Monday, March 17, 2008

Money Scheme

I just had a thought. If you had a 6% interest earning account of say 30,000$, which is about 300 $/mo of extra income payable to another account/mo. And you combined that fact with the effect of dollar cost averaging.
Rather than buying a set # of stocks every month you instead buy a set $ cost every month.

Then supposedly you would buy 300$/mo of mutual funds or gold or both. And over time the compound interest effect and the dollar cost averaging effect combined would give you a combined higher interest rate than you could normally get.
Also this would be set up to automatically happen whether you watch it or not.(The 300$ goes into an IRA of stocks or gold every month so that you can't take out the money unless you really try)
This would be the best compound interest for the novice investor.

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