Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Mind Of A Child

When I was a kid I enjoyed it. So I like to figure out how I had so much fun back then.
  • Children haven't distinguished themselves from the outside world yet. Somewhat like not having a notion of self, or self aware at a very young age. And therefor they think that everyone is just the same as them. If they're happy then the whole world must also be a happy place. But as you get older you separate yourself from the outside world and make a personality that you stick with for the rest of your life, that is separate from everyone else. And you are now less open to change or new ideas or skills. When the world is a part of you mentally then you don't close out the ability to learn from others. This is why autistic people can't learn things. And they believe the source of autism is a lack of mirror neurons. Which is the way you can copy others mentally.
  • Don't think in words(this may be why no one can remember their childhood, from the brain using a different/foreign language as a child). Because when you think in words you are now labeling things in your head. This leads to prejudices, and bias. Because now you have to call things names. Which could turn into bad names and bad thoughts and no more fun thoughts, maybe.
  • No snap judgments or skipping to conclusions as a kid. When I was a kid I would loan video games and stuff to other kids and if they returned them then they were a friend or at least a good person. And over time you only have 2 ways of looking at parts of life. Good and bad. So you never think something is bad until results say conclusively that it is bad. And thats when you finally have your list of good things to keep in your life and bad things to stay away from. This can also be seen as, not thinking ahead. But which is better thinking ahead and having analysis paralysis and the feeling of worrying about things, or not judging people or worrying about bad things until they actually do happen.
  • Anything is possible as a kid. Because you Don't know any of the reasons why things are not possible yet.
  • Kids have no past to dwell on so cannot have any bad feelings about it.
  • Kids don't assume anything is bad yet or skip to conclusions because everything is new to them and a new learning lesson, so they haven't learned to label things as bad or difficult yet. Therefor kids have no pessimism.
  • And only deal with your present circumstance. Weather it be with toys or without, or with friends or without or in the house or out. And never complaining about the current situation because you don't know yet that it's worth complaining about. And never worrying about the present circumstance or the future because you haven't learned yet if there is even anything to worry about in this world.
  • I think most of all, I was sheltered from the outside world. And I didn't think that there was such a thing as bad in the world. I thought that every human was intelligent and therefor able to make normal correct decisions all the time. Because I hadn't learned of any bad things yet on earth, and so I saw everything as good. And each new individual had a different but perfectly functioning personality. So now I want to go back to living a sheltered existence, where I don't watch the news, or here about any bad things, and I only pay attention to things that come and knock on my door. And maybe even not watch any TV, because you don't get to choose what they put on the air. And live in the present and never focus on the past or the future. And never assume anything or skip to conclusions. or worry, or complain.

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