Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The source of all Disputes

The only real rule to society should be:

  • Don’t associate yourself with controlling people
  • And if you don’t control others unless agreed upon, then you’ll have more friends around you.
  • And to settle which person has to move out of the area in an actual argument, It’s done by majority rule as a mediation. Or just kick them both out. Just like in tribal cultures.

Now to explain the reasoning behind the above ideas.

These days, disputes are settled by arguing, fighting, and war. But that can change.

  • Fact: Different views and ways of life are just as valid as yours, or work just as well because in this universe there are always multiple ways of doing the same thing. Case in point: The cavemen were just as good at surviving at life as us, and may have even had less work to do during the day to maintain their standard of living, although lower.
  • Fact: Nothing is really yours. Everything is actually part of the universe, and will be returned to it after you’re done temporarily using it. Possession is a human construct, and needs humans to enforce the rule.
  • Fact: In the real universe there is no war. Only humans have war and it is unique in the history of the universe only to humans. It is only used by humans to solve arguments.
  • Fact: Cash value is a human invention. So if you live in a tribal egalitarian society there is no need to steel. Just help your friend and they will help you. And the only value in an object is time taken in building it and materials cost. But you can give your extra time as charity or for fun or just something to pass the time. And you can collect materials for free from your surrounding wilderness, and get them at a distance with simple trade. In egalitarianism.
  • Fact: Rules are a human invention used to control other humans. Usually made by people in power to maintain power. If you have to make a rule to not kill another human, then you're living around the wrong kinds of people to begin with. People can only force you to do things if you let them, or allow people controlling you, to be a possibility in the first place.
  • Fact: There is always going to be a percentage of the population that is clinically insane. So the object is to not live around those people. And to let them make each other’s life miserable.
  • Fact: There is no such thing as vandalism in the real universe, if there are no possessions. But it is an indicator of insane/dangerous people behind the vandalism.
  • Fact: There is never a need to judge others way of life, it’s their choice not yours to make for them.
  • Fact: In the real world there is no such thing as likes and dislikes. Only a fact based logical universe. Case in point: One person can like and dislike some things, while another person can like and dislike totally different things. I predict that children are less prone to ideals breaking up friendships, and therefor they have more friends, because they haven't learned extreme likes and dislikes yet. And by the way, they stay away from controlling people (AKA: Bullies, which now have less friends).
The key to all disputes is one person liking something too much and another person disliking the same thing too much. If one of them didn't like or dislike that thing so much there would never have been an argument. It is only when 2 extreme likes and dislikes clash that there is ever a dispute. Case in point: Cows don't seem to dislike being couped up in a small field their whole lives. So they don't tend to fight with us ever. So the goal to life is to not like and dislike things too much. And at that point you'll never have any more arguments. But of course you would want to make your life progress somewhat, rather than just stagnate like a happy cow, content living in a tiny field for the rest of your life. But when your life has already improved to the point where practically no more significant improvement is possible, I.E.(in effect) In a utopia, then you no longer need to disagree with any part of life too fanatically. And you can now be a happy society with no reason to complain. In your homemade utopia, only incorporate people into it that don't have extreme likes and dislikes, which are argumentative. But I tested this thought process and it gets extremely boring not having any likes or dislikes(imagine not liking anything). So in the end you need to have some emotions that make life interesting. So the 2 ways to live without arguing are either be around like minded people, or don't have likes or dislikes in the first place, that can clash with anyone else's.

You might argue:

We have to help our fellow man. Or. Don’t you care about other people?

We don’t call people like Saddam Hussein “our fellow man”. Also would you have empathy if you had a proven utopia and people still chose to either start fights or live around the people who started fights. And cause their own torment?

Benjamin Franklin said it best “People get the government they deserve”.

The best way to solve an argument, is to not be around people who start them.

To see a couple of facts that I found out about the way I looked at the world as a very young kid, see: Mind of a child

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We've declared war on plants

In America "the land of the free" we are now outlawing plants to grow. For what ever reason the plant"Siberian ginseng" is outlawed in the united states. Along with probably lots of other plants such as hemp(I don't use drugs at all by the way). But in tribal cultures, plants grew on their own in the forest, and were used as needed(medicinally or otherwise). And any plants that were poisonous or unneeded were left alone. They weren't outlawed. And are never dangerous unless you use them on another person against their will.

