Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Drive-By-Wire, AC Induction Motor, Ultra-Capacitor, GPS

Steer by wire is where you make one tire spin faster than the other in order to steer. This eliminates any mechanical connections that ICE's(internal combustion engines) have to use. This is achieved by having a separate electric motor inside of each wheel. Also you can add four wheel drive for more traction on slippery roads.

Steer-by-wire (A.K.A. Drive-by-wire) is:
  • More energy efficient
  • Less maintenance(almost none)
  • Reprogrammable for different steering preferences.
  • Can also be 4 wheel drive
The AC induction motor was invented by Nicola Tesla, and is still the best electric motor to this day. It has the highest torque of any electric motor, in fact even higher torque than a Ferrari's ICE(See:Tesla roadster). It's maintenance free because it has no commutator. Is energy efficient, due to it going faster and further than any other motor hooked to the same battery.

The AC induction motor is:
  • The highest torque motor
  • The most energy efficient motor
  • Maintenance free
  • Except it still needs AC energy to operate, which makes a complicated circuit that's hard for an amature to build. But it's still a solid state circuit(no moving parts) and shouldn't break when built right.
The ultra-capacitor made by EEStor will hopefully be made by 2009. The smartest people in the world are investing in it. If this technology is made then it will replace gasoline. We would charge it at night like a cell phone, and it would store enough energy to go 250 miles on a single charge and at 80 MPH.

Ultra capacitors are:
  • Solid state(will outlast you)
  • Most efficient conversion of energy into moving a car
  • Able to go further and faster than a car if you add more capacitors
  • Lighter weight than any battery
  • Able to hold more energy than any battery
  • Made of non-toxic eco-friendly(green) materials
  • Would also be the portable energy source of everything in the future
GPS is good for finding direction, but can also replace old fashioned speedometers(See: speedometers on wiki). They work as a speedometer by updating location ever second for a more accurate speedometer than the electronic or mechanical speedometers. But they also can be made as solid state and built into the car. Also they will be cheap one day if they're in every future car that is eventually going to the junk yard.

GPS is:
  • A better speedometer
  • Solid state(won't break)
  • Extremely cheap one day
  • A replacement for maps
  • Low energy usage
  • Programmable
  • Cheap soon
But in reality we still need to get beyond using cars. Because cars need an infrastructure of roads, which are not eco-friendly.

Helicopters are the way of the distant future when we finally invent an easy to use and build version of one. The only moving parts in a helicopter are the rotors(rotors may need to be tilted in some designs). Making an electric helicopter should be possible with Ultra capacitors. When you need to get from point A, to point B, there's no more need to ask for directions because you just go in a straight line there(B-line?). Also with drive-by-wire(All electric, programmable controls) it may be easier to program the controls so an average Joe can learn to fly a helicopter. Also no more need for infrastructure like roads or even runways. The only thing to worry about is down drafts in certain weather conditions. On the billions being spent on public mass transit infrastructure, you could instead spend it all on a fleet of helicopters.

Helicopter's are:
  • Very time efficient when travelling on a schedule
  • In no need of any infrastructure(make them now, use them now)
  • Easy to navigate
  • Possibly capable of having the controls programmable, so that anyone can drive-by-wire
  • Maintenance free except for rotor bearings
  • Not good when you need to watch out for down drafts, and other crash hazards.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Capitalism Gone Bad

The reason capitalism works is that we work in order to increase our standard of living and build wealth to one day not have to work anymore.
Socialism doesn't work because people are not creating wealth and are only sharing what already exists. There is also no insentive to work if all of your efforts are wasted by being given to the next guy that didn't work at all.
What if we have no more insentive to work in America?

