Saturday, June 23, 2007

The best solar composter / pasteurizer toilet design so far

To meet the composting parameters ,as described on the website that I provided a link for, this is the design I came up with. The requirements were:
  1. Proper aeration: Solar powered wind tube(hot air flows upward is why it works and you only need to have higher heat on one side of the tube, relative to the low heat side of tube.
  2. Proper carbon/nitrogen ratio (just add paper plates from dishes or found sawdust or tp or other carbon material . If there is any odor you add just enough carbon and any odor will go away)
  3. Moisture- Need the mixture to always be 50% water wich the washlet should provide(need to add actual water not extra urine).
  4. Heat- provided by incoming then stored solar radiation(add mirrors for more heat or increase the ratio of solar collecting area to the compost chamber sizes)

But remember to have a thermometer and moisture indicator inside the box where you can see it (on the window side) to always be able to monitor proper functioning.

LATER ADDED: I have since chosen chemical toilets that are environmentally friendly like chlorine as an all around better option in simplicity and effectiveness as long as the chemicals kill all of the harmful bacteria, and then bury. Because just like heat kills most biological organisms there are toxic chemicals that don't occur naturally that perform the same task. And may even work better and require less energy or oversight. And chemicals are also foolproof. And are safe if you use them correctly (it's hard not to with chlorine/alcohol).

Let the chlorine evaporate before burying the waste

Friday, June 22, 2007

Current Projects : 6/22/07

Electron device-I still need to test a home made capacitor, after I build one. But I think I need a low loss in conversion high voltage power source. There is no loss after it is operational but I just need to find an efficient high voltage (low amperage)energy source. But it's kind of on the back burner because it's not necessarily needed for me to build a working house. But it would be the most fun device ever created if it actually worked.

Light storage device- It's on the back burner now as money is tight and am preparing for the move and don't find it fun to make it big with an invention. Instead I just want to live a good life with my self made, money saving, house. And I also like being under the radar. Inventing something, no matter how helpfull to humanity, would make me conspicuous and that's the one thing that I don't like.

House design is what I think about all the time now and also moving wich will be a better life than living in Seattle

The ground breaking website also has to wait until after the move because it has to be stationed somewhere. And for some reason nobody wants to do the idea and become a millionaire even though all the people I've told, say it's the best idea they've ever heard . But I'm going to make it happen somehow because it is such a fun idea, and it would almost be a public service in how it would save people all there money on entertainment. I think the idea is "ultimate fun production distilled into perfect awsomeness"

Happy thought theory

Only think about or focus on what you like every second of every day, and only work towards and think about, the end goal no matter what is involved.--- But at the same time, do all of the stuff that you don't like to do, but you need to do to survive. But even though you're continuously doing an amazing amount of work that you don't like at all, you don't even notice it because you're not thinking about it. Instead you're still thinking about your good thought like a daydream, and performing unwanted tasks automatically. And all of your focus or emotion goes toward the good thought, and all of the stuff you don't want to do, gets done, and passes by without notice, like an autonomic function, in the same way that we don't notice ourselves breathing all the time but it happens anyway.

So something that would be nice is if we all had some kind of reminder system, that makes you do unwanted things automatically, without even thinking about getting ready to do it. Because you never really want to think about things that you don't like doing, so instead the reminder thinks about it for you. And you do the unwanted thing like any other chore, minus paying attention to it.

Narcesism: is when you constantly need other peoples reasurance to justify your life. And you need outside opinion for everything that you do. Narcesism is a real mental illness. But I think that it's a state of mind and not a permanent feature of anyone personality. So don't be a narcesist!

As long as you can enjoy fun things as they happen then you're one of the happiest people on earth.(see: "If the meaning of life is fun , then what's fun?").

Good thoughts are: Well designed things, a fun life, or the end goal that you want to reach then live in, someday.

Why making my own house is my goal

  1. I plan to get rich off of saving money on everything because a penny saved it exactly the same as a penny earned. And if I save 100% of my income, then I'd be effectively making double the amount of money I am making now. The reason that I want extra money is because the good thing about being rich is having the ability to experience anything in this world that you want, and as long as you can enjoy it, then you're the best off, in life.
  2. I can get rich other ways that I know all about, but this is the only way that I find the most enjoyment in. And you should always do what makes you happy, and in the best financial position possible, because you don't want to waste your entire life doing something you don't like just for money, then someday looking at a wasted life.( look to: "if meaning is fun then what is fun" : idea).
  3. It's also the easiest option to getting rich . Because it requires the same amouont of research /and risk/ and paperwork as "flipping houses". But it would never take as long as working a 40 hour a week job for 30 years to build an adobe house(instead "Dick Proeneke" built his log cabin from scratch in 2 weeks)(see:"Alone in the wilderness")(also see:"One man's wilderness : an alaskan odyssey"). And with all the extra time and money left over for the rest of my life, I can do what I enjoy doing with no obligations to speak of.

Is stem cell research unethical

I just posted a pole about this question on to see what we all think and see if the president is full of hot air or if we are objectable to the idea. The reason is that, he may be haulting science for personal gain of some sort that we don't know about. And I'm all for science as you know. So we'll see...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wattage/Voltage/Amperage calculator

This simple formula is used to figure out the amount of solar power needed from solar cells to supply an entire household-

Wattage=Voltage X Amperage ---or the proffesional notation of--- P=EI

Where : P= power
E=potential difference in Volts
I=is the current in Amperes

or- Wattage/Amps= Volts
or- Wattage/Volts= Amps

Then there is Watt hours wich is just amps (that is used by device) (x) the voltage used by the same device (x) the # of ours the same device was used . Kilowatt hour is 1,000 Watts. And 1 Horsepower(hp)= 746 Watts

And to get the totel household power needs you just add the Watt/Hours frome each device together for the household for the total power usage for a given period in time.

