First off roads are not very efficient. You can only have so many cars on a road and so much space available to put roads, and they contribute to the heat island effect and also harm the environment. They were mostly invented for national defense when we needed to transport military equipment around the country and trains were too inefficient and planes weren't even invented yet.
But in reality the sky can have infinite traffic, and is safer and also when done correctly. You may need a runway but there are natural runways such as beaches and lakes.
Now the vehicle that is best built for air travel:
Helicopter: Is expensive to build and maintain, but is also potentially dangerous because down drafts are possible, and they are less efficient at getting from point A to point B because most of their energy is used in upward lift. But this vehicle still has its applications for if you have no runway and need to get to extremely inaccessible areas such as mountains or forest.
Airplane: Is another expensive type of air craft, and they usually have a lot of moving parts and need constant maintenance. But they are good for hauling heavy loads and can be pressurized and heated inside of the passenger compartment. Also they are the safest form of travel known to man other than maglev trains.
Ultralight: Is can be easily constructed, and has less moving parts that can fail or need maintenance, and is efficient at getting from point A to point B. But it is not able to carry heavy loads, instead this is more for recreation and maybe short trips around unpopulated areas.
But what I think is the pinnacle of personal transportation is a very powerful ultralight of some kind(my favorite right now is the motorized hang glider). The power would let it haul heavy loads. As long as you didn't have the fear of heights. But any future ultralight will have "AC induction electric motors" and ultra capacitor energy storage. This type of device has almost zero maintenance, and can only break if it crashes. Watch out for tall grass getting caught in the propeller though.
I consider this the safest and most user friendly and the cheapest form of future transportation for a world without roads. But that's just an imaginary world. So instead I just will get one of these ultralights of my own, when I'm rich. And I might live in Alaska where I can go to secret lakes and charge my ultra capacitor energy storage with photovoltaics. And there's never a need to worry about parts freezing because the capacitor is solid state and also the motor only has bearings as the only moving part.
Or I may instead choose to go to hidden deserted tropical islands with my ultralight that is equipped with pontoons. But I'd have to bring survival gear and live off of the land.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Permanent Fortification, or Camp, or Shelter
Or to be more accurate, a structure that can instantly be assembled, and instantly disassembled, and is a shelter that lasts indefinitely, and in which all modern conveniences can be included, and can be built in any climate.
What is needed is a geodesic dome, some kind of thin plastic material to be shingled with the use of "grip clips", and then dirt is put on top of that, for heat retention, and to keep the plastic from creating a greenhouse inside.
Geodesic dome: The most primitive version is to use sticks, of exactly the same length that have the ends carved flat with a knife, and then a hole is drilled into the flat end. Then they are assembled with standard nuts and bolts at the intersections.
The second better way of construction is just substituting metal electrical conduit for the sticks. The ends are flattened with a hammer and then a hole is drilled into the flattened part. Then connect them with standard nuts and bolts. This should only cost around 50$, if you already have tools. See: This video.
Thin plastic material: The most primitive version is standard garbage bags. The thicker the bag, the better, so that it will support heavy dirt. These are shingled onto the geodesic dome with "Grip clips".
The other material that may be used is ordinary camping tarps, of any color or type.
Mound of dirt: First you need a piece of land. Then you pile dirt over the geodesic dome, if you live in an environment that has dirt. If you were to put a layer of foliage over top of the dirt, or plant living plants(Such as moss or grass) into the mound of dirt then you wouldn’t have the problem of erosion of the mound. If that does become a problem.
Theoretically this camp can be constructed in less than a day. And has a wide range of environments that it can be adapted to. Such as in temperate climates you wouldn’t need a mound of dirt, but instead the plastic layer would act as a greenhouse. Or in extremely cold climates you would have the dirt on top of one geodesic dome, and then you would have a second geodesic dome and plastic over top of everything, to act as a greenhouse that would also store heat during the night.
And if you don’t like cold or hot climates then migrate south for the winter every year, to your second property.
Modern Conveniences: First you need a solar panel and a battery and an inverter. Watts= Amps(x) Volts. With the money saved on rent or a mortgage you can buy at least 500$/mo of new modern conveniences every month.
