Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Form of Government to Allow Truth And Freedom of Will

There should be a "wikiconstitution" website. People could add and subtract and edit the constition and the edits ar the votes.

Here are my own edits of the constitution:

If minority rule over the majority, such as dictatorships or business monopolies or kings doesn't work for the greater good of the majority. And majority rule over the minority such as democracy over the small groups or socialism over the rich does not serve the greater good of the minority. Then what new system would serve the greater good of everybody and not be another representation of feudalism in its many forms. The answer is having a equal and proportionate separation of power between all separate parties no matter how big or small like how we have the separation of the u.s. Gov into three branches. Of judicial, legislative, and executive, so that we never get one person getting absolute power then being corrupted absolutely. It is only by having the freedom of doing whatever we want as long as it doesn't interfere with another beings rights in a bad way that we can realize our full potential. the true power in us lies in our diversity and the inherent ability in diverse skill sets and mind sets to do and accomplish anything. A world where anything is possible and the truth is free to be told, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness and free will are the only kings, is not too far away.

State government : Equalized separation of powers to avoid feudalism once and for all:
  • Separation of church and state: already in existence.
  • Separation of currency and state: The currency should be commodity based and in the power of the people.The money used should be similar to the Banco or a basket of about 30 different commodities backing the new currency which would not be a fiat currency. Never should you let banks or countries with their own fiat currencies have power over your money or food or commodities ever again the way they did with the dollar as a fiat currency. we need food to live so this is a matter of life or death. It should be a self evident truth that we should be allowed to have our own power over our own food and money and commodities.
  • Separation of business and state: Big business should not be allowed to buy power and form secret governments and secret societies without the knowledge of anyone. By taking away the power that money can buy and separating the power that power holds you will the be forced to psychologically not pursue money and power but to pursue happiness instead.
  • Separation of media and state: Media should not be used as a form of propaganda only giving the states opinion. There should be investigative journalism again as a check to corruption. Each state may have a separate entity than itself own media instead of big business and government owning the whole countries media.
  • Equal vote: Each group of people should have their own representative that makes one vote for their group. No matter how big or small the group ethnic, religious, scientific, business, worker, healthcare, environment, consumers, human rights, labor, democracy, etc. And they should have veto power over any decisions made against their particular group. And if a new group comes into existence then just add one more vote to over all vote count. This idea is not fully formulated and there is probably a better version of this idea that exists that I don't know about.
  • Separation of doctors and free will:
    Doctors should not be allowed to have so much power over patients lives. The power to approve a prescriptions or deny it is power over freedom of will of the patient and can have a harmful effect on the patients love life if it makes them fat or prevents them from becoming skinny or it can actually hurt a patient if you deny them treatment because of politics. Also the power to decide prescriptions gives them power over the free market and whether certain drug companies will make any money. Medications should be treated the same as plants and animals and any other commodity.
  • Separation of banks and free will: 
    Usury(lending money in return for interest) should be outlawed the same way slavery was outlawed because it is after all just another form of slavery. It should be replaced with a credit system with no interest applied.
  • Separation of internet and freedom of will: The cloud based internet is taking control over peoples information where they don't have it on their own hard drives anymore. Therefor information under the power of the people who run the servers now and not the people.
World government is described in the following image:

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