And to find out the size of the solar array that you need, you have to know the total expected power usage on the worst day for solar energy production, and include the amount of time during the night that there is no energy pruduction.

Bringing House Design: Up to code

In other words following "Building Code".

When applying for a building permit(assuming that's how it works where you live) you must demonstrate how you meet each "building code objective". This is my initial understanding so far.
  1. Structural code- Have a test model house to make sure it han handle any internal or external applied forces.
  2. Fire safety code- Have metal staircase exit route, smoke detectors, fire extinguisher, low foliage around house to prevent spread of any fire into or out of property, and to prevent spread of fire inside of building, you may install sprinklers, or just have the same prevention as normal houses do.
  3. Health code- Adequate plumbing- Have a big enough solar composter, and monitor the temperature of it regularly to make sure it's effective at producing high temps. Also have a "portapotty" until the solar comoster is operational , both before and after the construction of it, while testing. ----- Air circulation- Have a window or vents in the underground portion of the house (window is more conventional, and provides light, and can be used as fire escapes). For quality of the air have no building materials that can cause polutants. Or have an air filter. But when dusting the house you don't want to breath in the dusty air(wear mask for manual dusting, or exit the house while fans blow the dust out).
  4. Electrical code- If every item in the house was low voltage, then you wouldn't need any electrical code. But also if every elecrical part is premade you don't need to worry about following code----- Items using electricity are...(1)Low power flourescent lightbulbs,(2) Solar powered lithium-ion lawnmowers,(3) Cell phone, (4)Car- ,(5)Heating,(6) Swivel sweeper is battery powered, (7) Water pump, (8)Instant water heaters,(9)Barbecue or oven/stove,(10) Computer,(11)TV,(12)Washer dryer(13) Fridge-----Most of these use small amounts of power or easilly use solar so it should be extremely easy to run solar power to an inverter and then run extention cords from the sockets in the inverter to a convenient place along a wall for regular 120v. So it's inconvenient to only use varrying/ separate/ self charging small voltages.

Self-Built House design : 6/19/07 (THE OLD VERSION)

(click on image to open in new window- or copy it to a picture program and look at it there)

This is a picture of the mostly complete house design.

-----(LATER ADDED)----- In this design the only things about the house that I have recently changed are, the shape of the house, and now it is no longer half underground, and the material used for the interior of the walls is now rammed earth, and now new printed solar panels are the power source. And to camp out at the building site use the technology discussed on "Complete forest survival supply list"

Monday, June 18, 2007

Solar Power System Diagram

(click on pic to open in new window - or copy into your own picture program and view there)

LATER ADDED: This system needs a diode to not discharge the batteries when it is dark(as recommended by some solar panel specifications) Also use non lead acid based storage batteries(2)x6Volt batteries =12Volts. Also always charge batteries in series because of the scenario where one battery is done charging and the other continues to take the full current. Otherwise just have the correct solar panel for the voltage and max current charging rating of the battery.
This is a power system setup using solar cells. The solar cell act as a diode so there's no reverse flow of energy. The inverter acts as the resistor to not over discharge the batteries. But now that I think of it, if you had the solar panels at 24 volt output exactly, then the batteries would never over charge because the energy would stop flow at 24 volts. So that would actually be the "plug and play system" that wouldn't need supervision. And may never break. If I did foresee all the variables in this design.

Prediction :6/17/07

We will all need to find an alternative to gas powered cars in the next year or 2 by ourselves and not wait for companies to find a totally new technology in 1-2 years. Because I just heard a financial expert on TV yesterday say how gas will only go up to 6$/gal before it starts coming down again. And the reasoning behind this is that they haven't found a major oil feild in 20 years or so(accept the sand absorbed oil feilds)and that the demand will still be there always and the consumption might even grow in a couple of years from more population, not to mention dwindling gas resources. So my suggestion is a small deisel powered vehicle like a motorcycle even though motorcycles are dangerous if they can get off balance by running over just about anything, and they also aren't good for use in the rain. But anyways just a small deisel vehicle and may have 2 vehicles - 1 for rainy days and hauling stuff and 1 for most trips into town that uses less gas. And may even need to make own deisel fuel. But I don't know how to do that, even though it is possible .

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Prediction : 6/16/07

-----From war ,and the killing of many more good people than bad people(our finest sent to war and 10 of them killed for every 1 enemy/ and also the genocide of good people but never genocide of bad people), and also the accidental killing of smart people by stupid people(drunk drivers, causing or spreading illness supposedly on accident, infinite more) before the good and smart people are able to have kids. Will supposedly cause the entire human race to breed with more stupid and evil people creating through natural selection(even if technically called survival of the fittest) a human race far worse than it is now already,over time. And any population increase will make life on earth that much more catastrophically worse. And also religious people and just ignorant people have way too many kids (4 for every 2 parents) creating a situation where the people who don't want over population (the logical thought)and only want 2 kids are the minority. And they ruin the future generations lives by creating too much demand and not enough supply including the supply of land leading to more war over space and money to just live a semi-decent life. Not to mention that eventually there will be birth restrictions like in Japan for 1 child per every 2 parents. So then couples are angry from not engaging in "congress" anymore.

If the meaning of life is fun, then what's fun?

Reality is probably just working at surviving, no matter how you look at it, and no matter how easy or hard it is for you in particular to survive.
-----So there is no other point to life really other than surviving. Your job keeps you occupied to make money to survive. You date people to prolong the species. You eat food to survive. We explore the world or anything for no particular reason , maybe to stay sane, but mostly to either make a home somewhere else or to experience new things to keep our brain active and healthy.
------ If all human inventions have been made to make life easier. And when life is easier you have extra time on your hands. Then what do you do with all the extra time that you have? Have fun, probably.

