There should be a national go on strike day where everybody in the country or even the world goes on strike and because there's nothing to do when you're on strike there can be speaker. People with High courage and wisdom and reputation and fighting prowess and courage and spiritual power who talk about a new form of society and about the Iroquois. Because it seems that going on strike is the only effective means of communication between big business and the government and the people. And public speakers are the only effective means to communicate to large amounts of people. This event would have to have a large advertising campaign building up to it.
If you were to authentically show a science or invention or multiple that actually worked that were being hidden from the citizens of the world, then you could ask them the question "what other sciences have been hidden from the world?" like the science black out of wwII in atomic research which is provable. Is psychic ability actually real and provable? Is gravity control technology actually possible for space travel if you destroy one particle with an antiparticle? Are infinite energy sources actually possible? This argument if pulled off successfully would outrage the people so much that they would demand change but it would also have the effect of inspiring them that a better future was possible.
Because of the size of the population of the world and needing to teach all of them certain key concepts, you need control of the mass media.
The world is at war. It's the evil slavers vs. the good slavers. The problem is that they are all still slave owners. That's the definition of what any big business or government is.
There are 4 ways I can think of at this time that you can stop being a slave to your slave owner conceptually:
1. Go work for another slave owner with better rules : The problem with this is that you'd still be a slave and would never live the life of the Iroquois unless you kept on trading up to utopia. The utopian slave owner business model would make the slave owner earn asd much money and have as much power as the people. Also these imaginary businesses that would hire you instantly from your present job don't exist right now.
2.Stop working all together and go on strike : The problem with this is that you would run out of food and money and eventually starve which is what they want anyway. Hopefully they would change there rules but they would still be your slave owners and nothing would have really changed. Or they would just fire you for striking like walmarts policy is.
3.Rise up and punish your slave owner for the crimes they have committed against humanity andthen in the chaos find a new leader: The problem with this is that they want war and profit off of it and there would be a lot of casualties on both sides and in the chaos evil might still take the new positions of power.
4. Become as a people of slaves a new family to fight the other slave owner families and create a family feud: The problem with this scenario is that there would still be casualties on both sides but the evil would lose their power and the good could organize better but we do not have any means of communicating right now or organizing. and just the act of separation might be the best scenario out of the 4 and jailing might be possible. But for this you need effective communication and leaders before anything even starts. Ideally you'd have small groups of people who had war leaders but there would be lots of these small groups with lots of leaders and they would all come together under a convincing argument not an actual leader. The concept would lead them. Which is exactly how the roman empire fell actually was lots of gernerals each calling themselves ceasar and lots of armies except the difference is that this time it's a financial and information war not a military war.
The goal is to have as many leaders or generals as you can not in the conventional sense though. That has been the failing of every great spiritual leader that has died is that they kept the idea and the power of spreading the idea for themselves and have been the target to be shot and the message then ended. Instead everyone should give the message and everyone should have the power of the idea and everyone should be the leader. It should be in the hands of the people. And the ultimate leader of everybody is just an idea, and as they said in the movie "V for Vendetta" And Idea cannot be killed.
What I need in my life is some PIE!. Which is an acronym that means "Positive Inclusive Empowering". Right now everything I read in the news is negative, I am not involved in any part of helping to fix the world, and I really don't feel like there's any options or choices I have of things I can actually do to help. So for right now the world is doomed because of these reasons and I just have to watch it go down in flames.
The catch phrase should be "All you need is the Iroquois" Because there system and success is the one to copy mostly maybe with some cosmetic changes.
First step, testing on a small scale:
What's happening in Egypt and the jasmine revolution and the orange revolution is a "test". What our government and other powers do is they install different matrixes around the world after taking over a government by bruit force, just to test out the different matrix types. That's why every country is different. Our whole planet is one big experiment. If you are going to make decisions about chan...ging the entire world you want to be sure that the actions carried out cause the intended effects. So they test out strategy on a smaller scale ahead of time in small countries that don't matter before they scale it up to a global action. They also use this information on conflicts to enact policies in america to maintain a stong home base of imperialism and decrease the chances of a popular uprising at home.
What I don't know is if the revolution experiment going on in the middle east was started by the side of "control" or the side of "freedom". Whoever started all of it doesn't really matter because either way it will still be an example of how to make freedom work or how to hault freedom or popular uprising based on the results of the conflict. So we're all waiting to see what finally happens in egypt!!! Everyone power on earth will be able to see and utilize this information in future strategies. Change takes time.
What I don't know is if the revolution experiment going on in the middle east was started by the side of "control" or the side of "freedom". Whoever started all of it doesn't really matter because either way it will still be an example of how to make freedom work or how to hault freedom or popular uprising based on the results of the conflict. So we're all waiting to see what finally happens in egypt!!! Everyone power on earth will be able to see and utilize this information in future strategies. Change takes time.
What to test and carry out world wide:
Reveal the lies and the trust will be lost and then the secrecy questioned.
We can't let 3D printer designed objects be patented and copyrighted and monopolized for hundreds of years like every other invention in history. We need freedom of the 3D printing press!
Hackers should be focusing on releasing secret patent filings of inventions that are in direct competition with the profit of other big business but have no actual reason to be classified other than profit. Knowing this people would get enraged and wonder what else is secret such as infinite energy technology or space travel patents etc.
Stop paying credit card bills and other loan payments, as a form of non violent protest. It being the main funding source for the cabal other than taxes.
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