Wednesday, March 26, 2008

April fools day prank ideas

  1. Get your hands on some isonitriles (AKA : or­gan­ic iso­cyanides) Are the worst odors that you can come across. And if you can't find the real thing then just get a pitri dish of jello and use a wet cotton swab between your toes and then swab that onto the jello pitri dish, and you'll have a safe but nasty odor that you can putin someones car or on a seat that the'll sit in or on thier jacket.
  2. Put a really scary mask and jacket on a broom stick and prop it up against your friends bedroom door. Which will then fall onto them as they open the door. That's a wake up call!
  3. Put salt in someone's drink when they're not looking.
  4. Slather some kind of cooking or motor oil all over metal door handles.

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