Friday, October 25, 2013

I think World War III has just began

We are now in the beginning stages of World War III. This time it's an information war and financial war so there may not be as much military action across the globe. The crisis starting this war is that the republican party is losing favor and the democrats are taking over. And the reason it's a world war is because the issues at stake effect the world. This is about our god given human rights as an entire race of humans not just multiple races of unequal status. A huge shift in power is taking place as noted in a blacklisted news article I read yesterday where there were 8 or more generals replaced in the american military which if true means the balance of power is shifting to which side I don't know for sure yet. I only hope I'm on the winning side when the dust clears. Truth and Liberty don't come cheap. They cost more than "Whole Foods" does. This should be the last time we ever fund wars with money from companies or banks. But if you want to fund this one, go to your favorite movie theater and watch a space movie, or take your money out of the bank, or buy your favorite tech gadget this christmas, and buy coke instead of pepsi, and elect your favorite party in this next election. Timing is crucial. This is it folks, hold on to your butts!
 The way to win this war is to be cool, funny, and sexy, and scare the shit out of 'em with big guns, be smart, listen to cool music, be courageous, this is not about the world as we know it, it is your eternal soul that is at stake here. We have been lied to by all of our governments. Be yourself and don't give in. love.

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