------But your personal reality or life is determined to you by these factors:

  1. What you have available to percieve
  2. What you allow or don't allow yourself to percieve, and
  3. How your brain interprets what you are percieving
  4. And all of the above perceptions, are given to you by your senses/feelings however strong they are

-----For instance, an example of #1 is if you are rich you have more options or parts of life on earth to experience. But if you grew up rich then your perception of all of your extraordinary experiences would be mundane or even boring because you grew up with it your whole life and desensitized to it. But also if you were put into a poor persons shoes after being rich your whole life it would be the worst experience ever. for you even though it's normal for everybody else.
-----An example of #3 would be if you find looking at or being with the opposite sex fun, then your perception(senses) of them is thought in your brain as good or fun( based on the gene programs that created your brain, most likely). But the same perception (senses) of the same situation by a person without an interest in the opposite sex, would see the situation as normal or not fun based on how there brain, in particular, interprets the perceptions-----Also if you present yourself as a good perception(being clean/ put together) to someone you like, then it will be more likely that they will find it fun to look at or be around you. which there are some pipe dreamers that say that they will only clean up there act after they're already in a relationship
-----An example of #2 and more is-If you get rid of all human created bad from your life, but still keep all human created good, then you would be choosing to only percieve good things, and if you could also find those things fun, by the way your brain is interpreting the perceptions(senses) (example of #3). And if you had all earthly desires and could afford to experience all aspects of life, either through new technologies or homemade utopia, or by having the money to(example of #1). Then you would effectively be the happiest person on earth. But , I guess in the end, there would still be no meaning other than survival
-----I guess there's having the opportunity to be happy, and then there's actually feeling happy or having fun. And being able to sustain it for the rest of your life.