Warmth: An electric space heater.
Air conditioning: Wear a wet shirt, when it's windy it's like being in a fridge. Or have a thermo electric "solid state" air conditioner(Solar panels are the key to marketing this device, because solid state is less efficient that standard mechanical AC).
Furniture: Foldable or inflatable furniture.
Food: Either live off the land, or go to the store.
Refrigeration: A "solid state" portable cooler, that is solar powered. And it makes its own ice that lasts through the night. Or just have backup stored solar power. Or an ice box with a tank of water next to it that is frozen with the thermo electric effect during the day and melts during the night(Yet to be invented, because no market for it yet). Which would mean no need for a battery to store daytime energy that would be used to run the fridge at night.
Clothes washing: Either have synthetic water proof clothing(100%nylon/acrylic) that you wash with alcohol and lemon soaked rags. Or a bucket of soapy water and a clean plunger to agitate cotton clothes with.
Shower: Soapy water, and a rag, and shampoo.
Entertainment: Depends on you tastes. Have satellite internet on a laptop (AT&T laptop connect card), and watch shows on their network site. Have DVD’s on laptop. Have video game ROMS and emulators all on 1 flash memory card, and a USB controller(10$new, or thrift store).
Lighting: Florescent, or lots of super bright LED's, or flat/flexible OLED ceiling light(Yet to be invented until around 2010).
Flooring: Plaster, or adobe bricks that are put down and then soaked with water to bind them and to strengthen them. Or your own personal preference of flooring over top of that.
Cooking: A rocket stove made out of adobe. Smoke meat, on racks over a smoky fire.
Fresh water: Boil rain water, or put into a simple distiller, or chlorinate and let the chlorine evaporate from the container, before drinking.
Transportation: Have GPS to find your land locked property or deserted island. Then get there or anywhere with an AC induction motor, and super capacitor powered vehicle(Yet to be invented until late 2009).
Communication: Cell phone.
Bathroom: Either a bucket with a bag in it that you burn later, or the less smelly and easier version of having a bucket with water and a chlorine tablet in it and also CLR septic system acid. and you bury it in a hole nearby when disinfected. Then reuse bucket. This is either in a wooden structure or open air with tarps for privacy and rain. But if there is hardly any smell, because of complete disinfection, then just have it in the house, and chlorine off-gassing won't be a problem with only one pool tablet, or a lid put on the bucket.
What is needed is a geodesic dome, some kind of thin plastic material to be shingled with the use of "grip clips", and then dirt is put on top of that, for heat retention, and to keep the plastic from creating a greenhouse inside.
Geodesic dome: The most primitive version is to use sticks, of exactly the same length that have the ends carved flat with a knife, and then a hole is drilled into the flat end. Then they are assembled with standard nuts and bolts at the intersections.
The second better way of construction is just substituting metal electrical conduit for the sticks. The ends are flattened with a hammer and then a hole is drilled into the flattened part. Then connect them with standard nuts and bolts. This should only cost around 50$, if you already have tools. See: This video.
Thin plastic material: The most primitive version is standard garbage bags. The thicker the bag, the better, so that it will support heavy dirt. These are shingled onto the geodesic dome with "Grip clips".
The other material that may be used is ordinary camping tarps, of any color or type.
Mound of dirt: First you need a piece of land. Then you pile dirt over the geodesic dome, if you live in an environment that has dirt. If you were to put a layer of foliage over top of the dirt, or plant living plants(Such as moss or grass) into the mound of dirt then you wouldn’t have the problem of erosion of the mound. If that does become a problem.
Theoretically this camp can be constructed in less than a day. And has a wide range of environments that it can be adapted to. Such as in temperate climates you wouldn’t need a mound of dirt, but instead the plastic layer would act as a greenhouse. Or in extremely cold climates you would have the dirt on top of one geodesic dome, and then you would have a second geodesic dome and plastic over top of everything, to act as a greenhouse that would also store heat during the night.
And if you don’t like cold or hot climates then migrate south for the winter every year, to your second property.
Modern Conveniences: First you need a solar panel and a battery and an inverter. Watts= Amps(x) Volts. With the money saved on rent or a mortgage you can buy at least 500$/mo of new modern conveniences every month.
