic ability actually real and provable? Is gravity control technology actually possible for space travel if you destroy one particle with an antiparticle? Are infinite energy sources actually possible? This argument if pulled off successfully would outrage the people so much that they would demand change but it would also have the effect of inspiring them that a better future was possible.

 Because of the size of the population of the world and needing to teach all of them certain key concepts, you need control of the mass media.

 The world is at war. It's the evil slavers vs. the good slavers. The problem is that they are all still slave owners. That's the definition of what any big business or government is.

There are 4 ways I can think of at this time that you can stop being a slave to your slave owner conceptually:
1. Go work for another slave owner with better rules : The problem with this is that you'd still be a slave and would never live the life of the Iroquois unless you kept on trading up to utopia. The utopian slave owner business model would make the slave owner earn asd much money and have as much power as the people. Also these imaginary businesses that would hire you instantly from your present job don't exist right now.
2.Stop working all together and go on strike : The problem with this is that you would run out of food and money and eventually starve which is what they want anyway. Hopefully they would change there rules but they would still be your slave owners and nothing would have really changed. Or they would just fire you for striking like walmarts policy is.
3.Rise up and punish your slave owner for the crimes they have committed against humanity andthen in the chaos find a new leader: The problem with this is that they want war and profit off of it and there would be a lot of casualties on both sides and in the chaos evil might still take the new positions of power.
4. Become as a people of slaves a new family to fight the other slave owner families and create a family feud: The problem with this scenario is that there would still be casualties on both sides but the evil would lose their power and the good could organize better but we do not have any means of communicating right now or organizing. and just the act of separation might be the best scenario out of the 4 and jailing might be possible. But for this you need effective communication and leaders before anything even starts. Ideally you'd have small groups of people who had war leaders but there would be lots of these small groups with lots of leaders and they would all come together under a convincing argument not an actual leader. The concept would lead them. Which is exactly how the roman empire fell actually was lots of gernerals each calling themselves ceasar and lots of armies except the difference is that this time it's a financial and information war not a military war.

The goal is to have as many leaders or generals as you can not in the conventional sense though. That has been the failing of every great spiritual leader that has died is that they kept the idea and the power of spreading the idea for themselves and have been the target to be shot and the message then ended. Instead everyone should give the message and everyone should have the power of the idea and everyone should be the leader. It should be in the hands of the people. And the ultimate leader of everybody is just an idea, and as they said in the movie "V for Vendetta" And Idea cannot be killed. 

What I need in my life is some PIE!. Which is an acronym that means "Positive Inclusive Empowering". Right now everything I read in the news is negative, I am not involved in any part of helping to fix the world, and I really don't feel like there's any options or choices I have of things I can actually do to help. So for right now the world is doomed because of these reasons and I just have to watch it go down in flames.

The catch phrase should be "All you need is the Iroquois" Because there system and success is the one to copy mostly maybe with some cosmetic changes.


First step, testing on a small scale:
What's happening in Egypt and the jasmine revolution and the orange revolution is a "test". What our government and other powers do is they install different matrixes around the world after taking over a government by bruit force, just to test out the different matrix types. That's why every country is different. Our whole planet is one big experiment. If you are going to make decisions about chan...ging the entire world you want to be sure that the actions carried out cause the intended effects. So they test out strategy on a smaller scale ahead of time in small countries that don't matter before they scale it up to a global action. They also use this information on conflicts to enact policies in america to maintain a stong home base of imperialism and decrease the chances of a popular uprising at home.

What I don't know is if the revolution experiment going on in the middle east was started by the side of "control" or the side of "freedom". Whoever started all of it doesn't really matter because either way it will still be an example of how to make freedom work or how to hault freedom or popular uprising based on the results of the conflict. So we're all waiting to see what finally happens in egypt!!! Everyone power on earth will be able to see and utilize this information in future strategies. Change takes time.

What to test and carry out world wide:
Reveal the lies and the trust will be lost and then the secrecy questioned.

We can't let 3D printer designed objects be patented and copyrighted and monopolized for hundreds of years like every other invention in history. We need freedom of the 3D printing press!

Hackers should be focusing on releasing secret patent filings of inventions that are in direct competition with the profit of other big business but have no actual reason to be classified other than profit. Knowing this people would get enraged and wonder what else is secret such as infinite energy technology or space travel patents etc.

