Saturday, March 8, 2008

Time capsules

I plan on making time capsules for my valuables when I go out on my on the road infinite vacation. This way I don't need to pay for a safe deposit box or anything.
It will be in a very durable/thick plastic container sealed with silicone and duct tape for redundancy. And it will have something metal in it like tin foil, so that I can detect it when I'm in the area.
I will write down the GPS coordinates when I bury it and to find it again I just need to go on a geocache search.
It needs to be located away from trees so that roots don't grow into it, and ruin it by breaking the container.
This technique is also good for saving an otherwise worthless item for the future in mint condition until it has become an antique and extremely valuable collectable to museums, and such.
Also I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket. So I will make multiple smaller containers. Just in case someone digs one of them up, and just in case one is ruined by roots.
Never let it known where it was buried, before or after it was buried.

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