The neutron encapsulated antimatter is inert because the antimatter is encapsulated by neutrons (that's what they said the tiny spheres in the interior substance was- don't ask me how they made it) suspended in a low viscosity fluid is 1st attracted to any positive charge. Supplied here by the diode.
Because all negative charges are attracted to all positive charges whether the negative charge be electrons or the antimatter. The (-) antimatter attracted to a positive plate.
That's why they said that electromagnets didn't work with the device, because electromagnets have no polarity. But any device with a unidirectional(polarized) flow of energy would work on the closed energy device.(Hence the use of a diode in the picture).
And also an added feature of the magic rectangle device, was that the electrode plates doubled as a universal resistor. Which I theorize is just made of bimetallic strips or segments that as more energy demand is put upon the energy device, the bimetallic strips(2 different kinds of metal cemented together) will deform and bow outward as the resistance of the high load in the small section of the electrode plate creates a heat that deforms the bimetallic sections. And as the sections bow outwards they touch more metallic sections, creating a larger conductive surface area until it reaches the specific energy demand of that particular load. And that equilibrium performs the same functions as resistors do in our devices today.

Another note worthy science used in constructing the device is that I surmise that most aliens when constructing anything make substances travel directly through walls. So that they don't need conventional fasteners to make things. So in order to make the energy device they supposedly make a crystal box enclosure in one solid piece, and then transfer the antimatter solution directly through the walls of the crystal enclosure. But the way that this is theoretically possible is only with extremely high static fields that offset any law of physics that says that an object is solid(super fluid), or that there is equal and opposite reaction. Because all physical properties of any material are relative to their level of different forms of energy. But I'm by far not an expert on this, but in theory all you need to distort the physical properties of matter are extremely high electromagnetic fields. And it can probably be proven mathematically. But that's for another blog entry to describe.
Also I think I heard that "helium 3" was described in being part of the process of producing raw antimatter. And that helium 3 can be only found in solar wind and has been collected by the moon for eons. And that until we go to the moon and mine it and at the same time make helium 3 cold fusion reactors(which are infinite energy, in and of itself). We won't be seeing this technology for longer than we will live to see.
For further study, you may want to read the entire project serpo account, just for fun.(follow link)
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