Sunday, June 29, 2008

Best Air Conditioner Invention

If you had solid state fan such as an ion fan (Web search under "solid state fan") Here's the Thorrn Micro Technologies site link.

And you had solid state cooling such as the a Bismuth telluride thermo couple, which utilizes the thermo electric effect.
Then if you attached a solar panel to those air conditioners you would have infinite cold air production.

This is the very best air conditioner that is possible with the current laws of physics. Because this is solid state and will never break down and can be made to any temperature. But it does have the one draw back of not being the most efficient form of cooling. Which is not a draw back if you attach a big enough solar panel to it.

LATER ADDED: The following quoted from wikipedia under "thermoelectric cooling":
Thermoelectric junctions are generally only around 5–10% as efficient as the ideal refrigerator (Carnot cycle), compared with 40–60% achieved by conventional compression cycle systems (reverse Rankine systems like a compressor). Due to the relatively low efficiency, thermoelectric cooling is generally only used in environments where the solid state nature (no moving parts, maintenance-free) outweighs pure efficiency.
But what I think about this is that I guess I just like the solid state nature of thermoelectric even if they use more energy. So as long as you have a large enough solar panel then you won't have to worry about the energy usage. And you also never have to recharge it with freon or have to worry about finding the hole that the freon is leaking from. And it makes absolutely no noise, which by the way anybody would appreciate having a more quiet house. Any rich person would prefer this technology because of it being so user friendly, and energy expenditure is meaningless to rich people.
Also it can be tuned to the temperature that you want most by only having a potentiometer(also called a variable resistor) and it has to be the right sized potentiometer to never be able to burn out the thermoelectric cooling plate. So you need the thermo electric module's specs for this reason.
And if you can find lots of cheap cooling plates, all you have to do is stack them for a compounded cooler end plate, with only the need for one ion fan. And less demand would be put on each individual plate, when combined.
Web search the phrase "Thermoelectric cooler" for products that you can buy. But be sure to only buy a product that comes with specs, so that you know all of the things that you can and cannot do with the device for maximum performance, without the device ever being able to burn out.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Analysis paralysis

Don’t over analyze things, just do it.

Don’t do lots of calorie counting or other diet plan calculations unless you like calculating. All you really need to know is less calories absorbed and more calories expended = Weight loss. Just do it in a healthy way to avoid health problems later on. So again just do it, and think happy thoughts while exercising, or don’t even care if you feel pain. Ignore that feeling.
Another way to just do things is to set up fool proof systems. Such as just not buying bad food at the store forces out the thought process of deciding on whether to eat the leftover cake in the fridge or the healthy food right beside it. It's always hard to fight human urges. See also: Automatic Success Theory
When it comes to life, lots of avenues to success are to just try, try again. Which means that you actually have to fail as a means of learning to succeed. Also called the school of hard knocks. You don’t become a professional athlete by thinking it through and then automatically being the best in the world. The real world is the best teacher, because when you test it, it gives you absolute proof of how the world around you really works. This can also be seen as using the scientific method, of theorizing and properly actually testing those theories.
You can never convince yourself of all of the positive or negative consequences or out comes to a Project because of the Butterfly effect and the comedic rule of “Murphy’s law”. The universe is infinitely complex and infinitely detailed with infinite outcomes. Or in other words infinite causes and effects.
So in the end the best advice is still, just do it. As long as you don’t do anything foolish, or you are incompetent to perform the task. So for that reason, always prepare yourself for anything you do by doing proper research and preparation, and in the end you can have confidence in your own knowledge and experience. And also always have confidence in your ability to think on your feet and solve new problems as they arise.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Almost Free

As seen in anything like Jurassic park. When you've been fighting your way through dinosaurs for what seems to be days on a path to the final destination. But all of a sudden uplifting music starts to play because you are past the half way point and only have a few miles left to go of dodging and fighting dinosaurs, and managing to find ways to succeed on whits alone. Sure you'll run into the biggest dinosaur of all in a few more minutes but that's all expected. I guess then you must be pretty much the top of all competition if you've managed to live this long, what's another few notches added to the difficulty scale. And the rest just has to go according to plan. You're in the zone of dinosaur combat, and the way out is just over the hill. It's easy as long as you follow the system of using the one thing that sets us apart from all other species on earth, the human brain. Now play the awesome music and go for it. This is when you really feel alive.

Hey it's my site, and I can do whatever I want. Now go play your Jurassic park video games.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wallington's Stonehenge

Wally Wallington
The “Wallington lever”
This is a good way to make your own megalithic stone structures to use as a house or just for fun.

