This is a work in progress, I will keep adding to it until I actually buy a piece of land.
Drive around an area and see the land looking to buy while at the same time most properties that are available are listed with the local real estate agent. Google: Land for sale (your city) and it will show you local real estate agents for the area. Or just find any real estate office by driving around in the area you're interested in. Then give them your # and say that you will buy land for cash and tell them what you're looking for and they will keep you on the top of their list when something comes to market.
Get survey done and contact a local title company or lawyer to make sure that there's a clear title on it then they should be able to facilitate the transaction.
Title company function: lean against property, title insurance for unfound leans, as escrow company.
Some good questions to ask are, "Are there deed restrictions or local ordinances that will prevent me from putting a mobile home on this property? Is there a time limit on how long a mobile home can be there?" And by the way, if there is an issue that you are not sure about, or if you can't get the information right away, but you want to make an offer, you can make an offer "contingent to" a specific condition/s being met, such as being able to put a mobile home on the property. So... If you found out before the closing that mobile homes are prohibited, the deal would be canceled automatically. If you can find a piece of land that allows (old, used) mobile homes on the property, this could be a very cheap way of living for you. Of course, you have to know that you will have considerable one-time expenses to put in the sewer/water/electricity and some sort of foundation -- we're talking thousand$. Did I mention towing/relocation costs? And skirting? Leveling jacks? Nothing is free. "Free" always costs something.
Some more questions to ask: "Is there public sewer, electric and water available? How much does it cost to get them installed? If there is no sewer line to hook into, I'll need to dig a leech bed. Has the soil been "Perc" tested? How deep is the water table? (Is the land capable of absorbing sewage from a leech bed? If not, you can never get a building permit.) "If there is no public water available, how deep do I have to drill a well? How deep are other wells in the area? What will it cost? Taxes? They're paid up to date, right?" Oh, and never forget, "Are there any other costs associated with buying, owning or using this property that I should be aware of? Are there any restrictions, easements or encumbrances of any kind?" (there's always something) Then, put it all in writing, and get it signed in blood. Getting it notarized by GOD is probably not absolutely necessary, but it wouldn't hurt, if He's available. (I hear God's notary fees can be a little high and mighty, so make sure the seller agrees to pay them.)
I have the phone # of a real estate agent that has info about government loans for 1st time homeowners. They're in the business of selling a home so they should know all of the programs and they're happy to tell you.
Building your own cabin is worth it if you factor in that the average cost of a house is 1000$/ square foot. So every square foot you build by hand is like putting $1000 in your pocket. This is also true for hunting deer and butchering the animal yourself. It's definitely well worth the time and effort. If you divide the square foot of living space by all 6 sides of the structure, then each wall is $166/square foot.
9/10/09: Plan now is to have cash in the bank and then just drive around the country looking for the cheapest house around in the best area around. Whenever I drive past a place that's fun to live in I'll give my name and my # to an agent and say I'll pay in cash for what I'm looking for. Also buy the house next to a national park or forest. This way you also have those natural resources to live off of like wood and hunting and just nature hiking. Also it should be by water for growing food, or in the rain shadow of a mountain to never need to water, or instead be by a river that leads to the ocean to travel the coastlines.
I myself should buy a house and not pay rent so that I can save up money each month instead of working and then just go on trips when I've saved up money.
I may buy a house instead of land because I could rent it out someday when paid off and make an income from and quit my job.
If you want to get 30% off of the purchase of a new house "money talks". If you can pay for a house outright then and there, "in cash", then you can knock 30% off of the price because a sure thing immediately is better than waiting weeks and then having the deal fall through, due to financing problems. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Day harbor 5 acres. This would be good because it's right next to seward alaska which is one of the most scenic parts of alaska and is a temperate rain forest. But I was researching how much it costs to rent a cabin in Seward AK on the Alaska state website. And it's 65$/night in the summer. So if I rented out the cabin like that for less it would make a sizable income on just one small cabin alone every summer and sometimes during winter.
The Alaska state land offerings site is best price around and best selection, so that is where I'm probably going to buy from even if I can't get in the kenai peninsula.
What I want is the program most like the old homestead program which is the recreational cabin sites program. You need to be an Alaska state resident to enter though.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rules and the Ruling Class
Rules do not reflect reality, because reality has no rules. Rules only reflect the people making them.
The golden rule: The people with the gold make the rules.
