Thursday, July 31, 2008

Best Form Of Travel

First off roads are not very efficient. You can only have so many cars on a road and so much space available to put roads, and they contribute to the heat island effect and also harm the environment. They were mostly invented for national defense when we needed to transport military equipment around the country and trains were too inefficient and planes weren't even invented yet.
But in reality the sky can have infinite traffic, and is safer and also when done correctly. You may need a runway but there are natural runways such as beaches and lakes.
Now the vehicle that is best built for air travel:
Helicopter: Is expensive to build and maintain, but is also potentially dangerous because down drafts are possible, and they are less efficient at getting from point A to point B because most of their energy is used in upward lift. But this vehicle still has its applications for if you have no runway and need to get to extremely inaccessible areas such as mountains or forest.
Airplane: Is another expensive type of air craft, and they usually have a lot of moving parts and need constant maintenance. But they are good for hauling heavy loads and can be pressurized and heated inside of the passenger compartment. Also they are the safest form of travel known to man other than maglev trains.
Ultralight: Is can be easily constructed, and has less moving parts that can fail or need maintenance, and is efficient at getting from point A to point B. But it is not able to carry heavy loads, instead this is more for recreation and maybe short trips around unpopulated areas.
But what I think is the pinnacle of personal transportation is a very powerful ultralight of some kind(my favorite right now is the motorized hang glider). The power would let it haul heavy loads. As long as you didn't have the fear of heights. But any future ultralight will have "AC induction electric motors" and ultra capacitor energy storage. This type of device has almost zero maintenance, and can only break if it crashes. Watch out for tall grass getting caught in the propeller though.
I consider this the safest and most user friendly and the cheapest form of future transportation for a world without roads. But that's just an imaginary world. So instead I just will get one of these ultralights of my own, when I'm rich. And I might live in Alaska where I can go to secret lakes and charge my ultra capacitor energy storage with photovoltaics. And there's never a need to worry about parts freezing because the capacitor is solid state and also the motor only has bearings as the only moving part.
Or I may instead choose to go to hidden deserted tropical islands with my ultralight that is equipped with pontoons. But I'd have to bring survival gear and live off of the land.

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