Here are some links to the video and his site, and other info:
The above is a good video of the Wallington method in practice.
The above is his official website.
The above is a short delve into the physics at work in large object moving method.
The above has some extra pictures not seen elsewhere.

He has pivot points but I don’t know how he gets the rock pivots under the large block especially as he’s still moving the block. Because I would assume that one person would have to tilt the large block to one side while he puts a pivot stone under the other side of the huge block.

Or maybe he puts the stones into the correct position in the middle of the 180 degree turn and while he’s placing the stone pivot where he wants it, the huge block is resting on the ground halfway into the turn, and then he completes the full 180 degree turn and rests the stone exactly on the new pivot point, as long as he has calculated the exact placement of the pivot stone for the notch in the big block to rest on perfectly. Therefore he just keeps reusing the same 2 pivot stones.

I need to also research cutting out stone. I think if you have a harder material used as a chisel against a rock that is a softer material, then you can cut the softer stone with that chisel. Or just use a metal chisel. Also you need a mallet and a wedge to cleave of large chunks of rock. After chipping out holes to put the wedge in. Rocks always want to fracture along there grain, or along weak points that have been artificially chiseled into them. In the same way as you make perforated paper. You drill holes along where you want it to fracture.

And I figured out how the stones in the pyramid and also Machu Picchu were so exactly placed together so that even a piece of paper won't fit between them. In Machu Picchu, their stones were of many different shapes and sizes even at crooked angles so I theorize their method was to fracture the stones off of an original stone outcrop like disassembling a puzzle, and then reassemble those pieces back into the way that they were taken out along their same fracture lines. But for the pyramids what they may have done is hammer the tops of the stones to flatten them out or may have even sanded them.

Obviously none of this requires alien technology to accomplish. I'm going to have to try it one day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rushed Lifestyle

The only reason that we need fast cars is because we’re always in a hurry, and need to get to a job or somewhere fast. If we ever, one day, had no need for watches, and keeping time, and were never in a hurry, then there would be no need for fast cars except in ambulances. And anyway I enjoy the journey to places more than the actual destination, because you have to actually find things to do at the destination, and some times there’s nothing to do when you get there, so your better off enjoying the ride. But we would always still need to have fast ambulances. And if we somehow didn’t want to live rushed lives, we could, with today’s technology, have solar powered cars that go just as fast as horses did in the old days. But it would be free to drive, less maintenance, and not cost as much as a horse. And when they come out with 70% efficient multijunction solar panels eventually, then you will have vehicles just as powerful as today’s, that run off of solar power.
A car called "Eclectic" has already been made that is 100% solar powered.
But in the far distant future, in the best utopia possible, we would all have personal helicopters that wouldn’t break down and were easy to pilot. And we’d need infinite energy for them, so that they’d have enough power to take off with any weight and go any distance. This I believe will one day be possible with new energy technologies.
There might also be a market for a new invention of solar paneled motorized modules that pulled a chariot or a carriage behind them and the more power you needed the more horsepower worth of drive modules you would attach to your vehicle.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Things That You Can Acquire When Rich

Technology that you can acquire if you have a fortune in money. Which are otherwise too expensive to market to the masses.

A perfectly manufacture multijunction solar cell that is 70% efficient at light capture can go just as fast as any other car on a sunny day. And doesn’t even need batteries and has regenerative breaking and infinite air conditioning off of solar panel energy.

Or have a ultra capacitor car that can be charged with solar panels. Or at night when energy is cheap, and which has an AC induction motor that never breaks down and regenerative breaking and no oil needed in the car or moving parts other tan bearings that ever break down.

Have an ultralite aircraft powered by supercapacitors and live in alaska where you don’t have to worry about the engine or batteries freezing up because they’re solid state and can work at any temperature.

Or just have a helicopter to not have the need for roads. Which is the real way of the future.

If you have a fortune then put it mostly into government municipal bonds, for an income off of your millions. Then put only a small amount into speculative stocks.

Have a top of the line robot to learn to perform tasks around the house for you.

Get the top of the line entertainment systems such as OLED screens but that will be an extremely cheap technology soon as well as OLED lighting.

