The above picture has recently been revised to have 1 large door laying on a slant over the entry way, that opens up so that you can go in with no arched spray foam entryway overhang anymore. And the area around the doors needs to be waterproof. This would be just like the storm doors that lead to basements that you can find at "home depot" these days.
This is for making utopia on a small piece of property adjacent to a forest. A.K.A. Making a permanent camp with all the necessary conveniences. Modify this to your personal needs.
A house shouldn't cost more and need more maintenance than you do as a person. Because it's cheaper these days to have children than to have a house.
To see more explanations behind the items on this list, look to: New house design 3/24/08
Warm climate version:Foundation: none needed
Shape of house: Perfect hemisphere above ground and cylinder shaped wall below ground.
Insulation/heat retention: Spray foam and adobe
Materials needed: Land,
Polyurethane foam, metal rods and plastic bags as the form, extension cords, bleach(maybe), chlorine pool tablets(maybe), "CLR septic system"(maybe), alcohol(make own), paint, plaster(maybe),
grip clips(maybe), extension cords, solar panels, lead acid batteries, a good inverter, 2 buckets with lids, a home made water distiller, "ChlorFloc" (maybe) a metal grill, some materials for a slanted storm door as entry way
Structural Safety: Unneeded because it's not heavy enough to hurt you or trap you if it collapses. A metal geodesic dome is the strongest structure possible.
Fire safety: Have an inner coating of adobe or plaster and paint over the spray foam and an outer layer of dirt over the spray foam.
Flood safety: Don't live in a flood risk area.
Lightning/Wind storm/Bomb shelter : Use lightning rod, and it is a natural wind and bomb shelter.
Air flow: Cut an opening if neededPlumbing version(1): Bleach (Made of chlorine), chlorine pool tablets, "CLR Septic System" , 1 or 2 or 3 buckets with lids. The first bucket is left to evaporate, for a week or so. And then just bury it somewhere safe. This could be a ratio of
50%Water/25%CLR/25%Bleach (Or the least amount that still disinfects).
Plumbing version(2): A plastic garbage bag, in the bucket and then burn it, in a high heat wood burning furnace(or a large rocket stove), once a month. And still use conventional toilet paper. But burn far away from houses to not smell the smoke.
Tools: Are unneeded, because only spray foam, and adobe, and it has an easy to assemble form, and all metal things for different parts of house are pre-made, and are only installed.
Reinforcement: May not be needed, otherwise build a geodesic dome, for the above ground portion. All that is needed is cheap electrical conduit, or even just wood poles, and bolts, see:
This video.
Windows: Cut them out of the spray foam, if needed. And then buy the pre-made windows.
Entryway: Is a ramp in the ground ending at the doorway with a slanted doorway that is water tight, which is also a little bit elevated from the ground in case of flooding during a storm.
Water proofing: Spray foam is water proof. And have a raised portion before the ramp to not allow water to go down the ramp. It is still to be seen if sprayfoam doesn't grow mold.
Lighting: Led's powered by solar panels connected by extension cord built into the walls.(See:
LED replacement tubes)
Electric: Solar panels, or wind energy charge "Sealed lead acid batteries". Then an inverter. Calculate power needs with this equation:
Watts= Amps(x) VoltsWater: Comes from an artificial pond. Then distilled
(see this simple distiller) . Or boiled. Or disinfected with
"chlorfloc" and filtered. That is if you aren't using extremely dirty water, or chemically polluted water.
Shower: Home made
"wet wipes" Made out of fruit that is allowed to ferment for a year and then is distilled with lemon scent added and then soaked into a rag. (See:
simple distiller). Or warm soapy water and rag. But shampoo you'll still have to buy no matter what.
Furniture: Made out of wood or is inflatable(Inflatable is my preferred, at this point in time, if it works).
Vehicle: Is electric super capacitor car. Or use a boat to not have to pay for insurance or fuel, and sail along the coastline. See
wind turbine boat.
Air conditioning: A wet shirt that evaporates to cool. A conventional air conditioner. For infinite air conditioning just hook up a solar panel.
Refrigerator: Smoked meat. Then cook it again later when eat it. Year round fruits and vegetables with grow lights takes just as much energy as a fridge. connect a fridge to a solar panel and batteries for night time power, for infinite power source.(See:
Diagram of a smoker)(See:
Wiki smoked meat)
Cooking: Have a "Rocket stove"(See: This picture of one), Or make a homemade wood burning stove, indoors or outdoors,(See: This picture of one) or a dutch oven. Or a grill or a pan or a hand held flipping grill or a pot. Dishes and utensils can be sanitized over the fire after rinsing and scraping dirt off of. Also see my recipes section.
Dishes/Utensils: Wash by hand in warm soapy water.
Meat/Eggs: Catch it, or hunt it, or farm it. Then smoke it.
Fruit/Vegetables/Spices: Grow year round crops. Or freeze.
Sweets/Dairy/Baked Goods/Nuts/Oil/Specialty: Buy it from store if needed.
Entertainment: DVD's are watched on a computer unless not compatible format, video games downloaded onto computer, books, TV on youtube or a stations website with recorded episodes, if you can get internet. Comic books bought on ebay, then scanned onto flash memory cards and viewed on any compatible screen, then sold back on ebay.
Communication: Cell phone
Trash: None made, or use the toilet waste hole as the trash can too.
Clothes: Water resistant synthetic materials and washed with an alcohol/lemon scent soaked rag on a solid wood frame. Or an ionizing washing machine(which doesn't need soap), or a bucket and clean plunger to agitate cotton clothes in soapy water.
Time: 3 quarts crystal watches and extra batteries for triple redundancy if one fails. They also have calendar function and are water proof. "Fossil" is a good utilitarian brand.
Navigation: GPS.
Government/Working: Egalitarianism of the tribal kind. Help friends so that they will help you. No control over other people except in contracts for agreements. Trade with people with no strings attached. Be self reliant so that you don't participate in the rest of the worlds fighting. And so that you are not subject to rules made by people you don't even know.
No more reason to like or dislike anything anymore to improve life, because no more improvements are possible, so therefore no more arguments or complaining are possible.
(See: Source of all disputes). Or just live around people that agree with your own points of view.
The best rule of thumb is if you have to make rules not to hurt others, then you're living around the wrong people to begin with.(Also see:
Utopia now housing project)
Medical: Use insurance, get the best doctor in the field for the particular illness.
Population of any civilization: Build more houses and expand your boarders if your population is too dense. Or eventual birth control in distant future.
Money just in case needed: Have a job while building the house. And you can always totally live off the land, like a homesteader.
Monthly Bills: Expect only 600$/ mo to be needed at first to pay all bills. Assuming you bought the land outright.
(Bills are: Car insurance; medical; taxes; groceries; supplies: alcohol, soap , TP, clothes, etc. ; cell phone).
Pets: Are a liability, or have video game pets or robotic pets. Or inconsequential pets like mice.
Lawn mowing: It is a liability, unless a very low maintenance breed of grass. Or have dirt or stones or gravel.
Garage: May or may not choose to have one.