My definition of utopia, even if it's impossible is, everything is free of every part of life, or after it is built it is free to use. No rules, no taxes, no bills = no control over you by anybody. Freedom.
The Libertarian or Objectivist ideology is: Everyone can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact other peoples lives.
A free community would be a community where:
- No one relies on anyone.
- No one needs to be responsible for any one or anything.
- Nothing is ever stolen because it's free anyway.
- So who cares even if it's stolen.
- No need to take things from others by force by killing them.
- No need to kill to keep people silent if everything is transparent, and no crimes need to be kept secret.
- No secrets means less stress.
- Land and resources are free and infinite, so no fighting over land or resources
- No more homeless because life is so simple that even a baby could run it. Just have food and shelter and internet education, only family is lacking.
- Nobody has power or control over others
- Nobody needs power and control because all your needs are already taken care of.
- You can pass the time by doing meaningful work.
- No job so no need to be professional
- No need to keep appointments(no need for watches?)
Side effects of everything being free are:
- Some rules: For no rules at all, look at a pirate ship on international waters. People can get killed and no one cares. So there have to be some common sense laws like no drinking and driving or killing or rampages, or sexual predators, or blackmailing, or bombing your evil nemesis's house. Just rules that everyone agrees to. The rules may just be a document that everyone living within a certain area agrees to live under and they'd better read it and know the rules. Or with no rules you just pick the people you want to be around and stay out of dangerous situations
- Socialism: If everything was free then what's the motivator to work at a factory and make new machines, or to research and develop new inventions? If nothing is produced then the economy as a whole suffers. So free things is more suited for a small village rather than a world economy.
- The summer of love: Had it's own version of the free store which failed because people would donate things but no one would get anything accomplished and eventually they ran out of everything and had to go back to working. But this isn't a thrift store I'm proposing.
- Dangers: Just know the dangers of this new society of no rules, and avoid those dangers. Like the killer next door or the enemy territory. In the same way you avoid jumping off a cliff. Or have a solution to the danger such as a fire arm. Besides, it's boring to not have a little danger, and adventure.
Free things to start a free emporium with:
- Garden that grows itself and seeds itself and waters itself. But you still have to do weeding with a weed auger. And have weekly sowing of seeds for longer growing season. Put plastic over part of the garden and remove the plastic little by little. To block out light and water until ready to grow.
- Free water from a solar distiller.
- Free wood from a chainsaw and mauler. But the individual must add value by mauling them themselves.
- free seeds from fruit if they planted them.
- Free eggs from free roam chickens.
- Free mulch or wood chips from a mulcher.
- Free compost from a compost barrel.
- Free alcohol
- Free yeast in saved dough.
- Free everything cookbook with donated recipes.
- Free Gym and pool under open air roof
- Internet movies burned to DVD
- Internet roms and emulators
- Internet music
- Rain pond foot bath for after walking on the beach
- Bird bath
- Stone house(if you have tools)
- Cave using explosives found in jolly rogers cookbook.
- Tree houses
- Stilt houses
- Park benches
- Picnic tables
- Look out tower
- Teeter totter
- Tranpolene
- Zip line
- Slide
- Swing set
- Rocking chair
- Chairs
- Tables
- Dresser
- Tv stands
- Tv trays
- Feather quill pen(if you have ink)
- Sea shells: Good for cereal bowl, or soap dish, or some can be sharpened into a knife.
- Sand dollars: For who knows what.
- Air flow by Bernoulli's principle.
- Alcohol: Let juice sit for a year and then put it into a solar still
- Chicken eggs.
- Duck eggs: Better than chicken eggs, just feed the ducks and they'll think it's home, no fence needed.
- Birds: Just have a gun
- Fish: Have a big net
- Turtles: Depending on location
- Crab: Crab pot
- Rabbits: Simple snare by tracks in snow.
- Moccasins made out of rabbit pelt, or deer hide
- Buck skin wallet
- Bow and arrow
- Rope: Good for pully system, winch, ladder, climbing, lashing together, clamp, making net, clothes line, bow and arrow, belt, swing set, heavy lifting or pulling, repelling. See knots playlist.
- Rain barrel irrigation
- Artificial pond: Dig it out of a low point on the topography
- Time is free: Wait out bad weather and only go boating in good weather.
- Freedom of speech
- Strawberries that grow and plant themselves with watering system.
- Home made ice cream.
- Infinite cookie machine.(Theory)
- Infinite tissue paper machine. (Theory)
- Slow sand filter and water from it.
- Free medical and dental from having good genetics and no danger. See genetic engineering lecture.
- Free wifi internet sometimes.
- Free education off of the internet.
- Free computer files instead of paper files or notebooks.
- Free communication through walkie talkies.
- Solar panels are free to use, but batteries die and are not free. Until ultra-capacitors
- Cars
- Gas
- Batteries
- Chemicals
- Finite resources: metals, diamonds
- Bullets(until super lasers)
- Tools
- Hardware
- Fabrics
- Toilet paper
- Soda pop
- Milk
- Twinkies
- Chocolate
- Cable TV
- Every manufacturing facility.
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