A Holy Grail Stock

Invest in this before the end of the year, which is when they will announce a production model, and stock price will soar. Also after investing in this you may then invest in OLED televisions and lighting. And invest in EEStor after it goes public. And also invest in solar panels when they're being used for public power when energy is stored at night in EEStor capacitors. And also invest in multi junction solar panels again when they have close to 70% efficiency, for use in solar powered vehicles. ALSO SEE: Looking into the future
Super capacitors:
Will be game changing in the energy storage industry. They never degrade, have instant charge times, are almost 100% energy efficient, and even can have more energy density than the best batteries theoretically. Look to the new super capacitor being invented right now from EEstor on wikipedia. (A.K.A. EEstor inc.). And they will also be in a new vehicle made by the company Zenn. It may also be wise to invest in the companies stock of Zenn or EEstor before they multiply and split by an online stock trading site like "E*trade"that should be reputable because of them being able to put commercials on TV. I was recently looking on youtube under "EEstor" and they said that ZENN automotive stock is a speculative stock. And that it's at 4$ right now and if the technology didn't work then the stock would drop to 1$ but if the technology did work then the stock price would rise to 20$/share. And I plan on investing at least $1,000 in their stock because if it works I will be able to buy one of their cars with gain in stock value. But I'm also willing to take the risk of loosing the money, because I believe in the science as being just as important of a new technology as fiber optics were when they were invented. Here's the stock info page. Also Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, on this Wikipedia page(Wikipedia is, I'd say, 99.8% fact) is a venture capital investment firm who counts Google and Amazon among their early-stage successes, has also invested heavily in the company. Look under their investments for where it says Eestor as a 2007 investment. And also Lockheed Martin is investing in EEstor for sole use of the patent in the US, in the military, see: This press release. Look to EEstor,inc.'s private company information page also. And also since watching almost every video that they have on youtube under the search "ZENN car" I now have confidence in investing in a company that is as professional as them. Even if the bigger car companies out there will one day overtake them, by getting license to the same capacitor technology. Also definitely read the press releases on ZENN motors website, under "news".

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Absolute Certainty

Is everything or is nothing absolute?
  • If you go 30 miles in one hour you could have either gone 30mph the whole time or 60 miles per hour for 5 minute and 20 mph the rest of the way and still gone the 30 miles in the 1 hour.
  • Good and bad are not absolute as the old saying goes that gold is good for a human but bad for an ass(donkey). But straw is good for an ass but bad for a human. And how we punish people for being bad varies from country to country also.
  • One substance can have different properties at different energy levels even though it is still the same substance. And when combining different substances at different energy levels there are infinite possibilities as to the properties that are desired. Also different densities and amounts of imperfections can give these same substances radically different properties.
  • With so much not being absolute does that mean that death is still absolute?
  • And is the act of saying nothing is absolute, absolute in and of itself.

Anything involving humans is never absolute and is never a certainty.

The only absolutes in civilization are “death and taxes” as the saying goes.

On the other hand nature and physical law is always an absolute certainty

Just look at nuclear physics experiments and what is at stake if they don’t work exactly as predicted, and how many lives are at stake. That’s how I know that god and spirits don’t interfere with things, because sometimes there’s no margin for error. This is why we rely on the laws of the universe to not change erratically.

Gravity will never fail. The sun will always shine, a knife will always cut, energy will never be created or destroyed, there will always be entropy which means there are always new beginnings from the past being erased by time.

We make tools out of nature in order to make survival more of a certainty and easier.

But then humans monopolize or franchise or corner the market in new tools to have control over other humans, who are forced to do whatever the rich guy tells them. This is a form of control which makes the rich person's life more certain but it makes every other humans life less certain.

If it wasn’t for this monopolizing of new ideas then we would have had infra red cook tops 20 years ago. Because it was patented but never used by the owner of the patent until the patent ran out and the rest of the world jumped on the opportunity of using the idea then, 20 years later.


People only yell or get angry or insult things when they have no control over those things.
But some things you aren’t supposed to have control over in the first place like other people.
That’s why you never see doctors or scientists ever get angry or yell at things, because they’re in the business of controlled experiments and being in control.
I personally get angry when other people are controlling my life and I can’t stop them from doing that.
All technology has been made to control the universe. And some people take it upon themselves to control other people with that technology or infrastructure. See: Absolute certainty for more on this.
Society: Everybody wants to have total control over their own life. This is a problem in society. In society too much control over people is a totalitarian dictatorship, and too little control would supposedly look like the movie mad max in total anarchy.
Animals live in total anarchy, but if you are the animal at the top of the food chain then you have control over the other animals but they have no control over you.
This is the same in society when the rich guy has control over the poor people but the poor people have no control over the rich people.
This is the same as military, when the guys with the bigger guns have control over everybody else in the world but the small unarmed countries have no control over the bigger countries.
In other words,"It's good to be the king". And it sucks to be the little people with their lives under other peoples control.
So is it a balance between chaos and control that makes a good society? I say as long as you have complete control over your own life but you have absolutely no control over other peoples lives, then that would be the best society. This is actually the libertarian philosophy. But still even if a libertarian country was created it could possible still be corrupted some day.

