Sunday, March 16, 2008

Making Antimatter : Theoretically

I finally put 2 and 2 together, and I think I know how to make antimatter. Theoretically.
So in my last post, I discussed how when space is cold enough it becomes denser space, and in so doing the density of energy(in other words subatomic particles) becomes as great as the energy density of hydrogen which is [E=MC(sq.)].
With that mathematical equation in mind, I think that my term:"density(coldness) of space" is the same as saying "strength of gravity".
So now following that logic, you can create your own matter, if you have a high enough gravitational field. Which is either artificial or natural.
How do you make an artificial gravity field? Well I assume that gravity and static electricity are one and the same. I assume this due to the fact that they are both a radiating, warping of space. And if it looks like gravity, and acts like gravity, then it probably is gravity.
But beyond that and it's implications for space travel. I assume that if you can spontaneously create matter out of nothing with a high enough gravitational field. Then it also follows that you can create antimatter with a high enough antigravitational field. Which is a high negatively charged static electric field.
And if you think about it, matter has a positive electric charge, and antimatter has a negative electric charge. So it makes sense, that a high enough field would create that type of particle, if making particles is possible in that way, using the math of E=MC(sq.) as a guide.
And just as with fusion and fission, I theorize that creating a particle of matter would absorb ambient temperature and static charge when it is created. Lowering the overall (+)charge of your atom creating machine. And I theorize that when an antimatter particle is created as well, it would absorb the negative static fields energy during its creation. So that it would lower the ambient (-) charge of the anti-atom making machine and increase the temperature of the surrounding area.
Now all you need is to encapsulate that antimatter in neutrons and you will have the beginnings of the project serpo infinite energy device. Which would make the creation of more antimatter easier, from the energy field being easier to obtain, by the newly available free energy.
Once you can mass produce antimatter in this way you now have made infinite energy space travel fiesable. And can distort the laws of physics to make time pass slower for the inside of the space craft. And you can have a superfluid outer hull of the ship to never even be touched by an asteroid(not totally sure of that yet). And can also produce artificial gravity plates to walk on.

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