Rules do not reflect reality, because reality has no rules. Rules only reflect the people making them.
The golden rule: The people with the gold make the rules.
I want to live in a place where you can leave your car or house unlocked and never ever have to worry. Also where you can leave a bike on the side of the road without locking it up. We all do these things as kids until people vandalize or steal things and we learn not to. Also we assume everyone is nice as kids but soon learn through experience that everyone is an asshole for no reason. Then we eventually become one ourselves.
Politics: Cutting spending is not in any politicians vocabulary. They're in it for power and control, if you spend more then you have control over people because now "They owe you". The whole idea of monetizing the budget is so the gov can give people money, so that the gov will get more power. The gov buying GM and socialized medicine and all other aspects of society is all about getting more power. This has been called "Obamanopoly".
Money is just a measurement of power. If the government taxes 50% of your monthly income then you are 50% slave to them. And if they ever find a way to tax 100% of your money every month then you will be 100% slave to them. Also monetizing the budget is a way to tax without people knowing it. They print more money and now all the dollars in the US are worth less. And therefor the fed just took money out of your pocket without you knowing it.
The whole financial crisis in California is a good example of where this country is heading. The whole problem would be solved if they cut spending. But they can't cut spending because that's not in politicians vocabulary. So now they have to sell off parts of the state, and legalize marajuana so that they can tax it. They now have a "Sin tax" where eating twinkies is taxable(the twinkie tax). The cost of cigarettes has just gone up $1 a pack as a sin tax, alcohol is the same. It's getting so preposterous that you'd have to be insane to live there. But it's a shame that someday that's what every state in the US will look like becase politicians only want more power and will never want less power. Which is exactly what our founding fathers were trying to avoid.
Rules and the ruling class:
Rules are another form of power. It's the way the man keeps you down. We have so many stupid rules now, and it keeps getting worse. Do the rules protect us? Or are they proposterous? Are rules the only way for society to function?
You're always seeing rich and powerful people in the news these days breaking the rules, and not just that, but getting away with it. Preachers being anointed by God to no longer be gay after being caught. Governors caught cheating on wives, and just saying they're sorry lets them get away with it. Even in these trusted positions with all this power, where we need the most trustworthy individuals, we have them doing untrustworthy things. Even the presidents, like Bill Clinton getting impeached. And Nixons Watergate. Can we even trust our supreme court justices when during every state of the union address they never clap or show any opinion or emotion either way as if they were vulcans. We all know that every human has opinions or emotion, and we're supposed to believe this. How is this fakery trustworthy.
Even when the powerful elite break the law they just make it top secret. If nothing ever officially happened then it can never be against the law, can it. See my top secret post.
If you're rich you don't have to follow the rules. There are no consequences.
When Paris Hilton broke the law and was supposed to go to jail she instead was allowed to stay under house arrest for a few days in her multimillion dollar mansion and then she was off scot free. If the rich have a criminal record it doesn't matter because they won't need to apply for a job any time soon with their net worth. And if they have to pay bail that's nothing. What's a few thousand dollars to a multi millionaire? Why should we follow the rules, if our ruling class doesn't?
What's the point of enforcing the rules if even when you punish a criminal they still commit more crimes afterward as repeat offenders? The 3 strikes you're out rule is a good solution to this though.
People will always follow the rules anyway. Just keep the right group of friends. Because we all have networks of friends, if we ever do anything to hurt anyone then their friends will eventually ask questions and find out and punish you. This also means that you can have rumors spread that are untrue and make enemies for no reason, with the wrong group of friends. Example: Blair witch trials, and tribal witch doctor culture. So our society with no rules would be as bad as tribal culture with law enforcement. Minus any reason cause a fight other than magic, or killing for no reason.
"Where there are no people there are no rules." So if all else fails and martial law is in sight, head to international waters or a developing country in the wilderness, to get away from it all, until all the dust settles. See my survival checklist for how to survive.
I have a little theory though, to solve all of these problems of rules. It's so simple, that it might just work.
I submit that if everything in life were free, then there would be no need for rules! Look to my "Free emporium post" for more details.
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