I want to live in a place where you can leave your car or house unlocked and never ever have to worry. Also where you can leave a bike on the side of the road without locking it up. We all do these things as kids until people vandalize or steal things and we learn not to. Also we assume everyone is nice as kids but soon learn through experience that everyone is an asshole for no reason. Then we eventually become one ourselves.
Politics: Cutting spending is not in any politicians vocabulary. They're in it for power and control, if you spend more then you have control over people because now "They owe you". The whole idea of monetizing the budget is so the gov can give people money, so that the gov will get more power. The gov buying GM and socialized medicine and all other aspects of society is all about getting more power. This has been called "Obamanopoly".
Money is just a measurement of power. If the government taxes 50% of your monthly income then you are 50% slave to them. And if they ever find a way to tax 100% of your money every month then you will be 100% slave to them. Also monetizing the budget is a way to tax without people knowing it. They print more money and now all the dollars in the US are worth less. And therefor the fed just took money out of your pocket without you knowing it.
The whole financial crisis in California is a good example of where this country is heading. The whole problem would be solved if they cut spending. But they can't cut spending because that's not in politicians vocabulary. So now they have to sell off parts of the state, and legalize marajuana so that they can tax it. They now have a "Sin tax" where eating twinkies is taxable(the twinkie tax). The cost of cigarettes has just gone up $1 a pack as a sin tax, alcohol is the same. It's getting so preposterous that you'd have to be insane to live there. But it's a shame that someday that's what every state in the US will look like becase politicians only want more power and will never want less power. Which is exactly what our founding fathers were trying to avoid.
Rules and the ruling class:
Rules are another form of power. It's the way the man keeps you down. We have so many stupid rules now, and it keeps getting worse. Do the rules protect us? Or are they proposterous? Are rules the only way for society to function?
You're always seeing rich and powerful people in the news these days breaking the rules, and not just that, but getting away with it. Preachers being anointed by God to no longer be gay after being caught. Governors caught cheating on wives, and just saying they're sorry lets them get away with it. Even in these trusted positions with all this power, where we need the most trustworthy individuals, we have them doing untrustworthy things. Even the presidents, like Bill Clinton getting impeached. And Nixons Watergate. Can we even trust our supreme court justices when during every state of the union address they never clap or show any opinion or emotion either way as if they were vulcans. We all know that every human has opinions or emotion, and we're supposed to believe this. How is this fakery trustworthy.
Even when the powerful elite break the law they just make it top secret. If nothing ever officially happened then it can never be against the law, can it. See my top secret post.
If you're rich you don't have to follow the rules. There are no consequences.
When Paris Hilton broke the law and was supposed to go to jail she instead was allowed to stay under house arrest for a few days in her multimillion dollar mansion and then she was off scot free. If the rich have a criminal record it doesn't matter because they won't need to apply for a job any time soon with their net worth. And if they have to pay bail that's nothing. What's a few thousand dollars to a multi millionaire? Why should we follow the rules, if our ruling class doesn't?
What's the point of enforcing the rules if even when you punish a criminal they still commit more crimes afterward as repeat offenders? The 3 strikes you're out rule is a good solution to this though.
People will always follow the rules anyway. Just keep the right group of friends. Because we all have networks of friends, if we ever do anything to hurt anyone then their friends will eventually ask questions and find out and punish you. This also means that you can have rumors spread that are untrue and make enemies for no reason, with the wrong group of friends. Example: Blair witch trials, and tribal witch doctor culture. So our society with no rules would be as bad as tribal culture with law enforcement. Minus any reason cause a fight other than magic, or killing for no reason.
"Where there are no people there are no rules." So if all else fails and martial law is in sight, head to international waters or a developing country in the wilderness, to get away from it all, until all the dust settles. See my survival checklist for how to survive.
I have a little theory though, to solve all of these problems of rules. It's so simple, that it might just work.
I submit that if everything in life were free, then there would be no need for rules! Look to my "Free emporium post" for more details.
The golden rule: The people with the gold make the rules.
I want to live in a place where you can leave your car or house unlocked and never ever have to worry. Also where you can leave a bike on the side of the road without locking it up. We all do these things as kids until people vandalize or steal things and we learn not to. Also we assume everyone is nice as kids but soon learn through experience that everyone is an asshole for no reason. Then we eventually become one ourselves.
Politics: Cutting spending is not in any politicians vocabulary. They're in it for power and control, if you spend more then you have control over people because now "They owe you". The whole idea of monetizing the budget is so the gov can give people money, so that the gov will get more power. The gov buying GM and socialized medicine and all other aspects of society is all about getting more power. This has been called "Obamanopoly".
