Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Relationships Theory

I was watching a religious show of some kind, for some reason, and on it they were saying that a new study had come out that said that the key to long lasting marriages was a feeling of safety and security. Which means if you don't argue or humiliate or insult each other, and instead comfort and support and compliment and be just generally nice and able to handle any and all problems, then you will have a long lasting relationship. Which may also partially work with friends, when you don't insult them, and help them when needed.
So you would write out a list with your spouse of why you wanted them to stay in your life or the reasons you don't want the relationship to fail, and major things that you liked about them, and some dislikes, and goals for the future I think.
I researched this on the internet but could not find any studies in the news or Google that supported it. So for now it is just a theory, and it's up to you to see if it rings true in your mind, or life.

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