Stop paying credit card bills and other loan payments, as a form of non violent protest. It being the main funding source for the cabal other than taxes.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

WWIII 3 Informational Brochure

We are now in the middle of World War III. The Truth Embargo! Truth and Liberty and your God given Human Rights are at stake! This time it's an information and economic war and a war of concepts. There may not be as much military action across the globe. At the center of it all is a horrible dark secret. The "people" controlling my life, I am forced to conclude are evil, and that I shouldn't help them in any way. They base everything they do off of secrets. They’re taking away the free will of everybody on earth. They have every single one of my ideas which they stole. They control every aspect of the world surrounding me. They work off of logic and have zero capacity for love or empathy or intuition. Only the people of this world do. Which is what they aim to destroy.
Them: They use information as a shield and have a monopoly on it. They use predictability and equations. They are human just like you and me and have average brains only they know more. They think of us as dogs and themselves as a higher species. They have to inbreed because of all their secrets and small groups. They are cowardly and afraid of any danger or risk at all. They cause disasters in the world and profit off of emergencies. They divide and conquer. They give us medications that make us want to kill ourselves and not reach our full potential but instead turn us into slobs. They use drugs and alcohol to make people pay to kill themselves while the resulting drug war causes even more death and violence. They put stuff in the shots they administer that can cause infertility. They put stuff in manufactured food. They put stuff in GMO's that can alter your genes. They put stuff in the water. They put stuff in cosmetics. They put stuff in car additives. These all contribute to cancer, diabetes, obesity, infertility, allergies, and other genetic diseases. They use sounds and lights and smells and secret handshakes to transmit messages. They use phones to track people. They change the messages you send on the internet or delete them. They use satellites and lasers in space to burn things. They use microwaves bounced off of the ionosphere as a long distance weapon and have earth quake machines. They have robotic battle droids and smart guns with long range high accuracy capability. They genetically engineer germs to kill people and germs that target specific ethnic groups. They use voice modulation to impersonate relatives over the phone. They send out propaganda in the form of news papers and television and advertisements to change public opinion. They use subliminal messages in movies. They buy votes by buying advertising. They bribe all of congress. They control clocks. They have spyware on all computers and know everything about you, they have profiled you and know exactly where you are. They can use this to blackmail you. They make what you type on the computer dyslexic to avoid word searches. They use dams to control both water and energy and give land under the dam to people so that if you destroy the dam you kill people in the flood, which only works if the purpose is kept secret. They prevent key technologies from reaching the market that would save the world. We can go into space!
Their goal: They worship Satan in secret societies. A multinationalists/globalists/satanists goals are corrupting governments by use of blackmail and threats forcing evil people into places of power do their bidding and cause war. Then by banking both sides of the war use usury and interest on loans to enslave both sides and make money off of them. Manipulate stock market prices doing insider trading. Cause drug wars. And also have both sides of the resulting war lose thousands of lives causing mass murder. They aim to destroy every constitutional right by creating false flag events, increasing security at malls and airports and cities, labeling whistle blowers and reporters as terrorists, passing legislation, passing the patriot act. They do even more unspeakable things than this but those don't come into the big picture. These are the goals that they have. To avoid those goals you need peace and to know the truth and to have good people in places of power! If there is peace they make no money, nobody dies and they cannot corrupt the incorruptible when they are protected by an information shield. This is not war in the way you were taught. This is an information and financial and concept war! The ultimate goal being to overpopulate the earth, have the labor mine and extract all the earths materials and resources, cause a crisis, then have a second coming of lucifer instead of Christ, kill off all the good people with war, starvation, disease etc. while the 10% who are sociopaths and have brain damage survive, and have evil inherit the Earth. Which only works if it's kept secret.
How to spot them: They own large sums of money both banks and businesses and only care about material wealth and power. Their companies fund the campaigns both military and political that oppose “good”, “freedom” and “The peoples will” and instead carry out companies and secret organizations will. Look up peoples and companies records and history and make sure not falsified. And make a financial vote against their companies and vote them out of office. Both political parties are corrupt.
The way to win: This is all theory but if you dismantle their funding sources and arrest them then you’ve won, that is if the judges aren't on their side and you can actually meaningfully effect their finances. We may need a paradigm shift to get any progress any time soon. Also educate and don't remain silent, without silence they can't succeed. Do things unexpected. Cause them risk. Make friends and socialize become a functioning fun group of people. Laugh about things. Grow your own food. Buy organic. Use solar panels. Purify your own water. Control your own media sources, watch blacklisted news. Control your own currency. Control your material resources. Know reality and remember the past. Exercise and diet. Take away their intelligence sources (that’s illegal search and seizure). Use nicotine gum instead of cigarettes. Buy local. Create competing industry. Take your money out of their banks. Tax their products. Go on strike. Give bad reviews to their movies. Give good reviews to your movies. Show uplifting news. Create positive uplifting results. Educate. Understand concepts. Vote them out. Show and know their true reputation. Create laws against them. Bring them to court for their crimes. Let them suffer the consequences of their own actions. Make alliances. Disrupt meetings. Shield yourself with info and evidence. Inspire. Tell jokes. Be cool, funny, and sexy. Be smart, be courageous, love one another! This is not about the world as we know it, it is your eternal soul that is at stake here,. We have been lied to by all of our governments. Be yourself and don't give in. Never stop being a good person. It’s never too late! The side that will win is Truth and Liberty!
Please make copy's of this and hand it out. Or share it through social media or email. Thank you! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Axis of Evil Now in WWIII