Warmth: An electric space heater.
Air conditioning: Wear a wet shirt, when it's windy it's like being in a fridge. Or have a thermo electric "solid state" air conditioner(Solar panels are the key to marketing this device, because solid state is less efficient that standard mechanical AC).
Furniture: Foldable or inflatable furniture.
Food: Either live off the land, or go to the store.
Refrigeration: A "solid state" portable cooler, that is solar powered. And it makes its own ice that lasts through the night. Or just have backup stored solar power. Or an ice box with a tank of water next to it that is frozen with the thermo electric effect during the day and melts during the night(Yet to be invented, because no market for it yet). Which would mean no need for a battery to store daytime energy that would be used to run the fridge at night.
Clothes washing: Either have synthetic water proof clothing(100%nylon/acrylic) that you wash with alcohol and lemon soaked rags. Or a bucket of soapy water and a clean plunger to agitate cotton clothes with.
Shower: Soapy water, and a rag, and shampoo.
Entertainment: Depends on you tastes. Have satellite internet on a laptop (AT&T laptop connect card), and watch shows on their network site. Have DVD’s on laptop. Have video game ROMS and emulators all on 1 flash memory card, and a USB controller(10$new, or thrift store).
Lighting: Florescent, or lots of super bright LED's, or flat/flexible OLED ceiling light(Yet to be invented until around 2010).
Flooring: Plaster, or adobe bricks that are put down and then soaked with water to bind them and to strengthen them. Or your own personal preference of flooring over top of that.
Cooking: A rocket stove made out of adobe. Smoke meat, on racks over a smoky fire.
Fresh water: Boil rain water, or put into a simple distiller, or chlorinate and let the chlorine evaporate from the container, before drinking.
Transportation: Have GPS to find your land locked property or deserted island. Then get there or anywhere with an AC induction motor, and super capacitor powered vehicle(Yet to be invented until late 2009).
Communication: Cell phone.
Bathroom: Either a bucket with a bag in it that you burn later, or the less smelly and easier version of having a bucket with water and a chlorine tablet in it and also CLR septic system acid. and you bury it in a hole nearby when disinfected. Then reuse bucket. This is either in a wooden structure or open air with tarps for privacy and rain. But if there is hardly any smell, because of complete disinfection, then just have it in the house, and chlorine off-gassing won't be a problem with only one pool tablet, or a lid put on the bucket.
geodesic dome,
green technology,
house designs,
Friday, July 18, 2008
Chain Reactions

The above picture depicts what occurs when a lightning bolt is created. I just learned this on an Annenburg CPB show called the "Mechanical Universe".
Why I find this interesting is that it is a cascade reaction. Which is the same kind of reaction that lasers use, and the same kind of reaction that atomic bombs use, and is the same kind of reaction that some chemical reactions use, and also it's the same kind of reaction as avalanches.
It is potential energy that is released all at once in a chain reaction.
This is not exactly free energy because the charges have to be built up ahead of time before the particles react in this way.
This is totally separate from perpetual motion devices or free energy devices. "Perpetual motion" as a term is misleading because the planets rotate around the sun in perpetual motion already. But free energy is the term I like to use for machines that produce more energy or work than is put into them.
With todays technology, these types of free energy machines may be possible in the outer solar system. The reasoning is that it is cold enough for superconductors out there to work constantly, which means that you can have a continuous energy loop with zero loss of charge.
This may or may not work. But if there was a solid state way of having an AC circuit with a superconductor then you could potentially create energy. This may be a dead end street though, now that I think about it, because of mechanical devices (Such as a free energy electric motor) need mechanical connections of different non-superconducting materials that also stick together, and the problem of lubricants(graphite might be best). And also there is no such thing yet of a superconducting AC circuit as far as I know at least.
chain reactions,
free energy,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Being dependent on others means that you have to follow any rules that they make. Independence is always a good thing but may be looked on as craziness in modern society. People have started living in cities and forgetting how to provide for themselves.
Animals are completely independent so they don't need to follow any rules. If they kill there offspring, nobody cares, or even if they kill and eat their own species nobody cares.
Some democratic and capitalist societies are better than the chaotic anarchy that animals live in.