So some plants are now not even allowed to grow by themselves within our boarders. Which is a war against nature. And if you were to use or eat those illegal plants, and they could prove it, then you'd be sent to jail. These laws or rules fly in the face of nature at trying to control other humans. But the real world is made in a way that makes this human made law hard to enforce, because you'd have to do a stomach pump on a person that is alone in the forest at the time that he ate the plant.

The law is based on the premise that we're not smart enough to take care of ourselves. Well I contend that we need stupid people around, because otherwise we would have never found out that a plant was poisonous without stupid people eating it, and us learning from their mistakes. But human made chemicals from plants and used in a malicious way, against other humans, may be punishable. But it won't prevent a person from doing it again if they're an addict, or getting money out of it, and it being a hard to enforce law. But, as a related topic, if you have to make rules to not kill other people in your society, then you're living around the wrong kind of people in the first place. And if it is your own choice to make a chemical and use it on yourself, then that should be fine.

It's when you don't have control over your own body that the people controlling your body have now become totalitarian. Whether it be a friend, or a spouse or a government. Totalitarianism only occurs if you agree to it, or allow it to be possible, in the first place. In the end, is it the ultimate goal of governments to have everybody in jail, locked up in a cage, "so that the people can never hurt themselves"? Is this the goal that all politicians dream of?
I saw a Nova episode about gorillas near the Congo. And during the study of the lifetimes of the gorillas there was a war between the humans of that area that turned into the genocide of 800,000 people. But after wards they picked up the research once again on the gorillas and found that they were all untouched by the human conflict and had actually expanded and prospered. The moral of the story is, "don't get involved with the problems of society, and you will prosper"
So in the end, its good that there are still places like Alaska that you can escape to before the government tightens its grip so much that you can't escape. And that you can still find wild plants where no one will stop you from using them, of your own free will.

Side note:If it wasn't for people catching mass quantities of wild animals and plants and fish and putting them on the endangered species list even, and then selling on the open market, only for profit. We wouldn't have to follow all of these laws and regulations for hunting/fishing/and harvesting wild plants, hadn't the greedy people forced these new conservation laws to be enacted, and mandatory for everyone.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Makeshift Survival Weapon

Visit my other post on: Complete wilderness survival supply list: For camping
Some weapons that you can make out of common materials are: A bow and arrow, An "Atlatl"(AKA:Spearthrower) or the less complex "lacross stick".
How to make a lacross stick is just make a loop or fork and handle out of a branch and then, make a net out of any flexible material and then tie it around the edges of the loop with dug up tree roots as cordage.
But the best of the 3 is the bow and arrow. Because it's most accurate. You can reuse the ammunition. You can hunt from fish, to birds, to small mammals and pros can even hunt bears with a bow(although not advised). And can be made very quickly with the right materials.(See: "Making a survival bow" on youtube)

The Utopia List (Updated 6 Times)

The above picture has recently been revised to have 1 large door laying on a slant over the entry way, that opens up so that you can go in with no arched spray foam entryway overhang anymore. And the area around the doors needs to be waterproof. This would be just like the storm doors that lead to basements that you can find at "home depot" these days.
This is for making utopia on a small piece of property adjacent to a forest. A.K.A. Making a permanent camp with all the necessary conveniences. Modify this to your personal needs.
A house shouldn't cost more and need more maintenance than you do as a person. Because it's cheaper these days to have children than to have a house.