The problem is that in America we don't have the same capitalism that the theory supports.
  • We work but we don't increase our wealth or our standard of living.
  • We have to pay a cable bill for eternity instead of paying for the actual cable box just once. Are we paying to be tortured by the constant commercials also.
  • All heating and cooling is an expense that we pay to the utility companies forever, instead of just buying the solar panels once.
  • We have to pay for water indefinitely instead of getting it free from the sky and boiling it with solar energy. There are many other alternative methods of retrieving water though. See : Artificial aquifer.
  • We have to pay for jam and fruits indefinitely, instead of getting it for free from surrounding nature, and making it ourselves.
  • We have to pay for fish forever, even when it's not fresh, instead of getting them for free from a lake or river. "MMM sushi!"
  • We have to pay off a house for the rest of our lives, and maintain and update it, instead of making it, and then being done with it right then and there, FOREVER. Why go big? Just make the same size cabin as everyone has in Alaska! With free wood or cheap and green technology. See : R- value in Alaska.
  • Retirement is not earned anymore, but instead we force our children to pay taxes for us when we start to get our social security one day.
  • We have to pay an electric bill instead of having free infinite energy from solar panels that are maintenance free when they are installed with weather and tamper proof structure.
  • If you can't save any money at all to increase your standard of living in any meaningful way then you might as well not work, and instead just live in the woods, because your chances are better for capitalism to work there, where you keep what you produce, and you build your standard of living as you work. just think of what you could achieve at 8 hrs/day working on a tree house or on a garden.
All of our efforts these days are put into maintaining our standard of living, not into raising our standard of living.
The problem is when we're are adapted to city life, then we've also forgotten how to live independently in a rural life. Also some of us have never had the option of living outside of the city.
Is America all of a sudden "dependent", and no longer "independent"?

Religious Rituals Are Torturous

Here are just some thoughts on religion that may or may not make you question your belief, or even affirm your disbelief. Good questions are highlighted.

Why torture yourself?
It is a fact that most humans, except for some smart people in educated society, like to torture themselves. Most religions, if not all, must be made up or are false religions, this is the reality which is proven by there being so many different religions out there.
While watching the show "tribal rights"(on travel channel), you see what kind of futile work and stress go into every differing ritual. Did god intend us to suffer for him forever? Is god a sadomasochist?
Why not focus on living life rather than getting stressed out about religious predictions about the end of the world? You can always build a fallout shelter to put your mind at ease, if you're falling for holy rollers predictions.
Why create a split personality called "god" which is actually -you telling yourself- what you can and cannot do?
Some religions make you do constant prayer, others require constant memorization of religious manuscripts, others make you sing in church even when you don't feel like it, others make you do back exercises while sitting on your knees until they hurt, others make you perform long drawn out rituals of chanting and magical gestures, that make absolutely no sense in the real world, others make you want to "settle" into war torn areas like the Gaza strip and live there, others make you bathe in dirty human bacteria infested water, others make you repent all of your sins because someone must be watching you 24 hours a day just to see every fart you deal.
Is god a voyeurist?
What if eating was illegal in heaven, we would say "well god probably wouldn't keep us from eating, because that's unreasonable". Therefor in every ritual we tell ourselves that we're still allowed to eat. In the end it is just us telling ourselves what we think that any of the gods of the world would most likely think is reasonable for us to do. In other words we're telling ourselves what we think, god thinks, instead of him telling us personally.
I guess mass murder of animals is a good thing in heaven, so that we can still eat, except if the animal being killed is a human.
Wouldn't a real god see the flaw in this logic of letting us hear by word of mouth and our own imagination what god wants us to do? Wouldn't he rescue every wrong religion from torturing themselves by just coming out and saying what the real rules were? Instead of letting us torture ourselves and each other for the rest of eternity.
Maybe the lack of god interfering with us is one of the best pieces of evidence that he doesn't exist.
If god or gods decide who wins wars, then why do we as humans ever have to try to win the wars.
If god or gods decide everything that will ever happen then why do we ever try in general. Animals never try, but it's said that they don't have a god.
Why make offerings to the gods, can't they just take what they need by themselves? Also when we do offer money or other things to the gods, how do we know how much to offer to the gods and if the priest is or isn't skimming some off the top?
Why are all religions possible in spiritualism, but the thought of there being no god is the one impossibility?
Naturally humans will always tend to torture themselves to the maximum of reasonable limits.
But then again there are every few years a new religious cult that forces mass suicide. Even with rituals that unreasonable it still happens.
Is there a special heaven for stupid people?
Why praise the lord? Is he so insecure that we need to keep telling him that he's great, and giving him moral support? Maybe, in some small way, we just - sort of selfishly - want something in return for praising him.
See: George Carlin on religion for a good laugh! I'm just repeating what he said.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Known reactions that create antimatter: There are none yet, except for particle accelerators.
There are some theories though, and I will post them as I find them.
The best reaction would be a one step reaction. Find a material and mix it with another material in the perfect environement and it will make large quantities of antimatter. That is the ideal circumstance.
It's not very far fetched to imagine this when there are fusion reactions that transform particles into different particles, and that there are chemical endothermic reactions and exothermic reactions. Looking at the real properties of barium titanate makes you question what can and cannot be done theses days also.

