- Information is lost inside a black hole(Called the Hawking Paradox). which means that the matter that was consumed by the black hole, is lost into nothingness, when the black hole dies, and disappears itself also.
- We have a "theory" of the big bang but that, nor any other theory describes why the big bang happened, how it happened, or what happened before it in the first place. (In other words, what created the matter in the first place).
- There are dwarf galaxies in the empty space between galaxies. Composed of mainly hydrogen.
- These facts alone mean that anyone with any theory at all about the universe, could be the actual correct one, and know the real facts of the way the universe functions. Because no scientist can even tell you you're wrong when they have hardly any facts about space at all yet themselves. Scientists currently use alternate dimensions and imaginary particles(Tachyons, Axions) to make the math add up.
- Supposedly we can see the big bang in all directions, by primitive protogalaxies being visible in all directions. Which is conveniently explained by the universe being 4-dimensional and it's therefore just an optical illusion.
I propose that the matter in a black hole is transformed into energy in the same way as atomic bombs transform matter into energy. The evidence of this being, x-ray and UV emissions found coming out of the center of black holes. But beyond the insignificant size of photons there are even smaller particles which make up the space itself between stars. The evidence of fields of particles too small to see in any way, are electromagnetic fields, which are only lines of flux. But that tells you that there is a medium or a substance, that the flux is made up of.
It then follows that matter which is destroyed in black holes has to then be sprayed out into the interstellar medium as energy (x-rays, UV particles) and fractional particles smaller than energy(in other words the particles that space itself is made of). See: Einsteins general relativity.
And what happens when you fill the area between the galaxies with more space, in the same way as you would fill a balloon with air? You get an effect that can be mistaken as an "expanding universe". When it is in reality extra space being pumped between galaxies by black holes.
You may now ask me, that if the matter is turned into energy, then wouldn't all of the matter be eaten up over time and become a universe composed entirely of energy eventually? Well that's where my theory of how the universe began comes in.
When the universe began there was nothing except the smallest of smallest particles making up the limitless void of "only" space. But then those sub atomic particles began to clump together. From extreme cold making them extremely dense, movement was born into the universe because voids between particles were created as they condensed together. But when the medium of space is dense enough from the extreme cold, I believe that mathematically an atom of hydrogen must be created. Due to the extreme energy(space) density of absolute zero being the same energy density as is needed to create a particle of hydrogen(Otherwise described as the density of space itself becoming the same energy density as the equation e=mc2).
The above theory has noteworthy evidence behind it in that the large and small Magellanic Clouds which are located in the space between us and other galaxies, are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, and no metals whatsoever. Which I predict were formed from the extreme cold between galaxies. Cold being a form of energy that at the highest energy density may create matter. Although I still concede that other forces may be at play as well in the interstellar medium that create energy density in the order of magnitude capable of forming basic particles.
Fact that I somewhat recall: Something like 70% of known space is permeated by free floating hydrogen.
Then after you are making free hydrogen from the super cold temperatures of inter stellar space you get charges that attract hydrogen atoms together. And then those charges become gravity, on the macro scale. Where even the like charges in objects(+/+) attract each other, only because of the size differential of the charges. Because if you have a large enough (+) charge it will attract any small (+) charge.
Then you have a sun which when it becomes super massive, will create new types of elements through fusion. And when the stars collect into a galaxy, the center becomes a super massive black hole. Which will then destroy all of the matter that was once created.
And the process begins all over again within the vast cold expanses between galaxies where protogalaxies(dwarf galaxies) are formed and expand. In a never ending cycle of the infinite universe.
SIDE NOTE: It occurs to me that the cosmic background radiation could be caused by the gravity of our solar system, or previously stated as cold dense space, but in our solar system the solar wind protects us from any outside even more dangerous background radiation, the gravity of black holes creating x-ray and gamma ray spontaneous emission and the gravity inside of a planet creating infra red light spontaneously and stars creating visible and UV light. And as was mentioned, extreme cold and extreme electric charge(in other words gravity fields are the same) cause particles to coalesce from smallest particles to biggest particles, as the space gets colder and denser, and atoms and energy form out of space itself (I call it "spontaneous emission"). The order in which energy and particles are made from the warmest space(least dense space)- to coldest(most dense space), is as follows:
- radio waves in somewhat least dense space
- light waves in more dense space (space isn't dense enough in most of space until it's as dense as around Jupiter will it begin to emit infra red light).
- gamma rays in even more dense space(suns)
- and at the most dense space/or highest static electric charge/ or at the coldest temperatures- actual (+) charged atoms will be created
Also when you have a large static electric field all of the above effects will occur in that static field in the same order. Which is what you see with UFO's technology normally, is the high charges will emit light and at even higher charges will emit deadly radiation.
So I theorize that when people describe the insides of UFO's, and there is ambient light that comes from all directions, it's just electric charge emitting photons. And also why lightning bolts emit light.
It's all because of the static electric charge(which has the same physical characteristics as gravity). And cold that cause all of the forces that make atoms and energy out of nothingness. Hypothetically.
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