Monday, May 13, 2013

Where We Want To Be : Stabilization

Movies: Where we learn morals. Prepare us for any situation.

Music: Create mood. Set rythm. Portray simple ideas in title and lyrics

Internet: Free learning optimized to person. Easily uploaded entertainment. Downloaded free entertainment. Porn. No more online dating sites needed, follies of them described.

School: a place to intermingle and be shown what to study first by parents/elders, not teachers. A place to hang out and waste time. Or a place to accelerate learning and not waste time. May be 2 separate things.

Video games: Social activity at arcades, affordable. Way to intermingle. Learn hand eye coordination. Learn tactical coordination. Train how to use brain to solve problems and puzzles and mensa questions. Learn spacial skills. Memorization skills.

Comics: Learn morals. Prepare us for any situation. Practice the artwork as a "copybook".

Meditation: Train kids how to use there brains and unlock their hidden psychic potential to become better space ship crew.

Worship: Study god and theology and philosophy in friendly non barrier equal way. A way to intermingle. A way to work for no pay and help people. The volunteer and charity capital that all those organizations run out of.

Time: sundial is the only way that cannot be altered by psychic powers. Also time and a schedule is a concept we have to rid ourselves of.

Communication: Mostly done in person and by travel. Has to be unhackable one way communication from a central location telling you just to be somewhere soon and estimate arrival time. Not knowing where you are and other information about you could be a check and balance system for information technology age. All communication devices would need to be from a trusted source and uncomplicated to prevent hidden programs in endless lines of code and circuitry.

Food: Have healthy foods at a central location for meals and snacks. A place to intermingle. You don't have to think about it and battle yourself to decide to eat healthy if you have no choice. Have grass fed low fat buffalo meat in steak form with healthy side vegetable at affordable price which would be better tasting than other options. Barbequed food to dry out for less fat and more smoke flavor. No food network channel to not have us obsess over food.

Dancing: Made in a way to intermingle and have fun when nothing else to do.

Fairs: Made in a way to intermingle and have fun when nothing else to do. Share new ideas and products and toys and games.

Do the opposite of Destabilization. Stabilization.

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