To see more explanations behind the items on this list, look to: New house design 3/24/08
Warm climate version:
Foundation: none needed
Shape of house: Perfect hemisphere above ground and cylinder shaped wall below ground.
Insulation/heat retention: Spray foam and adobe
Materials needed: Land, Polyurethane foam, metal rods and plastic bags as the form, extension cords, bleach(maybe), chlorine pool tablets(maybe), "CLR septic system"(maybe), alcohol(make own), paint, plaster(maybe), grip clips(maybe), extension cords, solar panels, lead acid batteries, a good inverter, 2 buckets with lids, a home made water distiller, "ChlorFloc" (maybe) a metal grill, some materials for a slanted storm door as entry way
Structural Safety: Unneeded because it's not heavy enough to hurt you or trap you if it collapses. A metal geodesic dome is the strongest structure possible.
Fire safety: Have an inner coating of adobe or plaster and paint over the spray foam and an outer layer of dirt over the spray foam.
Flood safety: Don't live in a flood risk area.
Lightning/Wind storm/Bomb shelter : Use lightning rod, and it is a natural wind and bomb shelter.
Air flow: Cut an opening if needed
Plumbing version(1): Bleach (Made of chlorine), chlorine pool tablets, "CLR Septic System" , 1 or 2 or 3 buckets with lids. The first bucket is left to evaporate, for a week or so. And then just bury it somewhere safe. This could be a ratio of 50%Water/25%CLR/25%Bleach (Or the least amount that still disinfects).
Plumbing version(2): A plastic garbage bag, in the bucket and then burn it, in a high heat wood burning furnace(or a large rocket stove), once a month. And still use conventional toilet paper. But burn far away from houses to not smell the smoke.
Tools: Are unneeded, because only spray foam, and adobe, and it has an easy to assemble form, and all metal things for different parts of house are pre-made, and are only installed.
May not be needed, otherwise build a geodesic dome, for the above ground portion. All that is needed is cheap electrical conduit, or even just wood poles, and bolts, see: This video.
Cut them out of the spray foam, if needed. And then buy the pre-made windows.
Entryway: Is a ramp in the ground ending at the doorway with a slanted doorway that is water tight, which is also a little bit elevated from the ground in case of flooding during a storm.
Water proofing: Spray foam is water proof. And have a raised portion before the ramp to not allow water to go down the ramp. It is still to be seen if sprayfoam doesn't grow mold.
Lighting: Led's powered by solar panels connected by extension cord built into the walls.(See: LED replacement tubes)
Electric: Solar panels, or wind energy charge "Sealed lead acid batteries". Then an inverter. Calculate power needs with this equation: Watts= Amps(x) Volts
Water: Comes from an artificial pond. Then distilled(see this simple distiller) . Or boiled. Or disinfected with "chlorfloc" and filtered. That is if you aren't using extremely dirty water, or chemically polluted water.
Shower: Home made "wet wipes" Made out of fruit that is allowed to ferment for a year and then is distilled with lemon scent added and then soaked into a rag. (See: simple distiller). Or warm soapy water and rag. But shampoo you'll still have to buy no matter what.
Furniture: Made out of wood or is inflatable(Inflatable is my preferred, at this point in time, if it works).
Vehicle: Is electric super capacitor car. Or use a boat to not have to pay for insurance or fuel, and sail along the coastline. See wind turbine boat.
Air conditioning: A wet shirt that evaporates to cool. A conventional air conditioner. For infinite air conditioning just hook up a solar panel.
Refrigerator: Smoked meat. Then cook it again later when eat it. Year round fruits and vegetables with grow lights takes just as much energy as a fridge. connect a fridge to a solar panel and batteries for night time power, for infinite power source.(See: Diagram of a smoker)(See:Wiki smoked meat)
Cooking: Have a "Rocket stove"(See: This picture of one), Or make a homemade wood burning stove, indoors or outdoors,(See: This picture of one) or a dutch oven. Or a grill or a pan or a hand held flipping grill or a pot. Dishes and utensils can be sanitized over the fire after rinsing and scraping dirt off of. Also see my recipes section.
Dishes/Utensils: Wash by hand in warm soapy water.
Meat/Eggs: Catch it, or hunt it, or farm it. Then smoke it.
Fruit/Vegetables/Spices: Grow year round crops. Or freeze.
Sweets/Dairy/Baked Goods/Nuts/Oil/Specialty: Buy it from store if needed.
Entertainment: DVD's are watched on a computer unless not compatible format, video games downloaded onto computer, books, TV on youtube or a stations website with recorded episodes, if you can get internet. Comic books bought on ebay, then scanned onto flash memory cards and viewed on any compatible screen, then sold back on ebay.
Communication: Cell phone
Trash: None made, or use the toilet waste hole as the trash can too.
Clothes: Water resistant synthetic materials and washed with an alcohol/lemon scent soaked rag on a solid wood frame. Or an ionizing washing machine(which doesn't need soap), or a bucket and clean plunger to agitate cotton clothes in soapy water.
Time: 3 quarts crystal watches and extra batteries for triple redundancy if one fails. They also have calendar function and are water proof. "Fossil" is a good utilitarian brand.
Navigation: GPS.
Government/Working: Egalitarianism of the tribal kind. Help friends so that they will help you. No control over other people except in contracts for agreements. Trade with people with no strings attached. Be self reliant so that you don't participate in the rest of the worlds fighting. And so that you are not subject to rules made by people you don't even know.
No more reason to like or dislike anything anymore to improve life, because no more improvements are possible, so therefore no more arguments or complaining are possible. (See: Source of all disputes). Or just live around people that agree with your own points of view. The best rule of thumb is if you have to make rules not to hurt others, then you're living around the wrong people to begin with.(Also see: Utopia now housing project)
Medical: Use insurance, get the best doctor in the field for the particular illness.
Population of any civilization: Build more houses and expand your boarders if your population is too dense. Or eventual birth control in distant future.
Money just in case needed: Have a job while building the house. And you can always totally live off the land, like a homesteader.
Monthly Bills: Expect only 600$/ mo to be needed at first to pay all bills. Assuming you bought the land outright.(Bills are: Car insurance; medical; taxes; groceries; supplies: alcohol, soap , TP, clothes, etc. ; cell phone).
Pets: Are a liability, or have video game pets or robotic pets. Or inconsequential pets like mice.
Lawn mowing: It is a liability, unless a very low maintenance breed of grass. Or have dirt or stones or gravel.
Garage: May or may not choose to have one.