Money is just a measurement of power. If the government taxes 50% of your monthly income then you are 50% slave to them. And if they ever find a way to tax 100% of your money every month then you will be 100% slave to them. Also monetizing the budget is a way to tax without people knowing it. They print more money and now all the dollars in the US are worth less. And therefor the fed just took money out of your pocket without you knowing it.
The whole financial crisis in California is a good example of where this country is heading. The whole problem would be solved if they cut spending. But they can't cut spending because that's not in politicians vocabulary. So now they have to sell off parts of the state, and legalize marajuana so that they can tax it. They now have a "Sin tax" where eating twinkies is taxable(the twinkie tax). The cost of cigarettes has just gone up $1 a pack as a sin tax, alcohol is the same. It's getting so preposterous that you'd have to be insane to live there. But it's a shame that someday that's what every state in the US will look like becase politicians only want more power and will never want less power. Which is exactly what our founding fathers were trying to avoid.
Rules and the ruling class:
Rules are another form of power. It's the way the man keeps you down. We have so many stupid rules now, and it keeps getting worse. Do the rules protect us? Or are they proposterous? Are rules the only way for society to function?
You're always seeing rich and powerful people in the news these days breaking the rules, and not just that, but getting away with it. Preachers being anointed by God to no longer be gay after being caught. Governors caught cheating on wives, and just saying they're sorry lets them get away with it. Even in these trusted positions with all this power, where we need the most trustworthy individuals, we have them doing untrustworthy things. Even the presidents, like Bill Clinton getting impeached. And Nixons Watergate. Can we even trust our supreme court justices when during every state of the union address they never clap or show any opinion or emotion either way as if they were vulcans. We all know that every human has opinions or emotion, and we're supposed to believe this. How is this fakery trustworthy.
Even when the powerful elite break the law they just make it top secret. If nothing ever officially happened then it can never be against the law, can it. See my top secret post.
If you're rich you don't have to follow the rules. There are no consequences.
When Paris Hilton broke the law and was supposed to go to jail she instead was allowed to stay under house arrest for a few days in her multimillion dollar mansion and then she was off scot free. If the rich have a criminal record it doesn't matter because they won't need to apply for a job any time soon with their net worth. And if they have to pay bail that's nothing. What's a few thousand dollars to a multi millionaire? Why should we follow the rules, if our ruling class doesn't?
What's the point of enforcing the rules if even when you punish a criminal they still commit more crimes afterward as repeat offenders? The 3 strikes you're out rule is a good solution to this though.
People will always follow the rules anyway. Just keep the right group of friends. Because we all have networks of friends, if we ever do anything to hurt anyone then their friends will eventually ask questions and find out and punish you. This also means that you can have rumors spread that are untrue and make enemies for no reason, with the wrong group of friends. Example: Blair witch trials, and tribal witch doctor culture. So our society with no rules would be as bad as tribal culture with law enforcement. Minus any reason cause a fight other than magic, or killing for no reason.
"Where there are no people there are no rules." So if all else fails and martial law is in sight, head to international waters or a developing country in the wilderness, to get away from it all, until all the dust settles. See my survival checklist for how to survive.
I have a little theory though, to solve all of these problems of rules. It's so simple, that it might just work.
I submit that if everything in life were free, then there would be no need for rules! Look to my "Free emporium post" for more details.
Fiat Currency
Gold has intrinsic value because you can actually do stuff with it, as well as being compact and easy to trade as money. But why do we have paper money? Is it better?
Well back in the 70's under Nixon we were having trouble paying off our debts. So we started monetizing the debt and to do that we went off of the gold standard and into paper money. The official story was that we didn't want to be reliant on the gold standard if another country were to have a gold strike and became richer than us. Also the gov told us how the dollar is stable but gold prices fluctuate. But what they were really doing was just paying off debt by printing more money, and saying that the dollar was good. But now it's going the way og the german franc at the end of the nazi occupation, and people are starting to think that the dollar may not be as good a currency as it used to be.
It's interesting how fort knox got all the gold it has. All they did was say that it was illegal to have gold currency and now you could only have it as jewelry or collectable coins. So by "fiat"(translated: "make it so") they traded all the gold in america nad also in Europe for absolutely nothing but paper. So essentially the US gov. took all that gold essentially for free, all by just trusting them.