House Design :6/14/07

This information is now outdated and more effective technologies have been found in more recent posts.
  • By keeping only human created good in your life- The design for that lifestyle is as follows:
  • The Premice: All functions of this life style including all supplies(materials, energy, work)should...
  • 1.Be done with 0.00 work, so that they make themselves and you don't have to work
  • 2.They should be solid state devices, or cannot possibly ever break(low maintenance)
  • 3.And the devices should be easilly constructed from common materials, without having to buy them from a factory (wherever possible, at least)
  • 4.But if do buy from a factory, it should be inexpensive------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Cooking-(requires power)/Dishes/Fridge(requires power)- 1 option is to have a Microwave/Convection/Bake oven, all in one unit, to consolidate all functions of cooking(the drawbacks are: cooking many different items at once)and have an infra red cooktop for easy to clean stove-----The 2nd option, is for the least maintenance possible,and is to have an outdoor infra red barbecue, that is powered by solar cells,(or newer power system) and for cold days you'd have an outdoor heater beside the barbecue,----- And for pots and pans, if you didn't even clean them except rinse them off, and then you heated them on the barbecue, they would be disinfected thru "pasturization" and there would be effectively no need for cleaning of the pots / pans, except for rinsing the bulk of the dirt off-----And for dishes you would have paper plates, and paper cups, and metal utencils, and clean the utensils w/ soap, and with clean/ filtered / boiled water. This way you buy the paper plates, and cups instead of buying, water/ energy/soap, for a dishwasher. And to get rid of the plates and cups, either burn them, or put them in a compost pile, that could use the extra carbon content-----And for keeping leftovers, or crop overrun, and cold drinks, and ice, you may want a fridge, that is run off of solar power. But in some cultures, in warm climates, they just always pick fresh produce from their property, and eat meat from a barbecue party of some sort, every sunday, with no leftovers.
  • Water heater(requires power)/Clothes Washer/Dryer- For hot water use an "instant tankless water heater". Where using the hot water is then the lowest energy use possible by the water heater only heating the water on-demand. And for more hot water flow at a time just connect 2 instant water heaters in series, this also saves on the space taken up from the conventional storage tank water heaters; The cost of an instant tankless water heater is $180-$400 now, electric powered is best(for least up keep/danger)-----For washer and dryer you may choose a washer dryer combo unit that saves on space and energy and water. But there is an inventive solution that may get rid of the Washer/Dryer all together- If you made a shirt out of a material that was stretchy, or strong, and never ripped(maybe kevlar), and it also didn't absorb dirt, but was still a breathable fabric- Then you could put the shirt over a shirt shaped panel, or mesh, and clean it with an Alcohol/ Perfume mix and wipe off the dirt with a brush or another cloth . ----- The alcohol acts as a disinfect, and as a mild solvent, loosening the dirt. And the perfume is to get rid of any odor. And the brush is to loosen and take off the dirt. But supposedly with this system you wouldn't require the massive amounts of water and your cleaning would be done in 10 minutes instead of 2 hours, and it would dry instantly requiring no "high electricity using" dryer. And also there would be space saving, and the soap buying costs would be replaced with alcohol/ scent buying cost.----- The one drawback other than slight work is of washing blankets, or other thick clothe, used for insulating properties usually. So you may want a washer around just in case of emergency anyway, or go to the cleaners, wich is what you do with expensive quilts anyway.
  • Supplies(have to pay)- for sure will need laundry soap or alcohol/ dish soap, bar soap, shampoo, chemicals(vinegar, alcohol,etc., all nontoxic though) toothpaste, deodorant, clothes, haircut, and paper plates/bowls/cups- I always find that with all of these supplies the cheaper it is, the better the quality of the product all around, or the better bang for your buck( for the reason that they're all only simple/ common/ known chemical formulas that you can't improove on)----- Now for the other supplies of daily life I will explain why they may not be needed------Light bulbs- May not need if my light collection device works otherwise use flouresent and only replace once in 2 or more years -10$/year.-----Entertainment- You may be able to buy a dvd or a comic or a game used and then sell it right after done using it on ebay, or trade with friends. Otherwise, seeing movies in theatres is an expence that, if you like doing that, is -10$+/mo-----Foil/Wrap- May use hardly any if you use sturdy tupperware-5$/year-----TP- if you had a washing toilet with a washlet then you could make your own toilet paper if you made your own water, and used that instead- Warm water line would be supplied by the tankless waterheater/ and a cold water line also would be connected, both under a certain pressure each- cost of one of these seats is 180$ and up but lasts forever and self cleaning parts(but you want household cleaners just in case)-cost= maybe 0.00 if self sufficient system-----Trash Bags- You don't need them if you don't produce solid waste( or for the little that you do produce use grocery bags as trash bags)cost=0.00-----Paper Towels -You don't need to buy if you use rags(lots of them for different purposes and rotation of use)- Otherwise use paper towels if they're cheap, or you can afford it, because they're biodegradable or burnable and are less work to use- Cost maybe at 3 rolls in 2/3 of a year is about 4$/year-----Stationary- Instead may use pda with flash card storage or computer with cd storage(always have back-up disks or files)----- Laundry sheets and Soap- May not be needed if you use the inventive idea mentioned above- cost= maybe 0.00-----DVD+R(W)-You may want these, if you're not a minimalist-cost= 20$/year(always buy the good brand or will get corrupted dvd's- go to radioshack)-----Boxes- Just buy them when you move 20$/year(get rid of all the stuff that you haven't used in a year, and is in storage-sell stuff on ebay instead of a garage sale)-----In all, my estimate for my supply budget is about 10$/mo +/- 5$/mo .
