Friday, June 22, 2007

Current Projects : 6/22/07

Electron device-I still need to test a home made capacitor, after I build one. But I think I need a low loss in conversion high voltage power source. There is no loss after it is operational but I just need to find an efficient high voltage (low amperage)energy source. But it's kind of on the back burner because it's not necessarily needed for me to build a working house. But it would be the most fun device ever created if it actually worked.

Light storage device- It's on the back burner now as money is tight and am preparing for the move and don't find it fun to make it big with an invention. Instead I just want to live a good life with my self made, money saving, house. And I also like being under the radar. Inventing something, no matter how helpfull to humanity, would make me conspicuous and that's the one thing that I don't like.

House design is what I think about all the time now and also moving wich will be a better life than living in Seattle

The ground breaking website also has to wait until after the move because it has to be stationed somewhere. And for some reason nobody wants to do the idea and become a millionaire even though all the people I've told, say it's the best idea they've ever heard . But I'm going to make it happen somehow because it is such a fun idea, and it would almost be a public service in how it would save people all there money on entertainment. I think the idea is "ultimate fun production distilled into perfect awsomeness"

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