In the end the dollar is only worth as much as the people think it's worth. It only has concieved value and no intrinsic value like gold does. So buy gold now as a hedge against the dollar and as savings, not when you're paid for your work in dollars in the future, when they're not worth anything.
It shouldn't say on the dollar bill "In god we trust", it should be "In fiat we trust." This is an idea to write on dollar bills for any anarchists out there that want to nudge the dollar over the edge.
Well back in the 70's under Nixon we were having trouble paying off our debts. So we started monetizing the debt and to do that we went off of the gold standard and into paper money. The official story was that we didn't want to be reliant on the gold standard if another country were to have a gold strike and became richer than us. Also the gov told us how the dollar is stable but gold prices fluctuate. But what they were really doing was just paying off debt by printing more money, and saying that the dollar was good. But now it's going the way og the german franc at the end of the nazi occupation, and people are starting to think that the dollar may not be as good a currency as it used to be.
It's interesting how fort knox got all the gold it has. All they did was say that it was illegal to have gold currency and now you could only have it as jewelry or collectable coins. So by "fiat"(translated: "make it so") they traded all the gold in america nad also in Europe for absolutely nothing but paper. So essentially the US gov. took all that gold essentially for free, all by just trusting them.
In the end the dollar is only worth as much as the people think it's worth. It only has concieved value and no intrinsic value like gold does. So buy gold now as a hedge against the dollar and as savings, not when you're paid for your work in dollars in the future, when they're not worth anything.
It shouldn't say on the dollar bill "In god we trust", it should be "In fiat we trust." This is an idea to write on dollar bills for any anarchists out there that want to nudge the dollar over the edge.
Monday, July 20, 2009
The reasons for the government making things top secret are:
Haarp experiments are top secret but the radio array isn't secret. Probably because the experiments are trying to control the weather and possibly even human thought through microwaves, worldwide.
The fusion experiments aren't secret because none of the experiments are against the law.
They're getting rid of guantanamo bay but you can be sure they must be replacing it with a new secret facility that doesn't officially exist.
Dick Cheney kept an anti terrorism program top secret for 8 years but still won't talk about it, and they say it was discontinued. But you can be sure that's only until they find it again as another top secret project, just relocated.
- To protect national security is what they always tell you.
- But the main reason to keep a secret is because you're breaking the law, and don't want the people to know that their government isn't living by the same ethical rules as their people.
- Then to protect evil peoples identities they keep their names secret.
- When something does not exist then you can always say you never heard of it and don't know anything about it.
- Trust no one. The less anybody knows, the safe you are.
- People get paid really well to keep secrets. They just don't call it a bribe in the CIA.
Haarp experiments are top secret but the radio array isn't secret. Probably because the experiments are trying to control the weather and possibly even human thought through microwaves, worldwide.
The fusion experiments aren't secret because none of the experiments are against the law.
They're getting rid of guantanamo bay but you can be sure they must be replacing it with a new secret facility that doesn't officially exist.
Dick Cheney kept an anti terrorism program top secret for 8 years but still won't talk about it, and they say it was discontinued. But you can be sure that's only until they find it again as another top secret project, just relocated.
Scientific method
The scientific method is as follows, in summary, in sequence of the process.
- Observation
- Hypothesis
- Prediction
- Test
- The sun seems to rise a lot in the mornings.
- I hypothesize that the sun rises every morning.
- I predict it will rise tomorrow morning.
- Your prediction is proven the next morning when you test to see if the sun actually comes up.
laws of physics,
scientific method
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Free Emporium
Note: This is purely theoretical, and may only work in theory, not in practice. Humans may not be capable of having a flawless social system. But other creatures like ant colonies and bee hives have been shown to have the capability of a flawless social structure, however unable they are to enjoy it.
My definition of utopia, even if it's impossible is, everything is free of every part of life, or after it is built it is free to use. No rules, no taxes, no bills = no control over you by anybody. Freedom.
The Libertarian or Objectivist ideology is: Everyone can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact other peoples lives.
A free community would be a community where:
Side effects of everything being free are:
Free things to start a free emporium with:
My definition of utopia, even if it's impossible is, everything is free of every part of life, or after it is built it is free to use. No rules, no taxes, no bills = no control over you by anybody. Freedom.
The Libertarian or Objectivist ideology is: Everyone can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact other peoples lives.
A free community would be a community where:
- No one relies on anyone.