Being Healthy

Balance you brain:If you balance the right and left sides of your brain and make them cooperate then you get extraordinary skills at playing sports(as seen on “scientific American frontiers”:see youtube). So if you wanted to throw the ball into the hole from far away you have more control over the shot when both the left and right sides of the brain reach a state of balance in activity. This effect can be artificially enhanced by standing on a board being balanced on a rolling cylinder in the center. This is definitely good with martial arts skills.

Becoming a marathon runner is simple: Just start at 1 mile a day then 2 miles then 4 miles then 9 miles until reach 20 miles(As seen on a “Nova” marathon special: See youtube). What happens is your body transforms. Your veins and arteries become more flexible, your heart and lungs become more efficient, your ligaments and tendons get tougher and your muscles turn from strength fibers into stamina fibers. What is needed by muscles while running is carbs and fat and water. And marathon runners are the healthiest people because of their(vo2max) that makes them have the least chance of any health problems. But don’t think that you’re going to lose weight because they tested many people on the marathon show before and after they were in the marathon and only one had lost any weight at all. But that was only because that person had also gone on a strict diet. Instead just do this if you want to have superhuman running abilities, and to be healthy.

Inferred : If extreme exercise doesn’t make you lose weight. And you need both fat and sugar in your diet for your muscles to function properly. Then the only thing that will ever make you lose weight is eating less food/calories and having a higher metabolism. Some people have always been blessed with a fast metabolism and have never had to struggle, but in order to artificially create this is to eat 7 very small meals(thumb sized) throughout the day(1 per:2-3 hours), while never skipping a small meal. So treat your body like a machine and never give it bad junk food, or more food than is absolutely needed. But it may not matter what you actually eat as long as it’s less calories per/day.

Monday, April 21, 2008

How I plan on travelling when gas is too costly

Later added: It's not going to be too costly. So ignore this idea.
I plan on buying tiny lots of land all over the state, after I start saving money every month on not paying rent or mortgage or other bills when I build my house(AKA: Permanent camp). Then once I purchase another extra small lot of land I will install a solar panel that is just enough to recharge my electric vehicle. So in essence I will be making my own personal charging stations all around the state. So that I can be safe when the price of gas reaches 6$/gallon. And also it will be free energy after the panel is bought and the land is bought outright. I may even market the locations of the charging stations, to make some money off of whoever wants to buy my energy. But obviously that would require mechanical means of only pumping energy when money is inserted into the solar station. And security measures to prevent vandalism.
But mostly this idea is only to provide myself a personal infrastructure to be able to travel when all other forms of travel are too expensive.
And eventually make long distance routes to my favorite places to travel.
Also when gas becomes 6$/gallon food prices will sky rocket because of most food being imported from other states. So you'd better be able to grow enough food for you to eat on your own piece of land, instead of being dependent on stores.
And by then the dollar will be worth so little that it will be on the verge of being worthless which means all of your personal wealth should be in the form of resources such as metals or supplies. So go to the bank and take out all of your life savings in nickels and pennies and gold "cougerands"and silver.
But that's just what rich dad poor dad says on his website. In reality what may happen is that the dollar is replaced by electronic money. Or something like credits. Because the dollar is still worth a value as long as people still use it. Because we have the most stable currency in the world from it not being reliant on the world gold prices which radically fluctuate. Making it better for businesses that need to know how much their money will be worth after they get payed. Instead of questioning the future value of the money of their country. In other words the American dollar is good even if the dollar becomes worth less that a penny, as long as the currency is stable and theirs still a way to make it work without actual coins.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Mind Of A Child