The anti gmo labeling battle is very teeling for who backs secrecy in what is in our food. This is something us as humans need to have control of is our own food supply. Info obtained from

The following is the list of the companies and their contributions in the GMA’s filing:
• PepsiCo: $1,620,899
• Nestle USA: $1,052,743
• The Coca-Cola Co.: $1,047,332
• General Mills: $598,819
• ConAgra Foods: $285,281
• Campbell Soup Co.: $265,140
• The Hershey Co.: $248,305
• The J.M. Smucker Co.: $241,091
• Kellogg Co.: $221,852
• Mondelez Global LLC: $144,895
• Flowers Foods: $141,288
• Abbott Nutrition: $127,459
• Pinnacle Foods Group LLC: $120,846
• Dean Foods Co.: $120,245
• McCormick & Co.: $102,208
• Land O’Lakes: $99,803
• Cargill: $98,601
• The Hillshire Brands Co.: $97,398
• Bunge North America: $94,993
• Bimbo Bakeries USA: $94,693
• Del Monte Foods Co.: $86,576
• Ocean Spray Cranberries: $55,313
• Hormel Foods Corp.: $52,908
• Bumble Bee Foods, LLC: $36,073
• Welch Foods: $28,859
• Shearer’s Foods: $25,251
• Rich Products Corp.: $24,049
• Clement Pappas & Co.: $21,043
• Sunny Delight Beverages Co.: $21,043
• Bush Brothers & Co.: $16,233
• Knouse Foods Cooperative: $14,429
• The Clorox Co.: $12,024
• Bruce Foods Corp.: $3,006
• Moody Dunbar: $1,804

 More evil people and companies:
  • JP morgan chase is evil because of the fraud that led to the housing bubble 
  • most republicans for opposing positive concept changes
  • Also most of the democratic party are suspect but they may be changing sides right now so it's hard to tell.
  • Old health insurance industries not under obama care
  • The Russian leadership, not the people. For doing subversion over the years and for not supporting equal rights for gays and also for doing a nuclear test on Halloween when that's exactly what the evil people want is a nuclear war.
  • Facebook. for continually invading on privacy right thruough their apps and website using a contract to get around the illegal search and seasure law.
  • Evernote: for needing location information for their app.
  • Chinese leadership not their people: for not caring about their people because of smog and population control and environmental damage.
  • The Rothschilds and any company or political group associated with them. Because they support usury slavery and do not promote freedom of will and for enslaving africans to do manual labor in gold mines and diamond mines because they have no other choice for survival. There are probably infinite more crimes against humanity that the rothschilds have done and may be satan worshipers involved with the illuminati. The may have been financially backing hitler. By funding and creating wars they have been responsible for the murder of countless human beings. This all needs to be proven because they work in secret so facts would be good on this one.
  • The Bush presidency for trading freedom for security after 911, both making airport security too tight for the threat level. And for expanding the unconstitutional law of the NSA and spying on the american people.
  • Kia because they presented the Youtube music awards which were for bands that were not good musicians. No actual freedom of choice since the bands were preselected. 
  • mcdonalds for not paying enough to their employees to make a living wage
  • walmart for not paying enough to it's employees to make a living wage and slowly taking away vacation time and benefits.
  • Dole fruits for using pesticides on their farms that cause infertility(movie "bananas")
  • for supporting cloud based technology which takes away the ownership of our own information and puts it into their ownership
  • Bill gates and microsoft for being anti competition and using gmo crops in their organization in africa and for supporting the ban on private gun auctions law in washington state which was what hitler did in nazi germany first and for being associated with and being friends with david rockefellar
  • Hillary clinton for being involved with bill clinton who repealed the "glass steagle act of 1933" which made the 2008 stock market crash possible.
  • Barack obama for taking away company provided healthcare with obamacare and for using drones which commit war crimes and for supporting the patriot act which takes away our 4th amendment rights
  • George bush jr and sr for creating the patriot act which takes away our 4th amendment rights
  • the supreme court for not taking or accepting the case that the patriot act was against the 4th amendment. 
  • goldman sachs for paying for speeches for hillary clinton to support her campaign when she was connected to bill clinton who was against freedom
  • George soros for contributing to hilary clintons campaign who was connected to bill clinton who removed the glass steagle act of 1933

