Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Event Considerations and how the Astral Plane Effects It and True Strength

The thing about "the event" and a paradigm shift that big is that showing people information that is that new and different will be extremely hard to believe by a lot of people. Who knows the percentage that won't be able to accept the information. So it actually has to be a gradual teaching process once you have control over the media. And really they still may not be ready for it even if you prove everything to them because people may actually need to be spiritually ready to accept new knowledge which means that if the astral plane actually exists then it is of utmost importance to0 get that cleared before you actually show them the pink elephant of aliens and gods and ascended masters and gravity propulsion etc. because they may not even believe their own eyes and it may drive them crazy and they may not accept it.
Really the big question is why did it take exactly 25000 years for us to get to the point of making computers to share information and create drones and atomic bombs to kill every lifeform on earth and then right exactly when things are getting unsopable was exactly 25000 years after the negative energy took over. This problem of beleivability of this whole scenario we're in right now lends credence to it either not being real, or that evil is actually a force of good going easy on us so that we can win no matter what and really there was never anything to be afraid of and there are no real consequences in the universe and it's all just an illusion. In fact evil was built into the universe in the first place so why would the universe build in a factor that would destroy itself??? So satan actually being an angel makes more sense than satan actually being evil. But can a soul be destroyed in a black hole??? That's another question. Or can it turn purely evil and be irreversible? None of this makes any sense because I obviously don't have the full picture or any real facts yet.
If you knew that the universe was all just an illusion and there was no evil. And if you knew that there were no consequences to anything, and if you knew what was in store for you in the future and you'd have to go through infinite trials and tribulations, would you agree to comply and play the game of your own free will??? That's the real power in the universe, free will.
Knowledge and mental prowess is not the real strength in this world because there is always infinite more things to learn and you will eventually always forget those things and need to learn them again, and anything you can do there's always other people that can do it too and take your place. So really what is the true power or strength in this world??? It may be, if it even exists at all, you spiritual frequency or level and strength. This spiritual strength may be what decides your ability to enect your own free will upon the universe and to keep others from enacting their negative free will upon you, if in fact spiritual energy and the etherial plane effects the physical world in the form of luck and mind sets and actions and world events creating either entropy or regeneration or counter-entropy.
Because after all is the reason of living to live and experience and carry out your own pursuit of happiness. this is our freedom of will. To do this you want help and don't want hurt. To prevent hurt you may need higher personal spiritual/psychic powers and spiritual/psychic allies. 
 My bullshit detector turned on when I heard the words "masters" or "Contract". When reading about the "galactic federation of light". There is no soul contract that we must die because we could find a cure to death. and there is no such things as masters of anything. We are masters of our own destiny which is freedom of will. Bad use of words and the use of trigger words and easily manipulated language is usually a sign of evil.
What we have to be the most cautious of is strangers/romans bearing gifts. This could easily be a ploy to lure us into a trap. This is our biggest danger as a human race in the coming changes. Only the few among us who can sense danger and evil will be able to avoid such trickery and will have to guide all the others that don't have full senses and feelings. "Know reality" is the main qualification of a starship captain and that quality may be needed soon.

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