When I was a kid I enjoyed it. So I like to figure out how I had so much fun back then.
  • Children haven't distinguished themselves from the outside world yet. Somewhat like not having a notion of self, or self aware at a very young age. And therefor they think that everyone is just the same as them. If they're happy then the whole world must also be a happy place. But as you get older you separate yourself from the outside world and make a personality that you stick with for the rest of your life, that is separate from everyone else. And you are now less open to change or new ideas or skills. When the world is a part of you mentally then you don't close out the ability to learn from others. This is why autistic people can't learn things. And they believe the source of autism is a lack of mirror neurons. Which is the way you can copy others mentally.
  • Don't think in words(this may be why no one can remember their childhood, from the brain using a different/foreign language as a child). Because when you think in words you are now labeling things in your head. This leads to prejudices, and bias. Because now you have to call things names. Which could turn into bad names and bad thoughts and no more fun thoughts, maybe.
  • No snap judgments or skipping to conclusions as a kid. When I was a kid I would loan video games and stuff to other kids and if they returned them then they were a friend or at least a good person. And over time you only have 2 ways of looking at parts of life. Good and bad. So you never think something is bad until results say conclusively that it is bad. And thats when you finally have your list of good things to keep in your life and bad things to stay away from. This can also be seen as, not thinking ahead. But which is better thinking ahead and having analysis paralysis and the feeling of worrying about things, or not judging people or worrying about bad things until they actually do happen.
  • Anything is possible as a kid. Because you Don't know any of the reasons why things are not possible yet.
  • Kids have no past to dwell on so cannot have any bad feelings about it.
  • Kids don't assume anything is bad yet or skip to conclusions because everything is new to them and a new learning lesson, so they haven't learned to label things as bad or difficult yet. Therefor kids have no pessimism.
  • And only deal with your present circumstance. Weather it be with toys or without, or with friends or without or in the house or out. And never complaining about the current situation because you don't know yet that it's worth complaining about. And never worrying about the present circumstance or the future because you haven't learned yet if there is even anything to worry about in this world.
  • I think most of all, I was sheltered from the outside world. And I didn't think that there was such a thing as bad in the world. I thought that every human was intelligent and therefor able to make normal correct decisions all the time. Because I hadn't learned of any bad things yet on earth, and so I saw everything as good. And each new individual had a different but perfectly functioning personality. So now I want to go back to living a sheltered existence, where I don't watch the news, or here about any bad things, and I only pay attention to things that come and knock on my door. And maybe even not watch any TV, because you don't get to choose what they put on the air. And live in the present and never focus on the past or the future. And never assume anything or skip to conclusions. or worry, or complain.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Looking into the future(updated 2 times)

