Monday, July 14, 2008

Do Wild Animals Live A Better Life Than You?

Never allow the life you lead to be less enjoyable or trouble free than an animals life is. In other words always lead a better life than an animal leads.
  • When it comes to food, animals always have food unless it's the dry season in Africa. As shown by the fact that they are alive.
  • When it comes to water, animals always have some, as shown by the fact that they are alive. And that there is infinite, free, clean, water from the sky.
  • When it comes to work, animals only have to feed themselves and there offspring and clean themselves. That's it.
  • When it comes to shelter, animals have none, unless they live in caves, or other dry places. But I doubt that they mind the weather because their bodies have been adapted for rain protection and cold protection. And I guess since animals don't have clothes, that being in the rain for them, is like being in the shower for us. And it may even be fun to live out in the real world's weather instead of in the same old boring living room watching reruns every day. The house that we live in, which is only shelter, and warmth, and a place to hoard all of our worthless collectibles, and a place for indoor bathrooms, is one of the highest monthly costs that you will ever pay. Does it really make sense to pay this much, when you can meet all of these necessities on any piece of land with no investment capital all in 1 weeks worth of research and preparation and work. It's just the judgment of other people that we fear. Because if there are so many people living the way that modern society does, then they can't possibly all be wrong. But from a different point of view, there are just as many animals out there that don't live the same way that society does, and they seem to be happy, and doing just fine.
  • When it comes to modern conveniences, ask yourself if they are actually conveniences. If this so called modern convenience requires a monthly bill, ask yourself if the inconvenience of a monthly bill outweighs the convenience of what you're paying the monthly bill for.
  • For entertainment, the TV is always just reruns and fictional stories that have no meaning in reality. Cable has to be paid for every month. And to keep the company growing they plan on increasing the monthly bill, one way or another.
  • As for clothes, animals have none but with modern technology clothes are cheap, so this isn't hard to acquire.
A good animal to try to beat when it comes to quality of lifestyle, is the giraffe. They live one of the calmest easiest and most rewarding lives. They get all the food that they want from the tops of trees, that no other animal can reach, and even eat prickly plants. They hardly ever need to worry about predators because they can run fast and can kill a lion with one swing of their hoof. They get most of the water that they need from the plant life that they eat, but have been known to drink water if they happen upon a water source. They don't require very much sleep at all, but do sleep standing up. And they live in a fun area where the rain is enjoyable to be in when it comes once a year in the rainy season. There is never war in their world, and one giraffe killing another is so rare that it would be like winning the lottery. And even if you want to let out some emotion there is no other people judging you, or doing things to you. Animal arguments never have any legal consequences afterwards. But mostly there is no reason to be angry or complain about anything when you're a giraffe. The only end to happiness is at the end of their life, but until then there is nothing to worry about and no obligations to speak of. Also there are no appointments to keep. So no need for a watch at all (What?!?!? Is that even possible?)(YES!)
If you can beat this carefree of a lifestyle, then you would now be one of the happiest people on earth.

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