  • Phone(have to pay)- Get a cell phone that never breaks and gets power from radio waves or just charge at night if not self charging in some way like having a solar cell charged battery that you hook up to at night. But either way you need to pay a phone bill from it being a monopoly, so 20$-40$/mo .
  • Calendar/Datebook/Phone#'s/Address book- May use pda with flash memory and have a backup card for Important paper work- Then keep in a lockbox and hidden(beauracracy is a human made problem, so far, and if you have ID theft then it's not even a sure thing) .
  • Tools/ Supplies/ Experiments- As humans we always need to alter our environment so it's important to have all the tools needed and supplies needed. So have consolidated into one box unless they're big tools .
  • Car(requires power)- in the perfect world we should all be flying: easy to use ultralite helicopters; for the reasons of not needing to maintain and expand roads with taxes, using up valuable land and also wasting time in traffic, and also you would have access to anywhere no matter how remote. Supposedly if my electron device works it will make this and all other things possible----- Well other than that the best car out there is the "Tesla Roadster" wich performs just as good as a high end sports car without a single one of the drawbacks and if you want to travel long distance it will go 250 miles on one charge, wich, I travel, and know that 200 miles is driving from when you wake up to when you make a hotel reservation. So then charge it at night for 4 hrs like a cell phone and leave the next day .
  • Lawn mower- the best design I think is an electric/ lithium-ion battery mower that I guess can last for as long as a maybe .2 acre yard. Other options are for less work are, a ride on lawnmower. Or don't have a grass yard, like people in desert areas(less watering and mowing).
  • Lighting(may need power)-My light capture device LATER ADDED: The light capture device isn't feasible, instead you may just amplify a light source with a good length of "erbium" doped fiber optic cables: Which is easily tested(20$ for fiber optics and an LED for 3$) But cost effectiveness and the particular wavelength of light may not make it a salable invention, or solar power system, with flouresent bulbs.
  • Heating(may need power)/Cooling- In a cave it's a constant 45 degrees all year round so I propose having the same insulation for a house, by making the house out of old fashioned "Adobe"bricks and Stucko(stucko is to weather proof). And have half of the house be underground, and then may only need warm clothes when it's cold, and a "heated top"(see below) chimney could circulate air thru the house on a hot day----- And if that doesn't work then have an electric space heater when it's cold, and have a chimney air circulator when it's hot, instead of a fan, and then just go to the underground portion of the house when it's hot also.
  • Cleaning- Dusting-Waft dust in the air with a duster and let the chimney (heated top is the low pressure, and an open window is the high pressure creating draft) suck the dusty air out of the house----- Sweeping/Vacuuming - always have wood floors and wear socks- because carpets are a human made problem that only creates dust and has to be replaced and serves no actual realistic purpose- And have a swivel sweeper wich uses battery power, and if it actually has suction power, then it is the best designed vacuum cleaner ever created(as long as it is also fixable, or doesn't even need maintanence)----- Disinfection/Deep Cleaning-Use the cheap household chemicals described in "Haileys Hints"-water softener/cream of tarter/ amonia/ white vinegar/ hydrogen peroxide/(white)toothpaste/hair spray/ bar of soap/ rubbing alcohol/ always cold water-But you mostly only need these if you still always need to clean, wich would be if you had the old fashioned type cooktops, or dishes, or old type toilets, wich may be possible to eliminate. But shower and sink you still have to have, and clean .
  • Food/ Fruit/ Veggie/Herb/ Meat-Meat you can trap, or hunt, or fish for, if you don't have to live in the city-----Fruit/ Veggie/ Herb-Would be grown at home, and traded with neighbors, then stored in freezer----- Dairy/ Wine/ Chocolate'and other rare items that are also bad for you, are all put together in various ways, to make all of your different food needs .
  • Water(requires power)-Fresh water may be from a water producing plant like vines (grapes) or fruit juice. And to water plants in a drought, you would just have a storm water collection pond of semiclean water, and then water the plants with that, using an electric pump, or down hill flow, to the plants through an automatic sprinkler system(wich is pretty straight forward to set up). Clean water can also be made with a polyethelene terephthalate bottle put in the sun for 6 hours until it reaches a temperature of, I think, 160 degrees, for 30 minutes at least, but if you get it wrong it could be dangerous, so look it up on the internet. But the most straight forward way to make clean drinking water, is to boil rain water on a stove of some kind, and then filter it through a "Britta" water filter(wich has a charcoal filter)for better taste----- Otherwise, for all other water needs, either use a slow sand filter, or a normal pool filter, and then maybe add clourine pool tablets also(if slow sand filter didn't dissinfect it), and you can use that water for the majority of household needs (shower- and toilet). And for sink water, or for totaly disinfected water, you should boil water and then keep it in a clean (plastic) tank, of some kind.
  • (to be continued...)

