Wednesday, December 4, 2013

False Destructive Concepts

  • The concept of scarcity is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of mental illness is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of land ownership is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of the petroleum based economy is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of bills and debt are false concepts implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept that Mars and Venus are uninhabitable is unprovable since our government has proven untrustworthy, and this concept has been implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of overpopulation is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of necessary evil is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people... There is no such thing as a necessary evil. Evil is not necessary.
  • The concept of the inequality is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people. 
  • The concept of Jobs is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of worthlessness is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of subtle imperceptable downward trends although they work is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of intellectual property is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
  • The concept of secrecy is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.

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