Saturday, June 16, 2007

Grand Unified Theory of why I don't want anyone to know that I exist

---Humans create both good and bad in this world so far.
---You have to create bad in order for it to exist.
---Because if there were no other humans around but you and you had all previous human knowledge then you could have abundant food and land and materials, and could build own house and not fear animals because of a weapon made with previous human knowledge and you wouldn't have to fear the environment if you thought ahead about a building sight.
---But also if you didn't have any other humans on earth then lots of problems wouldn't have been solved already, wich means the good solved problems wouldn't have been created, like metalurgy, computers, factory made devices, and new materials or cheritable organizations, or tv wich cures boredom or medicine.
--- So the reason that I don't want to seem to exist is because of the % of bad in life that humans create(for no reason but they do anyway), only so that I can be around people for some reason. Because so far if you are around people you have to take the bad along with the good . Wich seems just to serve no purpose other than to depress you.
---So if I live around humans I only want to live around humans where there is only human created good (this is what my definition of utopia is), or I just want to avoid bad humans and there problems and only collect good for my life.


Roy said...

ah... posting a blog is not exactly the best way hide your existance, is it?

Art Galaxy said...

That's why I'm anonymous and helping people by me thinking, and them judgeing. The best of both worlds!