House Design: 6/14/07- 6/22/07 (Part 2)

This information is now outdated and more effective technologies have been found in more recent posts.
  • (continued)
  • --Grey water/ Sewer/ Toiletry/ Shower- Can't have just a hole in the ground unless up north where there is permafrost because it attracts flies and has odor. So instead have a solar composter wich is is just a 1M cubed box sealed shut with a door for removal of pan with a slanted windowed side facing south one half outside and one half inside the bathroom. And instide the box is a screen to hold solids and a pan underneath to hold ashes after the compost has decomposed. The sides are made of adobe(for good insulation) and has a thick wooden top that attach the washing toilet seat to, and when not in use have an air tight seal on the hole----- Any liquid should evaporate or be needed for decomposition or be pasturised. Pasturisation is the main factor in the decontamination and again it needs to get to 200 degrees or a little less on a regular basis. Best composting is done when the carbon/ nitrogen ratio is correct so if you need more wood pulp in the pile put paper plates or cups or kitchen scraps into the pile wich is in the solar composter toilet. May also add lime for more acidity to kill bacteria faster. ----- For grey water wich is just less dirty or less hazerdous water you just pump or divert that water to non edible plants on property. This is the water that comes from shower, but sink water with food particals is considered dangerous water so that should go to compost pile, if it really matters, because gardens have rotting food as fertilizer all the time.----- Washing toilets cost 80$ for cheapest and 400$ for most expensive.----- For the water supply for the shower in bathroom you may have a tank above the ceiling that collects rainwater and filters it with a "slow sand filter" but this water may not be totally disinfected, so if that is necessary then have 2 containers of water on rotation that you boil above the roof or have a clourine tablet wich is what they already use in our public water supplies(clourine, not tablet form) and it's what we use in our pools and is safe to shower in as long as filtered when collected to get rid of any particulates before hand. So just learn how they construct safe backyard pools for homes.----- Also to heat the shower use the instant tankless water heater.
  • Grey water(contd)(added:6/22/07)- For safe grey water as it leaves the house to nonedible plants on the property, you just need to have some chlorine added to the water with pool tablets. Either still in the water from before use, or after the water is used, from a pool tablet chamber, before the water reaches the plants. It can't possibly have more contaminated water than a busy pool has. Just make sure that the plants can handle the chlorine.
  • Clothes (cont'd) ( costs 100$/year)- I left out that if you want regular clothes instead of the inventive new clothes idea , just shop on the "day after thanksgiving sale" for them when it's always 50% off, and stock up then for the rest of the year.
  • Internet(10$/mo or less)/ computer/ entertainment(maybe 30$/mo to 0.00$)- use comunity internet hotspots wich seattle is now putting everywhere. Or instead of internet, if you don't need to buy or sell things off of it all the time, just have a flash memory drive that stores an encyclopedic, all knowing, memory bank of all previous human knowledge. May get encyclopedia cd's or download wikipedia somehow. And connect to the computer for stored info or video games with a projection keyboard, and use wifi connection for external attachments and for a screen use a projection screen on a white wall as the least energy consuming / lite weight/ and small space tech there is. Also have your dvd player or videogame system hooked up to the tv with wifi connections to easilly move around your equipment.----- And for total immersion theatre or gaming have a set of goggles that play whatever is sent into the goggles thru wifi. -----For dvd collection only have 1 dvd and trade it as many times a week that you watch a new show / same with comics or books or games. Sort of like how libraries function. For the cable option, you can buy it if you're stuck at home all day, or if it's one of the only bills that you have to pay, or if you can easilly afford it .
  • Actual bill payment/Job- If you could save up enough you could have all your small bills paid by an interest earning account like a CD or moneymarket account at a stockbroker(better % paid/year than a bank)- May only need to work a small amount in the future if lots of your bills are taken away if the energy crisis is solved and you use some of these ideas, and only buy items that never need to be replaced or repaired.
  • Medical/ Perscribtion- Having insurance is the only way now, but universal healthcare may happen here some day like it did in Europe, wich I think should be the average illness rate of americas medical bills/mo, divided by everybody, is the amount you have to pay each month in the event that you need serious medical treatment some day( average out what the average person pays on average for medical in their entire life and pay the monthly amount of that each month , minus administration fees of course). LATER ADDED: Universal health care may create socialism here in America if we have to eat and do what they say to stay healthy.
  • Pet- I say, just get a Nintendo DS game "dogs" or "cats" and leave it at that, otherwise you'll be paying for the pet for the rest of it's life, and also its medical bills.
  • Crime- A novel approach would be to have an emergency help beacon on everyones person at all times or also connected to vital functions(maybe with blackbox info), I describe a device that can send a signal thru any barrier in a previous post, wich may or may not work but the idea would probably solve crime if the criminal knew that they would most certainly be a dead man if they killed someone in the woods.LATER ADDED: The super communicator is extremely theoretical and instead look to RFID chips with a large transmitter to be the best chance of an emergency help beacon.
  • Actual House Building Plan- Make it out of adobe bricks, or rammed earth, or cob, in a thickness of 12in.-14in.'s thick, for best heat retention, or put glass over structure for more heat. Dig a hole in the ground the size of a room and put alluminum poles in the ground and along the sidesof pit, bent high above to make an upper domed room. Put a solid wooden floor on ground level with hole cut into it for access to the bottom room. Put chicken wire all along the exterior and interior of the alluminum frame and also so that it is flush with the wall in the under ground portion of the house. Then put the adobe bricks over the chicken wire making the ceiling of the upper room. and leave holes in the adobe for 2 doors some windows and a chimne hole in the center of the roof. And now construct a bathroom of square dimentions or curved roof attached to one of the doors of the dome. Then make an entryway for the second door with a bump or step into the front door to have no risk of water entering the front door----- Now you can put stucko all allong the outside of house and along the interior of whole house( remember you need a perfect water barrier for the underground portion of the house because if it isn't sealed it will fill to the top with water). And for the floor on the bottom of the house you may just use stucko, or for more durabillity use cement. Now create the stairs to the bottom portion of the house, and then the closable water tight chimney, and attach the solar pasturizing toilet and a rain catcher purifyer system above the bathroom and add plumbing to everything including automatic sprinklers and add all the electrical wiring that you need and solar panels or other type of power system ----- in the end add architectural features to your whole property because all modern houses may be amazingly inefficient or ineffective but what they do have is good architectural design wich is why we like to look at them and buy them----- and if you ever want to sell this house it has to pass a safety inspection, I would guess, wich should be the only reason you aren't supposed to build a house without permits or under code, because if you sold it to somebody you don't want to be responsible for their injury, but otherwise I say if it's on your own property and no one can see it or is effected by it, you should be able to do whatever you want even if they think you're risking your own safety, you know the science behind it and are self assured of own safety. And take own precautions.-----
  • (Amendment to: House Building Plan)--I recently found out that stucco is permeable by water. So to get a water tight seal through out the house you should instead use "Liquid Vinyl Paint", on the outside and on the inside, and also you never have to paint again because you only need to clean the vinyl coating with soap and water. And it's the same material that they use to waterproof above ground pools, so it should be safe for the underground portion of the house no matter what, as long as the walls have sufficient bracing to not have any possible cave in.----- For the wall bracings, I would say that just more vertical alluminum poles would be all that would be needed, and all poles fastenned securely to the chicken wire or other metal mesh type. ----- Also for drying of adobe bricks-- It should be possible under any humidity, the same as cement can be dried under any humidity. Otherwise, to build the house, use cement blocks, filled with high insulator(like any dense earth).--- 6/18/07
  • The main feaures of why this design is effective, are-----In a hot summer or cold winter just go to underground portion if need to. This design may be stronger in roof design than a regular house(depending on strength of alluminum poles). This house requires the least work/ expertise/ money to make successfully. It can probably even survive any storm at all, because of it's shape and height. It can never catch fire because it is made of incombustible materials(in fact stucco puts out fires) . May even be a bomb shelter. Most materials are either easilly obtainable or native materials so are free( adobe is just clay and hay or dried grass as binder)( clay is made from soil/ rock exposed to water/ air). And by digging a hole that makes less of a wall that you have to build. Save energy from super insulation. Can even plant grass or moss on the roof as an architectural statement .----- Keep in mind adobe is cheap only when labor is cheap. But look at it this way , if it's your own labor, then it is cheap no matter what if you build the house instead of work a 40 hour/week job to pay a mortgage on a house for 30 years instead on an inferior product, by looking at the energy savings alone.
  • (look to "favorite links" for good sites on doing house building...)
  • Power System- The best solar panels are going to be OLED solar electric cells because they can't break and are extremely cheap. unless you have an inventive new or different power supply---- You may even produce hydrogen by anaerobic decomposition of compost. Or by disolving easy to obtain metal in a strong organic acid that grow somehow. this needs more research though. But it would be used for water/ electricity/ flame/ and maybe pressure cooling/ and in fuel cell car.
  • Make your own pond by digging a giant hole and let it fill with rain water over one year, then add air to the water with water plants then add fish for free fish if the pond is big enough to support an ecosystem to feed them off of, or you feed them with a bag of fish food .
  • Tables/ Desks/ Chairs/ Bed/ Furniture/ Pictures/ Storage- have everything lite weight and collapsable and not breakable for least work or have well designed sturdy appealing furniture for being more fun to look at. -----I suppose if you didn't have many material posetions like books(replaced by encyclopedic computer) or entertainment(dvd's , comics, books, games- replaced by trading) then you may only need one shelf for collectables or favorite or sentimental artifacts. -----And for pictures just have them all on flash memory, and have a backup card, and put them into a high resolution or big digital picture frame. ----- bed may just be the mattress because I find every bed frame always breaks unless it weighs a ton or is built into the house itself- sheets should be just like a pillow case so that they don't ever slip off, and then whatever blankets you want------ for storage have a storage shed kit so that it's out of the way of your new clean/ absent of any clutter, house.
  • Add-Ons - Hot tub/ Pool/ Sauna/ Screened porch/ camera /camcorder/ public utilities/ trash/ sewer/ garage/ office/ gym / studio