- No one needs to be responsible for any one or anything.
- Nothing is ever stolen because it's free anyway.
- So who cares even if it's stolen.
- No need to take things from others by force by killing them.
- No need to kill to keep people silent if everything is transparent, and no crimes need to be kept secret.
- No secrets means less stress.
- Land and resources are free and infinite, so no fighting over land or resources
- No more homeless because life is so simple that even a baby could run it. Just have food and shelter and internet education, only family is lacking.
- Nobody has power or control over others
- Nobody needs power and control because all your needs are already taken care of.
- You can pass the time by doing meaningful work.
- No job so no need to be professional
- No need to keep appointments(no need for watches?)
Side effects of everything being free are:
- Some rules: For no rules at all, look at a pirate ship on international waters. People can get killed and no one cares. So there have to be some common sense laws like no drinking and driving or killing or rampages, or sexual predators, or blackmailing, or bombing your evil nemesis's house. Just rules that everyone agrees to. The rules may just be a document that everyone living within a certain area agrees to live under and they'd better read it and know the rules. Or with no rules you just pick the people you want to be around and stay out of dangerous situations
- Socialism: If everything was free then what's the motivator to work at a factory and make new machines, or to research and develop new inventions? If nothing is produced then the economy as a whole suffers. So free things is more suited for a small village rather than a world economy.
- The summer of love: Had it's own version of the free store which failed because people would donate things but no one would get anything accomplished and eventually they ran out of everything and had to go back to working. But this isn't a thrift store I'm proposing.
- Dangers: Just know the dangers of this new society of no rules, and avoid those dangers. Like the killer next door or the enemy territory. In the same way you avoid jumping off a cliff. Or have a solution to the danger such as a fire arm. Besides, it's boring to not have a little danger, and adventure.
Free things to start a free emporium with:
- Garden that grows itself and seeds itself and waters itself. But you still have to do weeding with a weed auger. And have weekly sowing of seeds for longer growing season. Put plastic over part of the garden and remove the plastic little by little. To block out light and water until ready to grow.
- Free water from a solar distiller.
- Free wood from a chainsaw and mauler. But the individual must add value by mauling them themselves.
- free seeds from fruit if they planted them.
- Free eggs from free roam chickens.
- Free mulch or wood chips from a mulcher.
- Free compost from a compost barrel.
- Free alcohol
- Free yeast in saved dough.
- Free everything cookbook with donated recipes.
- Free Gym and pool under open air roof
- Internet movies burned to DVD
- Internet roms and emulators
- Internet music
- Rain pond foot bath for after walking on the beach
- Bird bath
- Stone house(if you have tools)
- Cave using explosives found in jolly rogers cookbook.
- Tree houses
- Stilt houses
- Park benches
- Picnic tables
- Look out tower
- Teeter totter
- Tranpolene
- Zip line
- Slide
- Swing set
- Rocking chair
- Chairs
- Tables
- Dresser
- Tv stands
- Tv trays
- Feather quill pen(if you have ink)
- Sea shells: Good for cereal bowl, or soap dish, or some can be sharpened into a knife.
- Sand dollars: For who knows what.
- Air flow by Bernoulli's principle.
- Alcohol: Let juice sit for a year and then put it into a solar still
- Chicken eggs.
- Duck eggs: Better than chicken eggs, just feed the ducks and they'll think it's home, no fence needed.
- Birds: Just have a gun
- Fish: Have a big net
- Turtles: Depending on location
- Crab: Crab pot
- Rabbits: Simple snare by tracks in snow.
- Moccasins made out of rabbit pelt, or deer hide
- Buck skin wallet
- Bow and arrow
- Rope: Good for pully system, winch, ladder, climbing, lashing together, clamp, making net, clothes line, bow and arrow, belt, swing set, heavy lifting or pulling, repelling. See knots playlist.
- Rain barrel irrigation
- Artificial pond: Dig it out of a low point on the topography
- Time is free: Wait out bad weather and only go boating in good weather.
- Freedom of speech
- Strawberries that grow and plant themselves with watering system.
- Home made ice cream.
- Infinite cookie machine.(Theory)
- Infinite tissue paper machine. (Theory)
- Slow sand filter and water from it.
- Free medical and dental from having good genetics and no danger. See genetic engineering lecture.
- Free wifi internet sometimes.
- Free education off of the internet.
- Free computer files instead of paper files or notebooks.
- Free communication through walkie talkies.