One theory has to do with the material known as helium 3 that we can acquire on the moon, but if we used that for a stable fusion reaction and put lots of money into fusion research then we may well find new reactions that have byproducts which include antimatter.

The current way of making antimatter is to accelerate electrons until they collide and create a new negatively charged anti-hydrogen atom. But there may be other more efficient and predictable methods that we may find in the future that can be scaled to mass produce antimatter. As long an fusion energy works and gets funding for new nuclear physics experiments beyond fusion.

Antimatter occurs naturally in the van allen belts of earth and also at gas giants like jupiter. See: "antimatter" on wiki under "cost".And if we can somehow find a way to store the antimatter(encapsulated in neutrons) and use it, then we may have free energy if the antimatter can be reused based only on its "potential energy" which has reverse effects in the physical universe making new electrical and particle aplications and experimants possible with this new material of totally alien properties. See: "magic rectangle"

Also see my other antimatter post.
And "The final revolution is...".

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And The Universe Says...

Listen to the universe, and let it be your guide, and it can never lie to you or malfunction or be incorrect. Humans always have the potential to be wrong or corrupt, though. Like the legend of steel in the first Conan movie. The one thing that you can always trust and count on is your sword, or I say, the universe in general.

If the universe disagrees with you then that means you have to change your approach to life. And if someone says to you “Hey you can’t do things that way” just reply “Well the universe tends to disagree with you.”

