Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fun Thoughts To Stir The Imagination

Imagine a world where all of the drinking water that you need is absolutely free. And never having another water bill

Imagine never having an energy bill again.

Imagine a world where it is absolutely free to cook food. There is no energy bill from using a stove. And if you have wood scraps on your property, then there is no fuel cost. And the stove itself was free and easy to build.

Imagine never having to buy matches again, or lighter fluid, or coal brickets.

Imagine never having to buy alcohol or other chemicals again , and instead they just made themselves for free, on the same time scale as vegetable gardens grow.

And imagine that you could wash and dry your clothes instantly and that you didn’t need to fix the washing machine ever again, and that you never paid for detergent or water again, or even had to worry about your clothes shrinking anymore.

Imagine never having to buy gasoline again for your car, and also the car never having to be repaired again or needing oil, but still having the same performance and convenience as a normal car.

Imagine never needing tools, or needing to make complex machines work, or ever having to repair your house again, or mow the lawn.

Imagine never having to worry about crime ever again or being in an accident caused by someone else.

Imagine not having to move all the time and if you did move all the time the furniture never weighed more than 20 pounds, or being awkward to carry.

And imagine never needing to go to the store again, or needing to pay for things, constantly, or being in the crowded stores. But instead your store was the wide open wilderness that you got supplies and food and medical and materials from, and it never ran out of stock.

And finally what if you never had to see bad news on TV or argumentative people, and you didn’t have to worry about anything anymore, and you kept all human made good in your life and had already gotten rid of all human made bad in your life. And because you had a working system with no chance of system failure, that would mean no more worries to be kept in the back of your mind anymore, and you'd now finally be at a point that you can relax and don’t need to do anything anymore unless you want to, so you just decided to sit back and watch the tides come in and the sun set, in total silence, with no end point in site to the perfect life.

This is all possible with today’s technology by yourself or with other people, without having to sacrifice standard of living. And you still get to have the best of all of these ideas simultaneously, and the best of all worlds all at once.

People Tend To Forget....

It has never actually been a bad universe, we only tend to forget what a good universe we actually live in. Either by only focusing on bad parts of life or just not having good memory, or not being reminded regularly enough about good things. Because I was recently reminded what a good world it is.

I've had a bad allergic reaction lately, ever since I moved to Florida. And because it was most likely dust mites, and you can never get rid of dust mites completely, I was beginning to think that there was no cure. But then I started working out vigorously, for a solid hour, 3 times a week at a gym that I recently got a membership to. And the rashes from the allergic reaction disappeared shortly after that. Then I finally remembered something I learned a long time ago but had forgotten. Which was that strenuous exercise boosts your immune system. So I had found the cure for the ailment that was making me annoyed at the world. Which made me realize that I had forgotten how good of a world that this actually was.

So don't believe others when they say that life can't get any better than it already is. Because we live in a good universe that we can tailor to our wants and needs. And which will always provide everything that we want or need. And that people have to create bad in this world for it to exist in the first place. Case in point: Disasters such as the recent earth quake in china killing 50,000 people, are always easily preventable, with some knowledge that you live in an earthquake prone area before you decide to start building. So as humans we can always create either bad in this world or create good in this world. You can either create your own problems or create your own solutions.

Also always have reminders in your life of the good parts of life or the utopia that you will be able to make for yourself later on, and so by only thinking about good things all the time, you will only portray happiness to others, and yourself. Instead of getting caught up in others game of complaining about life or how bad the world is. Which is a false assumption. Like the old saying "Garbage in garbage out". Which can also be expressed as "Put good things into your head and only good things will come out".

Then again it's all in how you look at things. One person can look at auto mechanics and say "That work makes you get disgusting fluids all over you and something is gonna hurt you by burning or pinching or cutting you eventually, so I hate it". But another person could look at auto mechanics and say,"Cars are so cool, and even though working on cars is uncomfortable, it's mind over matter and the rewards far outweigh the risks, and it makes you feel alive, so I think it's fun". So in essence you can find anything fun if you're just looking at it in the right way. Which means some people actually like living in crowded cities while working at a job for most of the day, for their whole lives.

So if I ever do make my own version of utopia, I will never force anyone to "convert" to my way of living, even if it works perfectly. Because every body has their own version of a perfect world, and it's everybody's choice to fashion their own life to their own particular likes or dislikes.

So the universe is a good place. And everybody can tailor the universe to their own particular needs. And always remind yourself of your own personal utopia and how good the world really is and always will be. But don't force you own personal ideas upon others.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

What Makes It A Million Dollar House

I propose that having the most interesting things to look at in your house, makes it the most expensive house. Or another way to put it is the definition of a million dollar house is a house that is over built, or has lots of eye candy.