But in other socialist, and dictating, and communist societies, are worse off than living as an animal because there is absolutely no freedom or independence whatsoever. Look to a previous post on this subject that was done better: "Control"
There are good rules and bad rules. You should never rob others or kill others are good rules to follow. But these rules should be a given and you shouldn't have to be reminded to follow them. But some bad rules are ones like making responsible gun ownership illegal. In other words no more right to bear arms.
Rules only work if they are enforceable. You can always forge the purchase price of a new car that you're buying on the title, to pay less taxes. You can fake your income by having under the table cash payment. You can put your money in a safe deposit box before you die, in order to not pay a death tax and for your kids to get all of it. And they will never check your house under your pillow every night to know if you actually do have a loaded firearm for your own protection(if a new gun law was enacted).
Just about any law that law enforcement doesn't have evidence of you breaking is an unenforceable law.
The burning man movement that takes place every year is all about trading stuff through bardering, under the table, to not have to pay taxes.
In Canada they started taxing cigarettes to make more revenue, and it worked. So they started taxing it some more and they made more revenue. And since they were even greedier they started taxing it some more, but then the revenue started going down. "How could the revenue be going down?" They asked. Well it turned out that people started buying and selling cigarettes on the black market.
And the Fuzzy Philosophical equations are:
Personal Interpretation = Rules²
Enforceable Rules = (+)Evidence
Bad Evidence = Forged/Lost
Good/ Bad = Human Invention
Bad x Created = Exists
Bad x Not Created = Doesn't Exist
Certainty = Death + Taxes(joke:')
Dependence = rules
Independence = no rules
Animals are completely independent so they don't need to follow any rules. If they kill there offspring, nobody cares, or even if they kill and eat their own species nobody cares.
Some democratic and capitalist societies are better than the chaotic anarchy that animals live in.
But in other socialist, and dictating, and communist societies, are worse off than living as an animal because there is absolutely no freedom or independence whatsoever. Look to a previous post on this subject that was done better: "Control"
There are good rules and bad rules. You should never rob others or kill others are good rules to follow. But these rules should be a given and you shouldn't have to be reminded to follow them. But some bad rules are ones like making responsible gun ownership illegal. In other words no more right to bear arms.
Rules only work if they are enforceable. You can always forge the purchase price of a new car that you're buying on the title, to pay less taxes. You can fake your income by having under the table cash payment. You can put your money in a safe deposit box before you die, in order to not pay a death tax and for your kids to get all of it. And they will never check your house under your pillow every night to know if you actually do have a loaded firearm for your own protection(if a new gun law was enacted).
Just about any law that law enforcement doesn't have evidence of you breaking is an unenforceable law.
The burning man movement that takes place every year is all about trading stuff through bardering, under the table, to not have to pay taxes.
In Canada they started taxing cigarettes to make more revenue, and it worked. So they started taxing it some more and they made more revenue. And since they were even greedier they started taxing it some more, but then the revenue started going down. "How could the revenue be going down?" They asked. Well it turned out that people started buying and selling cigarettes on the black market.
And the Fuzzy Philosophical equations are:
Personal Interpretation = Rules²
Enforceable Rules = (+)Evidence
Bad Evidence = Forged/Lost
Good/ Bad = Human Invention
Bad x Created = Exists
Bad x Not Created = Doesn't Exist
Certainty = Death + Taxes(joke:')
Dependence = rules
Independence = no rules
Monday, July 14, 2008
Do Wild Animals Live A Better Life Than You?
Never allow the life you lead to be less enjoyable or trouble free than an animals life is. In other words always lead a better life than an animal leads.
If you can beat this carefree of a lifestyle, then you would now be one of the happiest people on earth.
- When it comes to food, animals always have food unless it's the dry season in Africa. As shown by the fact that they are alive.
- When it comes to water, animals always have some, as shown by the fact that they are alive. And that there is infinite, free, clean, water from the sky.
- When it comes to work, animals only have to feed themselves and there offspring and clean themselves. That's it.