Good things to expect in the not too distant future, from science.
  1. Graphene : Is the closest that we're going to get to a superconductor at room temperature for a while. So I look forward to when a way is found to mass produce it for use in low resistance electrical circuits.
  2. Flat lighting, and wall poster theaters : Will be here in a few years as Organic Light Emitting Diodes(OLED's) are mass produced for cheap soon. This will make low power usage bright flat ceiling lights. And with some circuitry can be a poster of differently colored OLED's to make a cheap low power usage home theater sized television.
  3. No more cancer: If the promising microwave/ nanosphere/ intron, technology prooves to be successful in the next 2 years.
  4. Artificial gecko skin: Will be invented very soon, because of the potential of it being useful in many different fields, and they have the beginnings of small scale prototypes already. It's sticky in every environment, and can be self cleaning, and is the strongest temporary hold.
  5. Electric cars: Are the perfect car, with new battery technologies, can now replace the internal combustion engine and rarely require maintenance because of very few moving parts. And the motors are embedded in each wheel, so that you can turn by variable spin speed of each wheel. Also they have AC induction motors which don't require a high maintenance carbon brush commutator. And the gear switching is all electric, requiring no gears. And battery technology keeps advancing every day, which means further than 250 mile range on a charge, and only taking 30 minutes to charge, and longer lifespans of the actual batteries meaning less replacement costs.
  6. Super capacitors: Will be game changing in the energy storage industry. They never degrade, have instant charge times, are almost 100% energy efficient, and even can have more energy density than the best batteries theoretically. Look to the new super capacitor being invented right now from EEstor on wikipedia. (A.K.A. EEstor inc.). And they will also be in a new vehicle made by the company Zenn. It may also be wise to invest in the companies stock of Zenn or EEstor before they multiply and split by an online stock trading site like "E*trade"that should be reputable because of them being able to put commercials on TV. I was recently looking on youtube under "EEstor" and they said that ZENN automotive stock is a speculative stock. And that it's at 4$ right now and if the technology didn't work then the stock would drop to 1$ but if the technology did work then the stock price would rise to 20$/share. And I plan on investing at least $1,000 in their stock because if it works I will be able to buy one of their cars with gain in stock value. But I'm also willing to take the risk of loosing the money, because I believe in the science as being just as important of a new technology as fiber optics were when they were invented. Here's the stock info page. Also Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, on this Wikipedia page(Wikipedia is, I'd say, 99.8% fact) is a venture capital investment firm who counts Google and Amazon among their early-stage successes, has also invested heavily in the company. Look under their investments for where it says Eestor as a 2007 investment. And also Lockheed Martin is investing in EEstor for sole use of the patent in the US, in the military, see: This press release. Look to EEstor,inc.'s private company information page also. And also since watching almost every video that they have on youtube under the search "ZENN car" I now have confidence in investing in a company that is as professional as them. Even if the bigger car companies out there will one day overtake them, by getting license to the same capacitor technology. Also definitely read the press releases on ZENN motors website, under "news". http://www.zenncars.com/
  7. Focus fusion: Is a new form of energy production that has no nuclear waste, or any other types of waste. And a reactor can be made for only $300,000. And the reactor doesn't need to be replaced like regular fission reactors from neutron emission corrosion. And it's only $60/kilowatt instead of the $1000/kilowatt of natural gas energy prices. I got this from the june 2oo8 edition of discover magazine on page 64. Also see this information on focus fusion.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Relationships Theory

I was watching a religious show of some kind, for some reason, and on it they were saying that a new study had come out that said that the key to long lasting marriages was a feeling of safety and security. Which means if you don't argue or humiliate or insult each other, and instead comfort and support and compliment and be just generally nice and able to handle any and all problems, then you will have a long lasting relationship. Which may also partially work with friends, when you don't insult them, and help them when needed.
So you would write out a list with your spouse of why you wanted them to stay in your life or the reasons you don't want the relationship to fail, and major things that you liked about them, and some dislikes, and goals for the future I think.
I researched this on the internet but could not find any studies in the news or Google that supported it. So for now it is just a theory, and it's up to you to see if it rings true in your mind, or life.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I am currently working with my dad to make an invention. The deal is that I make the proof of concept model and that he then does the productizing of the invention.
The steps involved in inventing are as follows:
  1. Market research: If you google the invention is there another product like it that has already been made and how well does that market seem to be doing in sales.
  2. Proof of concept: If the previous step resulted positively, then you make your proof of concept model that doesn't need to look pretty or anythings but just needs to work.
  3. Initial market testing: Then you make a limited run of maybe 30 units to test the market and see if it sells and keep a record of sales and feedback and fix any problems that customers experienced with the product.
  4. Patenting: Only patent when you are sure that there is a market for your invention and that it hasn't already been created before, to not have to pay the high patenting price. And some inventions are not patentable, like electronics, because there are always different different circuit diagrams that perform the exact same function that a competitor can use. And you may get a "proprietary patent" or a "copyright" instead.
  5. Production model: Now after all of the above are completed you make a production model. That is exactly the way that it would be sold in stores. And with that model you also need to source all of the parts and prices and an assembler that will put the parts together and come up with a final cost and sale price and quote how many that you could have made for your retailer to buy from you.
  6. Side note: You never buy your parts for the production model from a retailer because they inflate the price. So you need the wholesale mass quantities price from a direct manufacturer of parts.
  7. Now you're in business: One of the best businesses to be in is this kind, because the people buying a specialty item sometimes don't care how much they pay for the item. They only care about whether they need it for their business or not, and will buy in mass quantities from you the supplier, all in one purchase, just because it's easier to just do the paperwork once. So you can get a years worth of sales done in one sale and have a high price on that item you"re selling, if it's a specialty item in demand.
  8. Supply and demand: That's what drives the entire economy.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Inherent Human Flaws (updated 2 times)