-----The problem with predicting the future is sorting your own imagination from actual images of the future and of it being reliable enough stream of information to give you a full picture. Why don't you just bet on the winning #'s and be rich and not need to write books on being psychic to make a living.
----- The future may be predictable if you use shortcuts though, by predicting specific things, like the weather for instance, where you generally know the parameters and can compute the events to follow this is using the law of "Cause and Effect". Cause and effect being the one reason that you can't travel back in time. So unless you can manipulate cause and effect it's not possible. or the one thing in the universe that I personally think is impossible. Except maybe living forever.
-----But anyways if you tried to set the parameters for predicting the full future you would need the data of every partical down to the infinitely micro scale (atoms and smaller)and it's state and you would also require all of the information for all particals in the infinitely macro scale(galaxies/universe) and then you would need to calculate for every second into the future that you wanted to predict. and since seconds can be infinitely disected into smaller increments of time then to calculate the future with your infinite knowledge of the universe and an infinite sized computer. The size of the data needed would be (infinite X infiniteX infinite= smallest prediction of the future possible)

Zero Signal Loss Communicator (updated)

-----Supposedly if you had a fluctuating high voltage(static) field that was the lowest amperage possible to carry a signal , there is 0.00 attenuation for that signal(almost like superfluidity of gases at extremely low temperatures).
-----The reasoning behind this thinking and what Nicola Tesla realized is that high voltage power lines have a lot less friction and can travel in thinner wires as well, due to their high voltage. And also at higher voltages, regular insulators become conductors due to ionization (like the way air conducts electricity in a lightning bolt). So what if you had a high enough voltage that you could pass a signal through any material in all directions and the only thing that could detect it was a metal receiver tuned to that frequency? Then you would have a long distance low wattage communications device with almost no "path loss".
-----Also, hypothetically, if you could take advantage of interference patterns of 2 coherent signals and control the interference patterns to propagate outwards in 1 direction (like a step up frequency instead of a step up power transformer, if this is even possible of course) and then stepped down the frequency at the receiver and translate the signal then you may have infinite channel possibilities and also the signal has traveled across a large distance, at the normal speed of light, but you wouldn't have had any signal loss or resistance along the way and it may use the same power as a regular cell phone, and had infinite channels. And because of the 0.00 signal loss you may not need to have actual base stations to boost the signal to a satellite or maybe you wouldn't even need as much energy as modern cell phones need to transmit a signal to a base station because they would go infinite distance on the very first weak signal and have no resistance along the way -
----- But realistically you would eventually have the same signal loss as stars have over long distances of their light's propagation. Which is what we see visually as a smaller star, when actually it's just extremely far away. And also if there was ever a metal object blocking the signal you wouldn't be able to receive it. And the only way to solve that is to not have metal structures all around your cities. Which I don't see humans doing any time soon.
-----And practically, the best way to utilize this device is to just transmit the signal to a satellite if you want to talk to someone that is far away on the planet. The reason being that the planet's surface is curved and you can't transmit through it's the planet's metal content, or even through a mountain.
-----To power the device it may be possible to have the energy from talking into the device be enough to send a signal to another receiver, and picked up at the same intensity as if they were standing right there talking to you (but only if there actually is no resistance, as in the theory).
----- So simplified it's a high voltage /"interference pattern utilizing" infinite frequency/ low wattage using/ virtually no resistance- communicator device
-----(Later added)------I was recently thinking about the communicator I heard about in the "Project Serpo" story and had the breakthrough thought that the wires that are thin and then get thick in the middle and then are thin again actually functions as a voltage boost as the amperage is spread out along the thick part of wire, each outward mm of thickness of the wire will have it's own portion of the original amperage. And in turn all of those outward mm sections of the wire will have the original voltage each, and in turn compound to form a higher voltage, or voltage increase.
-----And therefore the voltage will increase per mm thickness
-----Voltage= Wattage/Amperage/outward mm
  • Wattage: Stays the same along thick part of wire ;
  • Amperage: Is spread out along the thick part of the wire/outward mm ;
  • Voltage: Then multiplies along the thick part of wire from compounding of each outward mm of thickness in the thick portion of the wire (each outward mm of the wire having only a portion of the original amperage of the thin portion of the wire) .[SEE PICTURE].
-----Therefor if the signal in the wire is turned on/off it will transmit higher voltage, at whatever frequency you choose, with no loss. And also you can get the voltage higher with multiple wire rings in series. I'll provide a picture in 2 months, when I move.

Infinite New Materials

If you were to have genetically modified plants or organisms grow there own special organic materials that were useful, you could get cheaper more replenishable materials.
- Some examples of useful naturally grown materials are : rubber, food, drink, cotton hard wood.
- But this list of materials could be expanded into yet unknown usefull organic material types such as : maybe fresh water from a plant, or super insulator material, or new environmentally friendly and cheap glues, or new medical herbs. Or unlimited variations.
- We have genetically engineered things already by selectively breeding animals and plants like corn. But with new technologies we could make infinite new more useful organisms. And protect ourselves from any new deadly organisms with our new good organisms. The genetic code is like computer programming and can function in different ways for every genetic mutation

Grand Unified Theory of why I don't want anyone to know that I exist

---Humans create both good and bad in this world so far.
---You have to create bad in order for it to exist.
---Because if there were no other humans around but you and you had all previous human knowledge then you could have abundant food and land and materials, and could build own house and not fear animals because of a weapon made with previous human knowledge and you wouldn't have to fear the environment if you thought ahead about a building sight.
---But also if you didn't have any other humans on earth then lots of problems wouldn't have been solved already, wich means the good solved problems wouldn't have been created, like metalurgy, computers, factory made devices, and new materials or cheritable organizations, or tv wich cures boredom or medicine.
--- So the reason that I don't want to seem to exist is because of the % of bad in life that humans create(for no reason but they do anyway), only so that I can be around people for some reason. Because so far if you are around people you have to take the bad along with the good . Wich seems just to serve no purpose other than to depress you.
---So if I live around humans I only want to live around humans where there is only human created good (this is what my definition of utopia is), or I just want to avoid bad humans and there problems and only collect good for my life.