- When it comes to shelter, animals have none, unless they live in caves, or other dry places. But I doubt that they mind the weather because their bodies have been adapted for rain protection and cold protection. And I guess since animals don't have clothes, that being in the rain for them, is like being in the shower for us. And it may even be fun to live out in the real world's weather instead of in the same old boring living room watching reruns every day. The house that we live in, which is only shelter, and warmth, and a place to hoard all of our worthless collectibles, and a place for indoor bathrooms, is one of the highest monthly costs that you will ever pay. Does it really make sense to pay this much, when you can meet all of these necessities on any piece of land with no investment capital all in 1 weeks worth of research and preparation and work. It's just the judgment of other people that we fear. Because if there are so many people living the way that modern society does, then they can't possibly all be wrong. But from a different point of view, there are just as many animals out there that don't live the same way that society does, and they seem to be happy, and doing just fine.
- When it comes to modern conveniences, ask yourself if they are actually conveniences. If this so called modern convenience requires a monthly bill, ask yourself if the inconvenience of a monthly bill outweighs the convenience of what you're paying the monthly bill for.
- For entertainment, the TV is always just reruns and fictional stories that have no meaning in reality. Cable has to be paid for every month. And to keep the company growing they plan on increasing the monthly bill, one way or another.
- As for clothes, animals have none but with modern technology clothes are cheap, so this isn't hard to acquire.
If you can beat this carefree of a lifestyle, then you would now be one of the happiest people on earth.
self help,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Skin Effect
Is just an interesting and fun thing to think about, which is one of the laws of the universe that we live in, which will never change and which you can use to your advantage sometimes. Just knowing how the laws of the real universe work, is simple but profound and has so many fun implications. Just don't use these laws in a negative way against other humans.
See: Skin Effect Wiki
When a lightning bolt hits a metal cage and you are inside that metal cage (Also called a Faraday cage). The skin effect says that the flow of electricity will only travel along the outside of the cage, as long as it is an AC current or a short pulse of current. So that even if you were touching the inside of the cage you would not feel any of the energy from the lightning bolt, because of the skin effect, as long as the metal wasn't extremely thin. This is the reason why cars are so safe to be in during a thunder storm. And also they use this theory in the design of airplanes which is why they are so safe to be in during a thunderstorm also.
Another form of skin effect is fire (See: How Wild Fires Work). It only travels up hill and never down hill. So never be on top of a hill when there is a fire, you should always try to stay at the lowest and flattest point possible when making your escape, because fire travels uphill almost instantaneously but on flat surfaces it is very slow to spread in any direction. Also fire only burns at the very tip of an alcohol candles wick, which is good because otherwise the whole thing would catch on fire and explode if not for this effect of fire.
By the way when you see flames they are always the gas of the fuel being burned that is on fire.
See: Skin Effect Wiki
When a lightning bolt hits a metal cage and you are inside that metal cage (Also called a Faraday cage). The skin effect says that the flow of electricity will only travel along the outside of the cage, as long as it is an AC current or a short pulse of current. So that even if you were touching the inside of the cage you would not feel any of the energy from the lightning bolt, because of the skin effect, as long as the metal wasn't extremely thin. This is the reason why cars are so safe to be in during a thunder storm. And also they use this theory in the design of airplanes which is why they are so safe to be in during a thunderstorm also.
Another form of skin effect is fire (See: How Wild Fires Work). It only travels up hill and never down hill. So never be on top of a hill when there is a fire, you should always try to stay at the lowest and flattest point possible when making your escape, because fire travels uphill almost instantaneously but on flat surfaces it is very slow to spread in any direction. Also fire only burns at the very tip of an alcohol candles wick, which is good because otherwise the whole thing would catch on fire and explode if not for this effect of fire.
By the way when you see flames they are always the gas of the fuel being burned that is on fire.