The axis of good so far in WWIII

  • The mexican government for taxing junk food hurting evil companies financially
  • Japan for it's investigation into mafia infiltration into their own government

Unknown which side they're on :
  • george soros
  • hillary clinton 
  • obama
  • ted turner
  • bill gates
  • Apple computers: used to be good under steve jobs but now they seem to be taking biometric information which is stealing information from the people the same as most other internet companies now
  • Canada
  • Europe

Friday, October 25, 2013

I think World War III has just began

We are now in the beginning stages of World War III. This time it's an information war and financial war so there may not be as much military action across the globe. The crisis starting this war is that the republican party is losing favor and the democrats are taking over. And the reason it's a world war is because the issues at stake effect the world. This is about our god given human rights as an entire race of humans not just multiple races of unequal status. A huge shift in power is taking place as noted in a blacklisted news article I read yesterday where there were 8 or more generals replaced in the american military which if true means the balance of power is shifting to which side I don't know for sure yet. I only hope I'm on the winning side when the dust clears. Truth and Liberty don't come cheap. They cost more than "Whole Foods" does. This should be the last time we ever fund wars with money from companies or banks. But if you want to fund this one, go to your favorite movie theater and watch a space movie, or take your money out of the bank, or buy your favorite tech gadget this christmas, and buy coke instead of pepsi, and elect your favorite party in this next election. Timing is crucial. This is it folks, hold on to your butts!
 The way to win this war is to be cool, funny, and sexy, and scare the shit out of 'em with big guns, be smart, listen to cool music, be courageous, this is not about the world as we know it, it is your eternal soul that is at stake here. We have been lied to by all of our governments. Be yourself and don't give in. love.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Couple of Links

A site about theoretical space news

A site of a book about space theory and exopolitics

Video about how secret societies work

news about secret societies

Philosophical basis for events

Video on propaganda and the "truth embargo"

a film about a book that was the bible of rockefellar when creating the trilatteral commission

a description of the elites plan to take over the world

Noam cholmsky about how the world is run and how to save it

A video on what's actually happening on earth right now.

What is going to happen in the first few weeks after the event.

Information sources:

Alternative media blog

news from karen hudes

Heather Tucci

Another freedom fighter blog

Sonic Geometry>>>REAL SHIT!

New Form of Government to Allow Truth And Freedom of Will

There should be a "wikiconstitution" website. People could add and subtract and edit the constition and the edits ar the votes.

Here are my own edits of the constitution:

If minority rule over the majority, such as dictatorships or business monopolies or kings doesn't work for the greater good of the majority. And majority rule over the minority such as democracy over the small groups or socialism over the rich does not serve the greater good of the minority. Then what new system would serve the greater good of everybody and not be another representation of feudalism in its many forms. The answer is having a equal and proportionate separation of power between all separate parties no matter how big or small like how we have the separation of the u.s. Gov into three branches. Of judicial, legislative, and executive, so that we never get one person getting absolute power then being corrupted absolutely. It is only by having the freedom of doing whatever we want as long as it doesn't interfere with another beings rights in a bad way that we can realize our full potential. the true power in us lies in our diversity and the inherent ability in diverse skill sets and mind sets to do and accomplish anything. A world where anything is possible and the truth is free to be told, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness and free will are the only kings, is not too far away.