  • Enough is never enough. Some humans always want more. And are never happy no matter where they are at in their finances or social standing or power.
  • Humans always have low faith in other humans. In other words humans expect the worst in human behavior out of even their closest friends. And assume that they are deceiving and manipulating.
  • Some are only in it for themselves and may do charity only to improve the way that other people see them.
  • We are the first species to ever hold ideals above self preservation or survival instinct. As proven by suicide bombers, who have no actual proof of their after life anyway. (This idea gotten from the TV show "What makes us human" Find it on youtube.
  • There has always been a certain percentage of the population that is clinically insane, no matter what the size of the population. The only way to correct this inherent flaw in humans is to change the genetic code of humans. Which will not be happening.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


My Definition: Liability means, one day something bad is "liable" to happen to you. And I am against any and all liability. Or at least I want control in deciding my own liabilities.

Some forms of liability are: Letting other people drive the car, needing to feed and care for family and pets, having to pay bills, any form of delegation. But don’t live somewhere that has bad weather, or the possibility of flood, which they learned after the fact in New Orleans. Being around other people in general is always a liability because people have on average a "C" average I.Q. Also they may only be in it for themselves. And one day that’s bound to affect you in some way. Hopefully not badly.Given enough time of living in the city, odds are that something bad will happen which was caused by city lifestyle.

There are new technologies being made every day to give people less liability to the people that can afford them. Such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, which if given range like cell phones and Global positioning system (GPS) could be the perfect amber alert system that could transmit the locations of emergencies. And new water meter remote sensors that disconnect you instantly after not paying a water bill and new micro printing on car parts that are able to ID a stolen car. So if you can't afford new technologies then you're more and more at the mercy of the people with the new technology, which is a liability. And the people who can afford the new technologies are getting less liability.

One of the best ways to get rid of all liabilities, is to disconnect yourself from society all together(Most people will not go to that extreme though), keeping all good things made by humans, and getting rid of all bad things made by humans. Because if you lived in a world with all of human made technology, but no humans, then you'd have all human created good but no human created bad, it could essentially be utopia. Because you would now have all of the tools needed to make a utopia, and nothing to get in your way. Also, for bad to exist in the first place, it has to be created by humans. Because we’ve already found technological solutions to all naturally made problems of life. Whether it, be animals or weather.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thought Provoking Insights

It's not how many people like you that makes you what your are. It's how you act on that info, that makes you what you are.
That works also with how much money you have, and how good you are at sports, and how good looking you are.

You never know what the tide will bring in tomorrow. So never give up on life and never stop just continuing to try.(This was from the movie "castaway")

Do the right thing even if it hurts you in the process. But don't do stupid things. In other words don't be in it just for yourself. Which means create a safe and secure environment for those you want to keep around you.

It's great living off of the table scraps of society. Going to the thrift store or garage sales, and give aways on the side of the road. You can always repurpose other peoples trash into your own treasure if you know what you're looking for: For instance, use the seeds from fruit bought at the store to grow your own, after you've eaten the fruit.
Or use Mylar from potato chip bags to make a parabolic mirror for starting a BBQ in the back yard.

Baby steps:
Only focus on what you have control over now, and don't worry about what's out of your control, what happens happens, at least you tried. And the journey of 1000 miles begins with "1 first step".

Think of everybody that you meet or talk to as though you're both still in high school. Because all humans are immature at heart. What sets grown ups apart from kids is just the degree of seriousness in which they look at life. So stop taking yourself so seriously, and you won't be so upset at other people being immature.