Step 1. Know your enemy, What evil is trying to achieve:
- Get rid of ammunition by making it cost more through the implementation of green bullets, have gun registration to later know where the guns are when you outlaw them.
- Introduce GMO's which in studies were show that when fed constantly to animals, the 3rd generation were unable to have children from altered genetics by the GMO's, as a form of genocide and eugenics. Basically copying what has already happened on the grey alien planet of zeta reticuli where all offspring are genetically engineered into slavery.
- Silence whistle blowers by imprisoning reporters and wistleblowers as terrorists and censoring TV and internet as in europe. Poison the environment and control the education system and media to dumb down the population.
- Arrest and torture every single freedom fighter and also kill them. Assassinate leaders. Eventually kill off most of the people on planet earth into a controllable number.
- Create false revolutions to promote imperial agenda of over throwing other rulers by sabotaging electricity and water and economy to create artificial shortages causing discontent creating a problem then offering a solution of a new evil leader that is no better or even worse.
- Destroy the dollar and replace it with another currency that the people don't control but banks and governments control. Impose heavier taxes.
How to create a positive revolt or reverse an evil revolt using concepts of freedom and truth:
Disenfranchise evil:
- Arrest them
- Get rid of their funding sources
- Don't pay taxes
- Seize their property
- Educate
- Give supplies and money
- Provide alternate modes of survival
- Create an event that destroys their funding sources and jails all who committed crime while still maintaining working infrastructures for peoples survival, Redistribute wealth to the people, redistribute power to the people, Take over control of the media with positive military force and show the truth to humanity.
Step 3. Assess the capability to actually carry out positive objectives... Can you win?If not then retreat and regroup with friends in another part of the world and live to fight another day.
- The only way to win is for the entire planet to make unified moral decisions together.
- The only way that is possible is through complete transparency and education of people about facts and the media is the fastest form of education, once reality is known then people can act together on it.
- Also if the people of America revolted they would not win because of how big and evil the industrial military complex is right now. So the only way to revolt would be if there was a big enough truth revealed to the people that the entire military then refused to take orders or became a positive military, but then again they'd just replace moral soldiers with drones. Or another solution would be to arrest all the evil people controlling the industrial military complex and giving orders to turn it into a positive military.
- So the main objective to educate the main population and reveal a big enough truth to cause positive change, is to control the media as the best form of fast education, otherwise we cannot win.
- Since we cannot do that ourselves within a meaningful time frame on a world wide scale we need to retreat and regroup with outside help. Outside help is our only hope of winning. Within the near term.
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