State government : Equalized separation of powers to avoid feudalism once and for all:
  • Separation of church and state: already in existence.
  • Separation of currency and state: The currency should be commodity based and in the power of the people.The money used should be similar to the Banco or a basket of about 30 different commodities backing the new currency which would not be a fiat currency. Never should you let banks or countries with their own fiat currencies have power over your money or food or commodities ever again the way they did with the dollar as a fiat currency. we need food to live so this is a matter of life or death. It should be a self evident truth that we should be allowed to have our own power over our own food and money and commodities.
  • Separation of business and state: Big business should not be allowed to buy power and form secret governments and secret societies without the knowledge of anyone. By taking away the power that money can buy and separating the power that power holds you will the be forced to psychologically not pursue money and power but to pursue happiness instead.
  • Separation of media and state: Media should not be used as a form of propaganda only giving the states opinion. There should be investigative journalism again as a check to corruption. Each state may have a separate entity than itself own media instead of big business and government owning the whole countries media.
  • Equal vote: Each group of people should have their own representative that makes one vote for their group. No matter how big or small the group ethnic, religious, scientific, business, worker, healthcare, environment, consumers, human rights, labor, democracy, etc. And they should have veto power over any decisions made against their particular group. And if a new group comes into existence then just add one more vote to over all vote count. This idea is not fully formulated and there is probably a better version of this idea that exists that I don't know about.
  • Separation of doctors and free will:
    Doctors should not be allowed to have so much power over patients lives. The power to approve a prescriptions or deny it is power over freedom of will of the patient and can have a harmful effect on the patients love life if it makes them fat or prevents them from becoming skinny or it can actually hurt a patient if you deny them treatment because of politics. Also the power to decide prescriptions gives them power over the free market and whether certain drug companies will make any money. Medications should be treated the same as plants and animals and any other commodity.
  • Separation of banks and free will: 
    Usury(lending money in return for interest) should be outlawed the same way slavery was outlawed because it is after all just another form of slavery. It should be replaced with a credit system with no interest applied.
  • Separation of internet and freedom of will: The cloud based internet is taking control over peoples information where they don't have it on their own hard drives anymore. Therefor information under the power of the people who run the servers now and not the people.
World government is described in the following image:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Comic Books for Part Time Fun

  1. Get car
  2. Make business cards to hand out to customers if friends have comics
  3. Buy comics off of craigs list to sell online Pay 25 cents per comic or more if older pre 70's comics
  4. Buy comics at comic stores 75% off sales
  5. Sell online
  6. Move into comic conventions once have an inventory
  7. Make a comic book store if want to make more profit do full time with partner from convention
Remembering the comic book dealer hero I had as a kid. He always had a smile and was always joking around and went on trips to other countries with profits. Even though I was depressed back then I would always cheer up when going to conventions and going to my favorite dealer.

Comic book long box holds 250 bagged and 300 unbagged comics.
Comic book short box holds 100 bagged and 150 unbagged comics

Comic store link

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Life on the Road

Car insurance estimate =$100/mo
food estimate               =$600/mo
Gas estimate                =$300/mo
Room estimate             =$240/mo if once a week
tickets/events/products =$100/mo

During the winter get an apartment to live in and work temp jobs for money to save up for the next summer.

  1. Pay off credit cards
  2. Buy a car
  3. Go on vacations
  4. Buy land
  5. Build a cabin
  6. Live rent free

  • Solar power
  • Well water
  • Pasteurizing toilet
  • Grey water system
  • Grocery store nearby
  • Hardware store nearby

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Job Satisfaction

In the business world at the lower end we never get to do what we want to do because we're forced to do whatever job that we can get. In the upper class business world there are only certain jobs that make the most money so you're forced to do that as a job. So really in the business world nobody ever gets to do what they want and most people are unhappy as a side effect.
But when you go to school to study and do specifically what you want at least you have a chance of doing what you want. And even though happiness doesn't itself come from a job at least as they say if you do a job you like doing then it's like you've never worked a day in your life.
If money were no object, what would you do for a living?

Friday, May 24, 2013

What I Will NEVER Get

I think it's laughable that the greatest brain in the universe is put on a leash and not let lose to wreak havock on the enemy. And if nobody trusts the smartest brain in the world then why no psychologically test him then let him loose.Yes we now have less needs for brains because computers can do all of the same things but really even the best have no clue what they're doing today in the world and making HUGE mistakes that backfire causing their fall. It would be a big mistake to not let your intelligence on your side FLY.

The greatest brain may or may not be mine.

