They are going to try and brainwash you with psychological warfare. They will try and make you feel powerless, try to make you give up, make you think you are not special and have no value when the exact opposite is true. Never give up!
- Energy frequencies: When referring to psychic or spiritual energies is impossible to prove exists and that electrical frequencies or sound frequencies or time code frequencies have any effect on the physical body other than mild annoyance at best is highly questionable and unscientific.
- Shakras: The different parts of the body with different energies and colors is totally unprovable and does not have any basis in reality and would not even make sense if it was real that your feet energies should control any aspect of your spirit. Nonsensical and unprovable and unscientific.
- Meditation: This was originally prescibed to cure mental illness or insanity(sanitary brain) instead of medical aid. Your brain can only really come to conclusions and not change its own emotions unless outside influence changes those emotions. Meditation is not a science and is just a placebo.
- Energy vortexes: Why would a vortex have any greater effect on us that any other form of energy? and why would it be located on a specific place on the earth's surface, and not undergrouns and doesn't move with the weather like an actual weather vortex? And why does geometry supposedly effect this? And what type of energy is it? Totally the most unscientific idea I've heard yet.
- The power of Intent: That just feeling a certain way or thinking a certain thing can bring that thing to you is total brain washing of the public into non action. This is a typical propaganda disinformation campaign to enslave the people. Total nonsense and unscientific.
- I AM, DO, BE: When these terms are used in improper english in sentences describing how you feel and what you are doing always brings the writers credibility into question. These are powerful words to some people like trigger words used to trigger certain emotions but they have no actual useful meaning other than trying to make you also talk like an idiot if you copy them.
- Holographic Universe: The universe may in fact be a complex algorythm. But nobody actually knows this equation and this holographic universe term is actually used to make you separate yourself from reality thinking that everything around you is actually fake when in fact it's real and can kill you. This is another trick to manipulate your mind into inaction and trying to find magical solutions to the worlds problems from within when you have to actually get off your ass and do something to solve problems.
- Interdimentional Travel: Fist off there is no way to EVER prove through science that there is another dimetion to existence. Because it is outside of our reality and therefore not testable. This is the least scientific term ever created but the science pundit Michio Kaku supports it with string theory which is false science on its face because it's untestable. And secondly to think that you could travel through these dimentions through a star gate is even more unlikely. More likely is that there is just one dimention of many layers and facets, and using the word dimension is just a bad choice of words to begin with and doesn't accurately describe the real universe.
- Time Travel: Cause and effect and history itself and paradoxes negate the possibility of time travel. This is a brainwashing campaign word to make you think that there is someone out there with ultimate power that can change your life with this technology to make you feel helpless and fear. Typical disinformation and propaganda.
- Prophecy: Impossible unless you're simply predicting the weather. because time travel is impossible.
- Teleportation: This is currently not possible with existing technology and may never be possible. It basically defies every rational way of thinking. So it's most likely not possible.
- Spiritual Healing: Just go to the freaking doctors already. This is fake and makes you feel good about dieing slowly. This is brainwashing and is unscientific and imaginary magic that never has worked in the history of all medicine men. Escpescially not the fake ones we see promoting this these days.
- Miracles: Basically it's a lie to get you to believe in jesus. You have to witness a miracle for it to be real not just something written down 2000 years ago and edited since to control you.
- Stargate: No evidence that there are other dimentions or that stargates can let you travel between them. This is pure conjecture and isn't worth thinking about.
- Portals: That you can open up a portal in a person that lets out a lot of good energy that can change a planet is not very believable. And that positive change doesn't just come from people cooperating and communicating and being moral people of their own free will is hard to believe. And why did it take 5000-13000 years for a portal to emerge and then another few right after that within a few months? This is too nonsensical to consider and is unscientific and controversial.
- Sacred Geometry: That a special shape has special powers is retarded. Devices specifically made for a specific purpose with energy then applied to them have special powers, like lasers. Not some inanimate object with no energy applied and no specific reason to have any effects other than being a paper weight.
- Karma: There is no proof that anything you do in this universe has any consequences. If you became saved by god, then sinned and made a deal with the devil, and then got saved again, and then made another deal with the devil until being saved yet again would negate the whole concept of consequence to any of your actions. But I would say there is something to be said for how you feel personally after doing something that was wrong. There may be actual psychic consequences to actions.
Terms that could be real:
- Ghosts: There have been some caught on film, and I have actually seen one when I was a kid and no doubt everyone else has had personal experinces that they can't deny.
- Psychic powers: These were proven in the early 1900's and then were quickly disproven and dicredited and are now looked upon with disgrace and disaproval. There is no more research going on in the U.S. of psychics but the new world leader in that research is the UK and you don't pump money into researching something that isn't real. Not only that but there may be psychic boosting medications that have been made and could be being kept secret.
- Aliens: There's no reason that aliens wouldn't exist and could travel between planets with gravity and time dialation technology. They would be a lot more advanced than us and always develope along certain evolutionary paths like lizards, insects, mammals, and amphibians etc. Because those planetary environment adaptation principles apply across the universe. They would have had the same governments and ideas and concepts and technologies and would be either good or evil and be able to help us or to hurt us and there's no telling how many of them there are or the percentage of good and evil ones. And if somehow they had a technology to look human and talk like us somehow there would be no telling how many of them would actually be walking among us right now. Also there are infinite UFO sightings across the world of technology that is far in advance of earth technology giving credence aliens visiting us.
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