- Solar panels are free to use, but batteries die and are not free. Until ultra-capacitors
- Cars
- Gas
- Batteries
- Chemicals
- Finite resources: metals, diamonds
- Bullets(until super lasers)
- Tools
- Hardware
- Fabrics
- Toilet paper
- Soda pop
- Milk
- Twinkies
- Chocolate
- Cable TV
- Every manufacturing facility.
free store,
free stuff,
self sustained,
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Plan B
If all else fails you should have a plan B ready to go instantly.
Energy prices and water prices will go sky high supposedly, and inflation will cause everything else to be expensive causing higher bills than most people earn eventually. And we will all be working poor and dependent on the government for hand outs.
There's always more than one way of doing the same thing. We only choose a certain way to do that thing because it's easier or cheaper.
Washing clothes with a washing machine will soon be a major bill in Florida and elsewhere as energy and water prices rise. So instead just have a resealable bucket some alcohol and a plunger. There's your new washing machine. You can now use alcohol as cleaning fluid and the plunger as the source of agitation. Remember to do this in a well ventilated area from alcohol fumes(outside). Then ring them out and hang to dry and reseal up the bucket of alcohol and reuse later. But to conserve alcohol you may just want water proof clothes, such as polyester, or acrylic, or nylon, and just clean the surfaces of the clothes with an alcohol soaked rag.
But wait this might look awkward in your back yard if neighbors see you, or worse yet, in your apartment complex where you can't have a well ventilated area. So here's the plan B for housing.
Get a truck first for hauling around a boat. Then get a boat. With a boat you can gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas where no one will ever know you're there, even within the USA. Even only a few yards inland and no one will ever see you from the ocean. Alaska has more coastline that the rest of the US combined. On you're new unknown piece of land you can now utilize the land in the same way the native American's used to, if you were using the land then it was yours. No property values or buying of it or anything, land was everybody's to walk on or use or make homesteads on, for free. Anyways the people that own most of the land in the US don't even know what's on the land. These are land barons or the banks, and all that they know is the location of the land and whatever there property appraisers say. So no one will find you until you've already left.
Types of houses:
Stilt house on the ocean: If you know how to make a tree house then this is just the same. as long as you can secure poles into the sea bed then you can make it any way you want. The further into the bahamas the less people will see you.
Cave house: Dig out a cave with explosives found in the "jolly rogers cookbook". Then you have a place as big as you need to live in and make any way you want. This is good any mountainous or cold area.
Sand bag house, or super adobe: Get some kind of bag material, or tubing, and fill them with sand. The less clay in the sand the better because the clay will wash away. Then all you need is a roof. In order to make a water proof roof you can buy plastic camping tarps at the dollar store and seal them together with epoxy "plastic weld" found at most auto parts stores.
Rammed earth house: Get plywood walls with steel rebar holding them up and then ram dirt into the wall cavity by stepping on it. 1/10th cement to clay/sand ratio
Geodesic dome: With enough work you can flatten ends of sticks of the proper thickness and then drill a hole in the ends and make hundreds of these and the only thing you'd need to buy is nuts and bolts, and a tarp to put over it, and tools. Then cover it with dirt for insulation, the more dirt the more insulation even in alaska in the winter. May burry the godesic dome in the ground and enter it from the ceiling. This can be made on the spot anywhere if you bring along the big enough tarp and the nuts and bolts and the tools to craft the sticks. Or use spray foam for thin lightweight insulation. But you also need a fireplace for heat.
Stone house: Break apart stones and stack them into a house like machu pichu then for a roof have logs atacked on the A shaped stone house and then water proof and insulate. You need to be on a mountain to do this, or some other form of rock like coral castle.
House boat: If you have enough money you can buy a big boat and live on it where ever you want to set up anchor.
Energy prices and water prices will go sky high supposedly, and inflation will cause everything else to be expensive causing higher bills than most people earn eventually. And we will all be working poor and dependent on the government for hand outs.
There's always more than one way of doing the same thing. We only choose a certain way to do that thing because it's easier or cheaper.
Washing clothes with a washing machine will soon be a major bill in Florida and elsewhere as energy and water prices rise. So instead just have a resealable bucket some alcohol and a plunger. There's your new washing machine. You can now use alcohol as cleaning fluid and the plunger as the source of agitation. Remember to do this in a well ventilated area from alcohol fumes(outside). Then ring them out and hang to dry and reseal up the bucket of alcohol and reuse later. But to conserve alcohol you may just want water proof clothes, such as polyester, or acrylic, or nylon, and just clean the surfaces of the clothes with an alcohol soaked rag.