I tend to like to research conceptual knowledge these days. I'm done with FACTS and into IDEAS now! I tend to think that I really could be one of the greatest brains around even if not the greatest in history because if I really add it up I have the same resume as Da Vinci except without the pomp and circumstance.
I've been an artist, mathematician, code breaker, electronic engineer, mechanical engineer, humorist, writer, architect, theoretical physicist, etc. So I am a renaissance man it's just that I lack every resource to fulfill my abilities and potential.
  • I need better info to research, mostly conceptual and theoretical because that's what I work off of to make new concepts and new theories.
  • I need more money for resources to accomplish projects and goals and maintain mental acuity.
  • I need a girlfriend to want to progress and have a reason even if somehow that interrupts my focus and thinking process which I should still be allowed to do.
  • I need a better safer friendlier and more positive and hoeful environment. Because it's only when feeling good that you can do good. And I need a future to work towards to be motivated. It's the pursuit of happiness that I'm lacking and the hope that any work I do will apply to anything in the future.
  • The truth and for all of this to be real and fact and provably real to me through either analogies and metaphors or other...
Update: The best source of concepts right now seems to be documentaries that have interviews of various people and also lectures of top teachers on a subject, usually philosophical subjects. If it's impossible to keep a secret then all information is out there if you just know where to look. And the best place for that is peoples personal experiences.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Truth...

All war is deception. 
-Sun Tzu the art of war

Bullets and guns are made to kill from a distance. Ultimately they make sure that no matter what you are never able to talk to the people on the other side, and see their point of views, or to see them as even human and to work things out. They keep you from the truth. The only reason people go to war is because they don't know the people on the other side, nobody knows the other side or even themselves. This not knowing the truth is what leads to wars and attrition. The game of "chess" over the Chinese game of "go".
If you want to end all war in the world for all time... make communication between people easy. The freedom of speech. Develope a technology that makes it easy to talk to the other side beyond the guns and artillary and barbed wire. A way to talk beyond all barriers. Other than the laser style sound projector that the military has now, Cell phones could be the breakthrough technology but is also one of the most hackable technologies ever. So it is also one of the most dangerous technologies ever.

It will be very interesting to see if the whole world is destroyed or saved. At least something is happening. And there are still 2 sides so it's not over yet.

...The Truth is the most powerful force in the universe...

The most interesting stories to watch right now is how the president will wiggle out of the scrutiny he's under right now whether he be right or wrong. And to see if afghanistan becomes a narcostate at the same time as the golden triangle and pakistan drug states go under. That's what's interesting to me at the moment.

If you monopolize the truth then you monopolize the power. Secrets and the truth are a powerful thing. And with great power comes great responsibility.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Winning the Lottery

When you get pregnant around here it's like winning the lottery. Because men can't afford to provide for their families anymore because of the social injustices of our modern lives, the women get these rich guys coming out of the woodwork to help them out and give them free stuff. They get promoted to manager or get a job out of thin air of sweeping leaves just because they need something. Just free money. Then their parents come into the equation and buy them an apartment and pay for their plane ticket to a new area. The rich guys even go so far as to create a business for the soul purpose of a job for a pregnant girl.
All of this because we just don't have enough money to raise a family in todays society if you're a normal person working at a normal service job.
All service jobs should be abolished because they're a waste of time. Not earning enough money for the time you work to support a family. Instead we should alllllllllll have family jobs. Another way to solve this failed economy is to get rid of welfair and force people to work while keeping all capital within boarderd and no free trade like japan did. Another way of fixing the problem is releasing people from debt. Insurance costs too much and everything is taken out on loans. Get rid of the problem of needing to spend your full income every month and you'd be able to save up money like the old days and live better.This along with uninterrupted "leave us alone" capitalism you would fix the whole universe. And speaking of universe... this unrestrained growth would force us to go into space to have enough space for all the kids that we want to have.
If you really want to know what the problem is, it's our idiots that we've had in control of things. They didn't realize that we needed to go into space at the beginning of the 20th century. We needed to go nuclear and gravity power a very very long time ago in order to sustain our species. But instead secret societies took over and tried to kill off all of the good people to make an evil planet. So now we're out of luck and out of time and we will all die now. And for some reason it feels right. Like it's almost better that way.
Back to winning the lottery. If you want to know how to win the lottery it is rigged by mechanical or psychic means. They determine who will win before they draw, so the way to win is to have them tell you through propaganda and psychic means that your number is up in the media that you read and the coincidences that happen to you telling you this... it is a terminal number, and if you wish to risk the rest of your life then go ahead and take the dirty money by buying one ticket and letting them let you win.
The whole question really is the principle of the matter. Do you want to take the concept of earning out of the equation. Do you support the secrecy of the rigged game and the concept of gambling. And are you sure you really want those strings attached to you and your conscience.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In a good environment everything else falls into place

The only way I will ever make new technologies is if I had a good environment and was finally happy again. I was right all along. I've always been right because I've been good and felt good. It might all be lost because I've been treated as badly as I've been treated.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Where We Want To Be : Stabilization

Movies: Where we learn morals. Prepare us for any situation.