If you have more space in the house then there is more room for more interesting things to look at.

If you put things with a story behind them or that are one of a kind or that are the best of the best. Then those items in the house are now more interesting to look at and think about.

In every direction you look there should be something interesting to look at, in the best houses.

And there are always rich people that are tired of designing and putting together their own interiors. So there will always be a market for people that do that thinking for them. Interior designers/house flippers. But this is only true at the really high end houses. This isn't as effective at working class houses.

Working class houses are mostly built to be practical and cheapest. And typically your materials costs are just as expensive as labor costs, when calculated in the final appraisal value(this is a quick/easy calculation of sweat equity). But cheap and very effective materials are the best to put in lower end houses if you intend on selling it. But there is never a guarantee, of getting your money back in the working class market, because the market may go down after you're done renovating. But million dollar houses go by completely separate market conditions and are usually guaranteed to rise or stay stable in price, until the renovating is done.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Final Revolution Is...

The only things written below that are fact, are what is written in bold lettering, and can be easily referenced on "Wikipedia".

The Antimatter revolution. Once we can create antimatter or any other source of energy just as powerful and perfect as antimatter, then we will have the ability to make any kind of material with any property that we can imagine. Transparent aluminum. Structures of any material that are harder than diamonds. Or we will be able to just pass straight through walls. Which is called super fluidity.

And with super fluidity, you can partially pass one object partially through another object and then take away the super fluidity charge, and what you are left with is a solid joint between 2 objects that is the strongest joint that you can possibly make, and all without the need for tools.

Other than super fluidity we will have super conduction at room temperature, which intern creates perpetual motion motors that never loose energy within their circuit. But they keep outpouring mechanical energy. I could prove to the world today that you can make a perpetual motion machine in the outer solar system because the extremely low temperature allow natural superconductors which could run a motor indefinitely, with net gain of energy. Ruining the patent offices stance on perpetual motion machines being impossible.

We will also have super strength materials. And also super tenacity materials.

Materials all can emit light at these high energies, the same way that lightning bolts and static electricity emit light, making it possible for walls to emit light, as long as the energy source never fails. This is instead of using conventional light fixtures that can break.

We will be able to produce artificial gravity and artificial anti-gravity, based on gravity being one and the same as static electricity. Which itself entails gravity plates, and tractor beams made of gravity fields, and gravity propulsion made out of extremely powerful capacitor banks.

We will also be able to manipulate the speed at which time flows. Because time is relative. And as Einstien explained, at high speeds(a form of energy) time slows down for the moving object, relative to the outside rate of time. And if it is possible to slow time down one way, and there are always more that one way of doing the same thing in this universe, then I theorize that other types of high energies, can also effect the rate of time. Namely by using high electric fields to effect the rate of time on a charged object. And that entails that you may be able to travel for hundreds of years in space and have it only seem like 1 year inside of the space craft. But then of course you'd arrive back at your planet and your friends would have aged 100 years against your 1 year.

For space travel you just need to distort time and space and material properties with high energy fields that never fail(as in superconductors), and then you will be able to travel through celestial objects that are in your path of travel, unscathed. Such as asteroids. This is due to your ship having the properties of a super fluid and as you approach an object you will impart your charge onto it making it a super fluid as well, as you touch it, therefore passing through it. And if that doesn't work then have an ion beam that imparts a charge onto an approaching object which would make it a super fluid. Maybe super fluidity is partly the same effect as how high voltage electricity can pass through any material also. Just off setting the atomic charge that says an atom is solid.

These are not the only technologies that will be discovered though. There are also lots of other technologies that don't use super high energies that will also be extremely useful in the future. Such as medical technology where we will be able to live indefinitely, and machining technology, and radio frequency technology, which can stall car engines, and can kill specific types of cells or infections in the body, and can send signals through any substance without attenuation, and computer/robot/artificial intelligence technology, and other unknown sciences yet to be discovered.

Also these high energies may not be easy to use on earth because of electric arcing making you loose your charge. But space is alternately the perfect place for these high energies to not dissipate and for gravity to not be an influence. And for you to make a perfectly comfortable and indefinitely lasting habitat.