But wait this might look awkward in your back yard if neighbors see you, or worse yet, in your apartment complex where you can't have a well ventilated area. So here's the plan B for housing.
Get a truck first for hauling around a boat. Then get a boat. With a boat you can gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas where no one will ever know you're there, even within the USA. Even only a few yards inland and no one will ever see you from the ocean. Alaska has more coastline that the rest of the US combined. On you're new unknown piece of land you can now utilize the land in the same way the native American's used to, if you were using the land then it was yours. No property values or buying of it or anything, land was everybody's to walk on or use or make homesteads on, for free. Anyways the people that own most of the land in the US don't even know what's on the land. These are land barons or the banks, and all that they know is the location of the land and whatever there property appraisers say. So no one will find you until you've already left.
Types of houses:
Stilt house on the ocean: If you know how to make a tree house then this is just the same. as long as you can secure poles into the sea bed then you can make it any way you want. The further into the bahamas the less people will see you.
Cave house: Dig out a cave with explosives found in the "jolly rogers cookbook". Then you have a place as big as you need to live in and make any way you want. This is good any mountainous or cold area.
Sand bag house, or super adobe: Get some kind of bag material, or tubing, and fill them with sand. The less clay in the sand the better because the clay will wash away. Then all you need is a roof. In order to make a water proof roof you can buy plastic camping tarps at the dollar store and seal them together with epoxy "plastic weld" found at most auto parts stores.
Rammed earth house: Get plywood walls with steel rebar holding them up and then ram dirt into the wall cavity by stepping on it. 1/10th cement to clay/sand ratio
Geodesic dome: With enough work you can flatten ends of sticks of the proper thickness and then drill a hole in the ends and make hundreds of these and the only thing you'd need to buy is nuts and bolts, and a tarp to put over it, and tools. Then cover it with dirt for insulation, the more dirt the more insulation even in alaska in the winter. May burry the godesic dome in the ground and enter it from the ceiling. This can be made on the spot anywhere if you bring along the big enough tarp and the nuts and bolts and the tools to craft the sticks. Or use spray foam for thin lightweight insulation. But you also need a fireplace for heat.
Stone house: Break apart stones and stack them into a house like machu pichu then for a roof have logs atacked on the A shaped stone house and then water proof and insulate. You need to be on a mountain to do this, or some other form of rock like coral castle.
House boat: If you have enough money you can buy a big boat and live on it where ever you want to set up anchor.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Nicola Tesla's Free Energy From Radio Waves
This is my 200th post! Enjoy!
His structure that was never finished was called Wardenclyffe tower. It was to be a transmitter of radio waves across the world, but would also be useful as a power source if people tapped into the radio waves and used them as energy. (See video)(Also see: Actual article from 1917)
If you took a big collector array of any metal of any shape and got a large current at low voltage and then stepped up the voltage with any old transformer from a tv, then you would have a usable voltage that could be transformed to dc by use of an ac to dc converter circuit(see circuit diagram).

And then that dc could be used to charge batteries and then to power a home though an over the counter 120V converter. (See video)
So then why is this free energy, if all those radio waves are from man made radio? Well they aren't all man made radio waves. Cosmic background radiation is what we're talking about, which is mostly microwaves coming from all directions all the time. Do the math.
Also see HAARP for other interesting radio arrays being made.
His structure that was never finished was called Wardenclyffe tower. It was to be a transmitter of radio waves across the world, but would also be useful as a power source if people tapped into the radio waves and used them as energy. (See video)(Also see: Actual article from 1917)
If you took a big collector array of any metal of any shape and got a large current at low voltage and then stepped up the voltage with any old transformer from a tv, then you would have a usable voltage that could be transformed to dc by use of an ac to dc converter circuit(see circuit diagram).

And then that dc could be used to charge batteries and then to power a home though an over the counter 120V converter. (See video)
So then why is this free energy, if all those radio waves are from man made radio? Well they aren't all man made radio waves. Cosmic background radiation is what we're talking about, which is mostly microwaves coming from all directions all the time. Do the math.
Also see HAARP for other interesting radio arrays being made.
free energy,
infinite energy,
perpetual motion
Friday, July 10, 2009
Infinite Energy Series Capacitor (IESC)
There are a plethora of factual forms of free energy. Lets wet your appetite with those first.