Music: Create mood. Set rythm. Portray simple ideas in title and lyrics

Internet: Free learning optimized to person. Easily uploaded entertainment. Downloaded free entertainment. Porn. No more online dating sites needed, follies of them described.

School: a place to intermingle and be shown what to study first by parents/elders, not teachers. A place to hang out and waste time. Or a place to accelerate learning and not waste time. May be 2 separate things.

Video games: Social activity at arcades, affordable. Way to intermingle. Learn hand eye coordination. Learn tactical coordination. Train how to use brain to solve problems and puzzles and mensa questions. Learn spacial skills. Memorization skills.

Comics: Learn morals. Prepare us for any situation. Practice the artwork as a "copybook".

Meditation: Train kids how to use there brains and unlock their hidden psychic potential to become better space ship crew.

Worship: Study god and theology and philosophy in friendly non barrier equal way. A way to intermingle. A way to work for no pay and help people. The volunteer and charity capital that all those organizations run out of.

Time: sundial is the only way that cannot be altered by psychic powers. Also time and a schedule is a concept we have to rid ourselves of.

Communication: Mostly done in person and by travel. Has to be unhackable one way communication from a central location telling you just to be somewhere soon and estimate arrival time. Not knowing where you are and other information about you could be a check and balance system for information technology age. All communication devices would need to be from a trusted source and uncomplicated to prevent hidden programs in endless lines of code and circuitry.

Food: Have healthy foods at a central location for meals and snacks. A place to intermingle. You don't have to think about it and battle yourself to decide to eat healthy if you have no choice. Have grass fed low fat buffalo meat in steak form with healthy side vegetable at affordable price which would be better tasting than other options. Barbequed food to dry out for less fat and more smoke flavor. No food network channel to not have us obsess over food.

Dancing: Made in a way to intermingle and have fun when nothing else to do.

Fairs: Made in a way to intermingle and have fun when nothing else to do. Share new ideas and products and toys and games.

Do the opposite of Destabilization. Stabilization.

Where We're At

  • The cow is our predominant food other than the buffalo. Which has more fat and is grain fed not grass fed for cancer causing fats. And chicken which is more labor intensive is somehow cheaper than beef.
  • We have nowhere to hang out other than fast food joints and bars to make us drink and overeat and we're too fat to dance instead.
  • We have no family relationships so we don't pass on our knowledge to our next generation and only care about sex and not relationships.
  • We don't get enough exercise because all of our work is done for us and we just pay for it.
  • We are isolated from each other through invisible barriers. If you do not work somewhere or go to school somewhere you are not really allowed to talk to those people because of social norms and work schedule and rules.
  • We use fossil fuels for our cars instead of super capacitors and high gain multi-layered, solar panels Therefor we cannot travel infinite distances for free.
  • We watch TV because we have nothing to do.
  • Our video games are predominantly first person shooters and do not train the brain.
  • Our music is base instinct rap music.
  • Our entertainment is made to disturb you and make you give up on life by making you depressed. 
We live in a world where we cannot get ahead unless we are allowed to. Our entire destinies are controlled by a select few with special powers. They can control every single minute aspect of your life and decide whether you succeed or not and how you succeed. You have no free will and no choice. It's all a lie.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Secret Societies

At the center of it all is a horrible dark secret. Evil. I feel it. I know it. The "people" controlling my life I am forced to conclude are evil and that I shouldn't help them in any way. They base everything they do off of secrets which are evil because it's taking away the free will of everybody on earth. They milk me. They have every single one of my ideas which they stole. They use my own subconscious habits and actions against me. They control every aspect of the world surrounding me and even my perceptions. They will never let me know reality. They work off of logic and have zero capacity for love or empathy or intuition. Only the people of this world do. Which is what they aim to destroy.