Current Projects: Tuesday June 12th

  1. -Electron device- may solve all of the worlds energy needs for any vehicle of any power, I have the schematic of the circuit already done and just need to make it. none of the parts are even out of the ordinary except for one special made capacitor wich no one makes so I'm going to have to make that myself out of inventive materials and have so far made a proto type of the capacitor and it works like a capacitor should.
  2. -Light collection device- I already have the science of it down and just need to order the materials from a specialty supplier somewhere out there. It's a learning process. and may show it on american inventor if it actually takes until next year to make otherwise I'm just going to get the patent and go to a trade show of one sort or another. To get people that want to produce it. it's a very simple straight forvard device easilly understood and if it works then you store light energy during the day and release it at night for an initial cost of maybe 50-100$/1 device but it's imposible to break unless you try to and will be free light at night forever. good bye high energy prices.
  3. -New website- wich deals in a new kind of rental of dvd's or videogames and much more except I don't have the time to make it a buisiness for another half a year, because I'm moving and it will take up all my time doing that and the buisiness can only be based in one place . goodbye netflix.

Faster than light communication(updated once)

This was the very first post that I wrote on my blog so the writing style is very crude and doesn't have as much notation as my later posts. So bear with me on this article. I'm sorry for any poorly written parts. I've tried correcting it but it took too much time.

Added 6/03/09: The shapiro delay proves the time dilation in high gravitational fields.

For the technology concerning a high power laser relay in space between earth and another planet, I have a theory as to why faster than light communication is possible in that way. I call it the theory of "viscosity of space" I call it that because I believe that space may act in most ways similar to all of the properties of a fluid.
-"suction/repulsion" (similar to air pressure);
-"viscosity" (friction);
-"shock waves/sound/vibration";(the scientific term is cavitation)
-"weight"(just the size of the particles);
-"surface tension"(may or may not apply).
The reason I believe that there are particles infinitely micro enough to make space act like a fluid is that we split the atom and it turned out that matter was made of energy and that also there are quarks(which as I remember,3 of make up an atom) and nutrinos that are so small that you can't even detect them, so its not a stretch to think that there are smaller particles that make up these quarks and nutrinos.
I'll get to the interplanetary relay after I explain the science behind it that I theorize based on my own understanding of science.
("suction/repulsion/pressure" = +/- charges) That is to say that it is somewhat like a pressure change that makes electrons flow, sort of like a weather system. But instead of high/low pressure systems that push the air around, it is the +/- of protons and electrons that are the high and low pressure systems and the air is the infinitesimal particles of space that flow in and out of the pressure systems. And a high pressure/charge differential is what causes the force called voltage.
("viscosity" = Time). Einstein himself said that if you travel at faster and faster speeds, time passage slows down for you personally. They even tested it once on nova or some other science show by traveling with an atomic clock on a jet and there was a slight time differential. But the thought experiment I will use to show how time may be the viscosity of space is with this(LATER ADDED: when they installed GPS satellites there was a time differential between the earth and the satellites that they had to compensate for due to the lower gravitational field in orbit: which I saw on a well known science show about physics) ---------- If you were to use water as a lubricant in a cars bearings it would have a lot of friction which is why we use motor oil because it has the least friction that we can make cheaply. And that is because of low viscosity. Now imagine that you submerged a mechanical clock in motor oil. All of the parts of the clock would move faster than if they were submerged in water. And effectively the time on the particular watch submerged in water, would move slower relative to the other watch that was submerged in oil. So I propose that there is difference of density of space particles relative to where they are located in space that can make time appear to move faster in that area, only because of less dense(viscous) areas of space, making you move in every aspect like a well oiled machine. My evidence of this is what they call "dark matter" or "weakly interacting massive particles" which they say is an exotic form of matter that can never be detected, and that these exotic particles are contributing to the mass of galaxies and making the outer edges of galaxies move faster than they should be from the actual observable mass of the galaxy. My simpler explanation for this effect is that just like our atmosphere gets thinner the higher up you get, the same is true, theoretically, that the fabric of space gets thinner and thinner the further out from the center of the galaxy you get. And as was mentioned earlier, when you are in less dense space you would theoretically move like a well oiled machine. And time would seemingly move faster for you. But on earth astronomers see it as a faster rotation(at the edge of the galaxy) from a supposed gravitational effect.
("vibration/ or cavitation"= radio waves/light waves). When we hear real sound we don't say "A sound particle hit my ear and I detected it's beam and called it sound". We instead say "A shock wave scrunched air particles together in a chain reaction and the very last particle that was bumped by another particle happened to then bump my ear drum as sound"

. . . . .... . . . . ... . . .< style="font-weight: bold;">LATER ADDED: I now believe that the supposed expansion of the universe is just attenuation of the beam of light as it travels across the universe from super small space particles along the path.)
Well that's how I see the laser relay working and it makes complete and total sense to me so far. So even Einstein said that time is relative like everything else. And just because some things are not very probable doesn't mean that it isn't easily accomplished by advanced societies(example: " flavored dirt for sale!" which is not very probable to hear but is very easy to accomplish saying). If that was true we wouldn't have ever made the hammer because it was unnatural, let alone computers.
Also back up evidence of the theory is that light slows down in dense translucent material which is what they call "refractive index" and what causes light of different frequencies to travel at different speeds as it passes through a material, and when it comes out of the other side the light of different frequencies are then on a different path (instead of together as white light) and we see it as a rainbow.
Also there was an early philosopher that said that you can't have tiny particles that fill all of the voids in space because then there wouldn't be movement in space, so I think that as particles condensed into larger particles they left voids of some kind between each other.
Just remember, it is the person that stops believing that anything is possible that is always proven wrong.