Friday, June 22, 2007

Why making my own house is my goal

  1. I plan to get rich off of saving money on everything because a penny saved it exactly the same as a penny earned. And if I save 100% of my income, then I'd be effectively making double the amount of money I am making now. The reason that I want extra money is because the good thing about being rich is having the ability to experience anything in this world that you want, and as long as you can enjoy it, then you're the best off, in life.
  2. I can get rich other ways that I know all about, but this is the only way that I find the most enjoyment in. And you should always do what makes you happy, and in the best financial position possible, because you don't want to waste your entire life doing something you don't like just for money, then someday looking at a wasted life.( look to: "if meaning is fun then what is fun" : idea).
  3. It's also the easiest option to getting rich . Because it requires the same amouont of research /and risk/ and paperwork as "flipping houses". But it would never take as long as working a 40 hour a week job for 30 years to build an adobe house(instead "Dick Proeneke" built his log cabin from scratch in 2 weeks)(see:"Alone in the wilderness")(also see:"One man's wilderness : an alaskan odyssey"). And with all the extra time and money left over for the rest of my life, I can do what I enjoy doing with no obligations to speak of.

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