Them: They use information as a shield and as blackmail and have a monopoly on it. They use predictability and equations. They are human just like you and me and have average brains but just know more. They think of us as dogs and themselves as a higher species. They have to inbreed because of all their secrets and small groups. They are cowardly and afraid of any danger or risk at all. They cause all the disasters in the world and profit off of emergencies. They divide and conquer. They switch out medications when you go to the pharmacy to make us want to kill ourselves and not reach our full potential but instead turn into slobs. They use drugs and alcohol to make people pay to kill themselves while the resulting drug war causes even more death and violence. They put stuff in the shots they administer. They put stuff in manufactured food. They put stuff in the water. They put stuff in cosmetics. They put stuff in car additives. They use sounds and lights and smells and secret handshakes to transmit messages. They use phones to track people. They change the messages you send on the internet. They use satellites and lasers in space to burn things. They use voice modulation to impersonate relatives. They send out propaganda in the form of news papers where the sports section is the real source of news. They use subliminal messages in movies. They can remote view. They talk to the dead. They can materialize objects. They can block what you are seeing with your own eyes while you are reading. They can make you unable to think and or control your movements. They can interpret information off of objects you have touched. They control clocks. They have spyware on all computers and know everything about you. They can use this to blackmail you. They make what you type on the computer dyslexic to avoid word searches. They use dams to control both water and energy and give land under the dam to people so that if you destroy the dam you kill people in the flood, which only works if the purpose is kept secret. They prevent key technologies from reaching the market that would save the world.
And these are not even the super technologies that I know exist but haven't written down here.
The ultimate goal being to overpopulate the earth, have the labor mine and extract all the earths materials and resources, cause a crisis, then have a second coming of lucifer instead of Christ, kill off all the good people while the 2% who are sociopaths and have brain damage survive, and have evil inherit the Earth. Which only works if it's kept secret.

How to spot them: They don't smile and are ugly angry people, they own large sums of money and only care about material wealth. 

The way to win: Do things unexpected and dangerous. Cause them risk. Attack the finances, make friends and socialize become a functioning fun group of people. Laugh about things. Grow your own food. Use solar panels. Purify your own water. Never stop being a good person and believing in god. Know reality and remember the past, exercise and diet. Destroy their intelligence sources. Show the news tastefully. use electronic cigarettes. Buy local. Use the secret weapon.
 Please make copy's of this and hand it out. Thank you! 
 Create competing industry. Tax thier products. Give bad reviews to their movies. Give good reviews to your movies. Show uplifting news. Create positive uplifting results. Control thier material resources. Educate. Vote them out. Create laws against them. Bring them to court for thier crimes. control the media. Trap them with info. Sheild yourself with info. Sabotage. Spy. Control energy. Ruin their reputation. Inspire. Tell jokes. Disrupt meetings. Make alliances. Create chaos for those in charge. Through a multi tactic offense and defense the side of freedom and truth can win. Lets get these mother fuckers.
 We are now in the beginning stages of World War III. This time it's an information war and there may not be as much military action across the globe. The crisis starting this war is that the republican party is losing favor and the democrats are taking over. And the reason it's a world war is because the issues at stake effect the world. This is about our god given human rights as an entire race of humans not just multiple races of unequal status. A huge shift in power is taking place as noted in a blacklisted news article I read yesterday where there were 8 or more generals replaced in the american military which if true means the balance of power is shifting to which side I don't know for sure yet. I only hope I'm on the winning side when the dust clears. Truth and Liberty don't come cheap. They cost more than "Whole Foods" does. This should be the last time we ever fund wars with money from companies or banks. But if you want to fund this one, go to your favorite movie theater and watch a space movie, or take your money out of the bank, or buy your favorite tech gadget this christmas, and buy coke instead of pepsi, and elect your favorite party in this next election. Timing is crucial. This is it folks, hold on to your butts!
 The way to win this war is to be cool, funny, and sexy, and scare the shit out of 'em with big guns, be smart, be courageous, this is not about the world as we know it, it is your eternal soul that is at stake here. We have been lied to by all of our governments. Be yourself and don't give in. love.
 Evils funding sources. This is all theory but if you dismantle their funding sources and arrest them then youve won. Theres only a finite number of them living. And we have ways of getting Info out of you once we capture you. But the funding sources might be. Insurance. Opium. Banks that use usery to gain wealth. And anything the mafia is involved with. Apparently the monopolies over diamonds might b america's doing and the monopoly over gold might be also. And the stock market is probably on the side of good because it elected a president without lobbyists or campaign contributions.