Thursday, November 21, 2013

What it's going to take to Save the World

What it's going to take:
The entire human race as a whole needs to make unified moral decisions based on awareness. Making immoral decisions, separation, and lack of awareness will lead to the destruction of the planet. To make moral decis...ions the people need to be aware of the issues and what's going on to be able to make a decision about it. If we all in unison say that we do not want to pay taxes which half of it goes to the military industrial complex because we don't want war, then they won't be able to enforce the law. What good is a rule if nobody follows it(quoted from the thundercats!)Not even the people in power if they are moral and making moral decisions will be able to win this war because they are being road blocked. This problem of saving the world requires everyone as a whole.

First step:
The best way to raise awareness is in the same way that awareness was raised about marajuana and now most people now think it's harmless and want it legalized we have to come to this kind of awareness about all issues effecting humanity.

Second step:
Make Moral/mature decisions as one people with one mind unanimously.

Polling data is the best way to monitor the awareness level of planet earth.

You either choose love outward concepts helping others or choose hate inward selfish concepts.

Now that you know and understand what has to happen, you can at least have peace of mind going forward, even if the planet is doomed.
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Concepts that need to be understood more by all are: GMO's, Slavery in all its forms(credit, contracts, taxes, laws, apps, patents/licensing/registration, monopolies, etc.), currency is food, Fracking, Privacy laws, Death Robots, what really causes war, real causes and cures of diseases, Hidden revolutionary technologies, torture, animal rights, secret cults/societies.

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