- If you go 30 miles in one hour you could have either gone 30mph the whole time or 60 miles per hour for 5 minute and 20 mph the rest of the way and still gone the 30 miles in the 1 hour.
- Good and bad are not absolute as the old saying goes that gold is good for a human but bad for an ass(donkey). But straw is good for an ass but bad for a human. And how we punish people for being bad varies from country to country also.
- One substance can have different properties at different energy levels even though it is still the same substance. And when combining different substances at different energy levels there are infinite possibilities as to the properties that are desired. Also different densities and amounts of imperfections can give these same substances radically different properties.
- With so much not being absolute does that mean that death is still absolute?
- And is the act of saying nothing is absolute, absolute in and of itself.
Anything involving humans is never absolute and is never a certainty.
The only absolutes in civilization are “death and taxes” as the saying goes.
On the other hand nature and physical law is always an absolute certainty
Just look at nuclear physics experiments and what is at stake if they don’t work exactly as predicted, and how many lives are at stake. That’s how I know that god and spirits don’t interfere with things, because sometimes there’s no margin for error. This is why we rely on the laws of the universe to not change erratically.
Gravity will never fail. The sun will always shine, a knife will always cut, energy will never be created or destroyed, there will always be entropy which means there are always new beginnings from the past being erased by time.
We make tools out of nature in order to make survival more of a certainty and easier.
But then humans monopolize or franchise or corner the market in new tools to have control over other humans, who are forced to do whatever the rich guy tells them. This is a form of control which makes the rich person's life more certain but it makes every other humans life less certain.
If it wasn’t for this monopolizing of new ideas then we would have had infra red cook tops 20 years ago. Because it was patented but never used by the owner of the patent until the patent ran out and the rest of the world jumped on the opportunity of using the idea then, 20 years later.
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