Different flammable fuels catch fire at different temperatures. It takes a certain amount of heat energy to change any particular material into a gas, and even more heat energy to trigger the reaction with oxygen. The necessary heat level varies depending on the nature of the molecules that make up the fuel. A fuel's piloted ignition temperature is the heat level required to form a gas that will ignite when exposed to a spark. At the unpiloted ignition temperature, which is much higher, the fuel ignites without a spark.In other words solids and liquids or solids don't burn it is only the gases of that substance that burn. So even in wood the only way for there to be a flame is when the wood is so hot that it becomes a gas and then that gas is what burns, which we see as a flame. But when you see red hot coals, the wood is so hot that it doesn't even need air to keep on burning because it has such a high temperature that it will stay red hot without oxygen and has to cool down to below combustion temperature before it will go out even without oxygen. Which is the reason why if you pour water onto coals that they will go out, but if you put dirt over it then it won't go out. In other words the water doesn't starve the coal of oxygen, instead it conducts away the heat of the coals in order to cool them down into a low enough temperature to burn out.
The above quoted from
fire safety,
skin effect
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Wing Wind Turbine Powered Boat Engine Invention
This invention has been tried before and doesn't work for some reason, but weighing more than a sail has to be a factor. See wave powered boat or solar powered boat, or johnson thermo-electrochemical conversion system that may be repurposed to power a boat.
It uses the new wind turbines that use rotating wings to capture wind from any direction at any point in time, then attach that electricity generation to a battery that then powers an electric outboard motor.
The centripetal acceleration is good for stabilizing the boat so that it won't capsize. And it should work even better in stronger winds as long as the turbines can rotate at the highest speeds of hurricane winds without breaking. But for that you could just have some kind of automatic breaking system, like maybe magnetic breaks for whenever the turbines are spinning too fast.
It uses the new wind turbines that use rotating wings to capture wind from any direction at any point in time, then attach that electricity generation to a battery that then powers an electric outboard motor.
The centripetal acceleration is good for stabilizing the boat so that it won't capsize. And it should work even better in stronger winds as long as the turbines can rotate at the highest speeds of hurricane winds without breaking. But for that you could just have some kind of automatic breaking system, like maybe magnetic breaks for whenever the turbines are spinning too fast.
green technology,
wind energy
Best Recipes For Favorite Foods
Iron chef pizza dough:
The only ingredients that they used on the episode that I saw where they made the pizza dough were...
And to add toppings, they should be cooked ahead of time, both because you don't want the pizza to be soggy from ingredients having too much moisture still left in them, and also because the dough only needs to cook for 2 minutes flat at above 450 degrees F. in order to have the inside still soft but the outside crispy.
Also adding yeast and sugar only makes the dough taste like alcohol as the yeast feeds on the sugar and intern produces alcohol.
I still don't know how to make the pizza sauce from scratch yet (Just use store bought pizza sauce for now), and I also don't know exactly how to make pan pizza yet, but it may involve eggs.
The only ingredients that they used on the episode that I saw where they made the pizza dough were...
- Plain flour
- Olive oil
- Water
And to add toppings, they should be cooked ahead of time, both because you don't want the pizza to be soggy from ingredients having too much moisture still left in them, and also because the dough only needs to cook for 2 minutes flat at above 450 degrees F. in order to have the inside still soft but the outside crispy.
Also adding yeast and sugar only makes the dough taste like alcohol as the yeast feeds on the sugar and intern produces alcohol.
I still don't know how to make the pizza sauce from scratch yet (Just use store bought pizza sauce for now), and I also don't know exactly how to make pan pizza yet, but it may involve eggs.
best recipes,
Best Survival Bow And Arrow Design

Dry wood you can use right away as soon as the bow is made, wet wood needs to dry for a year.
Stick that is as long as the distance from fingertip to finger tip if you hold your arms out in opposite directions.
And a stick which has the least amounts of knots in it, that you can find.
Cut string knocks on each end (notches for string to fit in)
Use half hitches to secure the rope firmly to the bow.
Scrape off excess shavings from thick parts of bow in order for the bow to bend evenly called “floor tillering”

Reinforcing the bow string platform on the back of the arrow with more string is called "whipping the arrow" so that it won't split the back of the arrow in 2 from the pressure created from a full draw. This can either be using a constrictor knot or any other way of tightly wrapping string around the back of the arrow. Also this is when you would add feathers for stabilization if the arrow didn't already fly true enough. But when fishing with a bow and arrow, you don't need to have extreme long distance accuracy.
Also see: Makeshift survival weapon, and also Complete wilderness survival supply list
bow and arrow,
home made,
spear fishing,
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