But in the end the only way to have a perfect society is to have only good people in that society, which means having to cure the entire human race of all mental illness. In other words a perfect society is not possible.

Monday, June 2, 2008

An Unfinished Artificial Intelligence Idea

Learning program

When it is invented, will make more money than anything. Because then robots will be able to perform complex tasks for us(cooking, cleaning, fixing, building). And will be able to be friends to us.

Communication: Robots would communicate to each other through tones in the same way that “R2D2” does. This is a much easier to decode language that would be captured by hearing devices. And may be translated to us through a translator earphone. And we can also talk to them or ask them a question. This may require a new, and less complex language than english for a robot to understand questions and sentences.

The way to make a learning robot is cause and effect and to learn from mistakes. Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

Questioning, as a means to learn the universe around them: To fill in blanks left in the robots universe, it should ask us, Who what when where why. Because we don't know what it knows or doesn't know unless it asks.

When they know that gravity effects objects then they know to aim above an object they are throwing a ball at, in a parabolic arch.

Vocabulary: They must have a vocabulary to be able to describe the universe around them. Each word is given a tonal code in order for us to tell it that work in tones and for it to translate those tones into the word.

The robots must always ask why about everything, and store the answer, to know the answer to that question later on in life.

Vision: must be just as good as ours and they must be able to know what they are seeing and also predict that objects actions. But vision may not be necessary for a mostly talking robot. Also objects can have Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Chips on them so that the robot can know what the item is and that items properties so that it knows how to handle that item. And later on it can learn what the item looks like and not even need the RFID chips at all to recognize something.
Also you need a "spacial actualization program" in the brain knowing where an object is and what shape it is and how big it is in relation to you. That's where 3-D vision comes in handy. If your robot sees a stuffed animal they need to be able to recognize what it is without turning it around which means being able to fill in gaps of information with assumptions. Magic isn't possible also so the robot needs to differentiate between plausible explanations of what the object is and reject implausible explanations. For instance filling in the blanks when asked "What is in the front yard right now", it's usually not answered with "a pink elephant".
And they need a way to differentiate between different shapes and be able to make up novel descriptions of newly shaped objects attributes that they come across. And be able to differentiate the relevance of different attributes of an object. Example: To recognize a teddy bear we see it's facial features and shape and texture and we know that is is a teddy bear. So describing physical attributes is key to being able to recognize objects.

Neural memory banks: And the robot would tell you when its memory banks were full so that you could buy them another flash memory drive.

And we could copy their “mind” and download it onto a second clone robot.

Use it or loose it. When the robot hasn’t done something for a while it will forget (or "erase" if you will) that information making them have to problem solve again in order to find a new way of doing that same thing. Sort of like pushing the reset button on a video game. In order to come up with new novel approaches to solving problems.

Problem solving: Is done by having a goal and finding a way to reach that goal, which will not need second chances to accomplish. And if the attempt at reaching a goal fails you must consider risk and reward. If the risk is someone dieing then don't even attempt trying to reach your goal unless absolutely sure of success.
Problem solving, and real world based critical thinking, is key for original thought processes or sentience.

And imitation is key to passing, already perfected ways of doing things, onto new generations for a head start in life.

Eventually after a mass produced copy of an already advanced working learning robots mind is made it will be called a "personality chip" as a more specific term than just the generic term "artificial intelligence chip".

An unfinished infinite music idea

Creating infinite chart topping music

First map out all 4 note combinations (or more or less notes) that are possible based on there being a-g notes, and also variable speeds of those notes.

Then randomly select a 4 note combination to add onto a song in the process of being made, and see if it is a good add on to the song.

Most song writers get stuck in a rut and can’t get new music ideas other than the same monotone that they’ve already done before, due to the lack of imagination by only liking/ making/or thinking about a certain type of music. And you also have to be in the zone or be a genius, in order to have musical breakthroughs all the time. But with this new method you are certain to come up with new ideas as long as you sort through enough note combinations.

Also you can have a music program that creates original music spontaneously. Although this would not be very good music and so you would need a learning program to know what kind of music emotes, in a way that humans can relate to.

Maybe you can think up new and creative music all in your mind if you listen to enough music.

This is what somebody I met that was in the music business said when I asked "what makes someone a musical genius". And he responded "You have to just listen to a lot of music".