Lasers produce more light energy than is input into them. This is called optical amplification but is more dramatically stated as free light energy from out of nowhere.
Fusion energy is one of the holly grails of energy technology but hasn't yet been perfected. Look to the national ignition facility for more about the super laser that creates fusion level energy, which means that we may soon achieve cold fusion. This is good and bad because yes we will have infinite energy but we'll still have to pay the government for the energy indefinitely, and they will always have control over us. So a solution would be some kind of personal sized free energy device, like Mr. Fusion on back to the future, at least I wish.
But wait there's more!
Electro-static induction is so simple yet so misunderstood, it should really be called free electrical energy from the gods, because they like us so much. Place one charged object next to one uncharged object, then make the uncharged object grounded, and what do you have? In an absolutely perfect scenario, with no energy disipation, and absolute closest and highest induction, you will end up with twice as much energy as you started with. Simple right? Well to put it into practice we are almost there, but not quite. When they come out with the EEStor ultra-capacitor we will then have this theory that we can put into practice. If you were able to charge half of the plates, then ground the other half, you would have almost perfect induction, because the plates of an ultra-capacitor are the closest and highest voltage materially possible. But in order to have no energy dissipation you would need to charge then induce then store all of that energy instantly for the least energy loss. But the capacitor may keep enough of the energy for it not to matter that much. So just have a mono-charge generator(van de graaf)then charge one plate and now ground the other plate and you have more energy than you started with.
The perfect one of these would be a long string of plates. As the first plate got charged, and all of the rest of the plates are grounded, then you would induce a charge into the plate next to it, and then induce another charge into the next adjoining plate, and so on, until every plate in the series is charged, then release all of the energy at once.(Because of the electrical attraction you would need to release them all simultaneously). And it's DC energy too, Thomas Edison would be proud.
I call it the "Infinite energy series capacitor".

This would be perfect for a ray gun because the electrical energy could then be put into a laser and now you have star trek powered guns with no need for bullets. And of course you'd have the all important waiting for it to charge buzzing sounds and the blinking red light when ready. Free bullets or free energy, it's all good!
P.S. You may be able to jury rig an EESU if you could tap into each individual plate separately.
Lasers produce more light energy than is input into them. This is called optical amplification but is more dramatically stated as free light energy from out of nowhere.
Fusion energy is one of the holly grails of energy technology but hasn't yet been perfected. Look to the national ignition facility for more about the super laser that creates fusion level energy, which means that we may soon achieve cold fusion. This is good and bad because yes we will have infinite energy but we'll still have to pay the government for the energy indefinitely, and they will always have control over us. So a solution would be some kind of personal sized free energy device, like Mr. Fusion on back to the future, at least I wish.
But wait there's more!
Electro-static induction is so simple yet so misunderstood, it should really be called free electrical energy from the gods, because they like us so much. Place one charged object next to one uncharged object, then make the uncharged object grounded, and what do you have? In an absolutely perfect scenario, with no energy disipation, and absolute closest and highest induction, you will end up with twice as much energy as you started with. Simple right? Well to put it into practice we are almost there, but not quite. When they come out with the EEStor ultra-capacitor we will then have this theory that we can put into practice. If you were able to charge half of the plates, then ground the other half, you would have almost perfect induction, because the plates of an ultra-capacitor are the closest and highest voltage materially possible. But in order to have no energy dissipation you would need to charge then induce then store all of that energy instantly for the least energy loss. But the capacitor may keep enough of the energy for it not to matter that much. So just have a mono-charge generator(van de graaf)then charge one plate and now ground the other plate and you have more energy than you started with.
The perfect one of these would be a long string of plates. As the first plate got charged, and all of the rest of the plates are grounded, then you would induce a charge into the plate next to it, and then induce another charge into the next adjoining plate, and so on, until every plate in the series is charged, then release all of the energy at once.(Because of the electrical attraction you would need to release them all simultaneously). And it's DC energy too, Thomas Edison would be proud.
I call it the "Infinite energy series capacitor".

This would be perfect for a ray gun because the electrical energy could then be put into a laser and now you have star trek powered guns with no need for bullets. And of course you'd have the all important waiting for it to charge buzzing sounds and the blinking red light when ready. Free bullets or free energy, it's all good!
P.S. You may be able to jury rig an EESU if you could tap into each individual plate separately.
clean energy,
free energy,
infinite energy,
ray guns
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