Steer-by-wire (A.K.A. Drive-by-wire) is:
- More energy efficient
- Less maintenance(almost none)
- Reprogrammable for different steering preferences.
- Can also be 4 wheel drive
The AC induction motor is:
- The highest torque motor
- The most energy efficient motor
- Maintenance free
- Except it still needs AC energy to operate, which makes a complicated circuit that's hard for an amature to build. But it's still a solid state circuit(no moving parts) and shouldn't break when built right.
Ultra capacitors are:
- Solid state(will outlast you)
- Most efficient conversion of energy into moving a car
- Able to go further and faster than a car if you add more capacitors
- Lighter weight than any battery
- Able to hold more energy than any battery
- Made of non-toxic eco-friendly(green) materials
- Would also be the portable energy source of everything in the future
GPS is:
- A better speedometer
- Solid state(won't break)
- Extremely cheap one day
- A replacement for maps
- Low energy usage
- Programmable
- Cheap soon
Helicopters are the way of the distant future when we finally invent an easy to use and build version of one. The only moving parts in a helicopter are the rotors(rotors may need to be tilted in some designs). Making an electric helicopter should be possible with Ultra capacitors. When you need to get from point A, to point B, there's no more need to ask for directions because you just go in a straight line there(B-line?). Also with drive-by-wire(All electric, programmable controls) it may be easier to program the controls so an average Joe can learn to fly a helicopter. Also no more need for infrastructure like roads or even runways. The only thing to worry about is down drafts in certain weather conditions. On the billions being spent on public mass transit infrastructure, you could instead spend it all on a fleet of helicopters.
Helicopter's are:
- Very time efficient when travelling on a schedule
- In no need of any infrastructure(make them now, use them now)
- Easy to navigate
- Possibly capable of having the controls programmable, so that anyone can drive-by-wire
- Maintenance free except for rotor bearings
- Not good when you need to watch out for down drafts, and other crash hazards.