  • When you have a device break, then the universe is saying that you designed it wrong and that‘s why it broke. Or when the device is obsolete, then the universe is saying that you made the entire device wrong to begin with. A well designed device should last longer than you will live to be, because the human body is already a device that lasts that long. No upgrades should be needed if it’s was ever a well designed device to begin with.
  • When you have to make more inventions just to make an old invention work, like for cars to work you need to invent roads, and you have to pay more for extra inventions and it breaks more from more moving parts. The universe says, go with a better technology that performs the same function, like helicopters instead of cars. Also bicycles need a pump and tires and chains and roads. Vehicles are only for going long distances away from home anyway, so maybe you don't need them except for emergencies, if you like your home.
  • If you can burn music and give copies to people for free, and you can make cheap knock offs for free, the universe is saying that information has no value in the real universe, if it can be copied for free. Selling information is what the media industry is. So why is information monopolized, or kept secret from others anyway?
  • The universe works on the honor system, as if it’s natural to think that nobody would ever possibly need to do anything bad to other people. So there’s no rule in the universe about killing, or being punished for doing anything bad. As if telling you that there’s no point to killing or hurting other people in the real world. And if you know what you’re doing, there’s no reason to ever have bad in your life at all. Killing people is only a human invention, and if you're by yourself, the universe's honor system rule works perfectly.
  • If houses cost 500,000$ and need constant upkeep and updating, then maybe you should have designed the house differently. The universe is saying that you’re throwing your efforts and money down the drain, when the house is outdated in 10 years, and also requires constant maintenance. Everything is makeshift when it comes to houses these days to either save money or be like everybody else. Why not be different and design a house well for once, so that it doesn't need upkeep. See: R-value in Alaska post.
  • Rules are a human invention, and therefore have to be enforced by humans, because the universe won’t enforce the human made rules(value of things, taxes, killing is wrong, except genocide of animals is fine). I’d rather listen to the universe's rules than to human's rules. In fact just listening to the universe in general is better that to humans. The universe is never wrong or lies, but humans always have the potential to be wrong or lie. Rules are just a way of people having control over other people, and the universe never controls humans, we control the universe, utilizing knowledge. Also the universe is impartial, for no fear of any hidden agenda, or ulterior motives, or judging you for anything.
  • Money only exists to be stolen. If everybody you traded with was family then you wouldn’t need currency but instead just share, based on equal effort of work days. The universe says that if you put value on things, then it will have value worth stealing. The universe is showing you this by how things keep getting stolen, and how sometimes people get hurt just so that a criminal can steal something of value.
  • The same is true for drugs, the universe shows that it has no rule against using drugs on yourself. It is only when we made a rule that it was wrong to take drugs that criminals started making money at it and we suddenly had the highest public crime rate in history, all because it was made illegal by humans. Also the facts that are shown to you through case studies about drugs, are the real world trying to tell you not to take them, because of the addictive consequences. If only those drug addicts had listened to reality, they would never have become chronically addicted. The same is true but in a less severe way, about caffeine and coffee addiction.
  • You shouldn’t have to work more than animals in order to make a living, unless you are genetically inferior to animals(sweat glands, eat too much, need house heating, need to cook food, and make tools.). Giraffes are the perfect example of living the perfect life without any worries or work. So the universe is telling us “that’s who you have to beat, when it comes to lifestyle.”
  • Risk reward, is a good way of making some decisions. The less liability you have in life, if any at all, the better. Liability is risk, or when something is liable to happen eventually. You should live a life with maximum reward and minimal risk. This is the universe rewarding you for being smart, and using statistics, and averages, and facts.
  • The government of America is the best one ever invented, but the truth of the matter is that it’s not the best working government possible. This is shown by congress constantly having to struggle to make new rules all of the time. As if people are constantly trying to fix our system. And the universe is saying “you shouldn’t have to keep fixing something if it already works.” maybe we need a government that has no rules and no money and no power, because that’s the way that the actual universe functions. As long as we can research a way to make this new type of civilization work. It's bad enough that our banking system is based on faith and any political office election is based on faith that that person tells the truth. Without faith our entire system will inevitably fail, one day.
  • The best design is one that allows for an imperfect or chaotic universe. Not a design that requires perfection, all of the time, in order to function properly. An example is when designing a sidewalk, you lay concrete in sections or separate slabs, for expansion and contraction in the elements, so that the concrete never cracks. The universe hinting at the reasons behind it cracking all the of the time before, in previous improper designs.

So all in all, ignoring the universe, and facts, only leads to pain and suffering, but listening to the universe, and reality, always only leads to happiness. Also design things based on facts, and reality will show that it lasts forever, and you won’t have to maintain it, or replace it, or change it. Live with the universe not against it. Live within reality, not outside, in magic land. Don’t ever listen to the majority without questioning it. The majority said that there was no housing bubble, also the majority said “buy and hold” right before the “.com” bubble.

In order for good or bad to exist humans have to create it. Examples of good things: GPS, glasses, medical, free to run electric car(since we already have roads), solid state devices, computer‘s, and computer search engine, hunting rifles, good tasting food, the list goes on and on. Examples of bad things: arguing, stealing, killing, sadness.

So it’s a choice between creating your own good in your life or your own bad in your life. People may only choose to have a bad life because of illogical emotions and no research into improving their own life, or alternately just letting other people make decisions for them. Never listen to people(either an elected official, or the majority consensus), unless actual facts confirm what they say, only listen to reality, and the subtle messages of the universe. The universe says that making intelligent decisions based on obvious facts, is the only pathway to have a good lifestyle.

And religion actually has no useful answers to life in the end, and what the universe would say about religion is “why would you need a religion to tell you how to live your life, when you have the laws of physics to do that for you already.”

The true virtue of a person is only human opinion.

Now if only, one day, we could see beyond our own debilitating and primitive human psychology.