The facts supporting the above theories are:

  • The only thing giving substances their properties is the electron charge ratio of the atom, with less of a charge or more of a charge it can connect with other materials and with a balanced charge it is inert. But if you give the atom a high enough voltage that offsets the atomic charge, does it become a super fluid in the same way as electrons do at high voltages? And are atomic bonds just a form of partial super fluidic welding of two materials together?
  • Electricity can be transformed into Cooling or Heating in multiple ways. Namely in thermo electric effect, compressors, electrical resistance.
  • At high enough voltages electrons can pass through any substance easier. This is fact, the following is not. But at extremely high voltages you may get superconductivity where there is no energy loss within the wire. If this happens then you may be able to make a super conducting magnetic motor that keeps pumping out more mechanical energy than electrical energy dissipation, and the super conduction cycles the motors energy indefinitely. Which is good for perfect autonomous space travel power generation. Theoretically this is how the "alien grey's" spaceship technology works, which is a separate kind of technology than what the project Serpo aliens use.
  • Antimatter has a negative electric charge, which makes it the highest stored amount of energy known. This is fact, the following is not. And if you can harness antimatter's potential energy, it can offset any of the positive charge of this universe. Which means nullifying all of the physical laws of any material to you own personal choosing. In the same way as nullifying the effects of a substances is possible by balancing their electrical charge. Like how nitrogen is inert, under the usual balanced charge circumstances.
  • Static charge emits light.
  • High gravity objects emit heat. This is fact, the following is not.This is my theory of spontaneous emission. When dense enough atomic charges, like in the center of planets are present, you get emission of infra red light particles spontaneously. Gravity may have the side effect of infra red radiation only because of the "energy density" of the center of the planet creating spontaneous emission of the infra red wavelength or higher in the same way as high energy density of static electricity emits its own light. Which would infer that all earth like planets and larger should always be volcanic forever, and smaller ones may only sometimes be volcanic from tectonic stresses alone. And it may explain why Jupiter emits heat radiation even though it doesn't emit visible light.
  • Einsteins theory that there is time dilation when the speed of an object increases, which has since been proven by the atomic clock on a plane experiment. Cross referenced with an atomic clock on the ground.
  • Relativity: I explained in the same that we explain freeze drying food. Under certain conditions the ice in the food does not turn into a liquid but instead turns into a gas immediately. Which is called sublimation, and only occurs at relative air pressures. This is what I find somewhat analogous to my theory of materials portraying completely new properties of any kind, under certain relatively high energy conditions.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Utopia Now: Housing Project/Organization

I plan on putting this on a website that I will reveal later. LATER ADDED: The site never contacted me with registration confirmation.
Also Later Added: When there is ever a 2 or more sides to an argument/issue then there will be an argument between people and potentially even wars. The fact is that there is only ever 1 correct side to an argument, and that is the one based on fact, and all other sides of the argument are either based on feeling or lack of education. So to have a true utopia society there has to always only be only one sided arguments/issues so that there are never enough numbers on both sides of the issue to cause the argument to grow big enough to cause wars. This ideal situation is never possible in the real world, because there are always uneducated people and also human emotions that interfere with logical thinking. So the following "utopia now" post, is from now on, not intended for a whole society and can only ever be useful on a small scale personalized utopia, if you choose to live with these technologies. Because a true large scale society spanning utopia will never be possible in a universe that is naturally imperfect.


  • “Utopia” is defined by me as: When your lifestyle cannot meaningfully progress any further than it is at now, based on the laws of physics. This means acquiring only the best technologies with attributes that can no longer be improved upon based on physical law. Or sometimes you have to settle for current technology, which hasn't progressed to perfection yet.
  • This is also based on the assumption that something close to heaven on earth is possible with modern technology, if we can only get around bad people. And it is an ongoing research and development program to create a better and better utopia. With better and better technologies. And the end goal is to have the best of all worlds, and to not sacrifice standard of living in any way. With all new ideas validated or not validated by the scientific method. Ideally no more need to work(let robots do the work), infinite free energy(to tailor the environment you live in to be perfection, using fusion or other energies, like antimatter), no more need for money(so that it doesn't get stolen), and to live forever(with the help of medical technology).

  • None of these ideas are patentable inventions because they've all already been invented and I'm just using them as illustrations to make this new utopia realistic in the real world. And they are only suggested technologies to make this most preliminary of versions of utopia plausible by use of already existing technology. And all of these technologies suggested to make this utopia work, are all only suggestions. That can probably be improved upon in the future, with better technologies. Or the technologies noted can be replaced with different technologies based on your own personal preferences of what your utopia would include.

  • First thing is to provide the housing for the people, which can be made as a totally adobe brick house that is connected within the bricks by wood or metal support structure. This type of structure is extremely easy to build and has extremely low materials costs. And adobe and metal are fire proof. And adobe has extremely good heat retention properties that make it warm at night and cool during the day, but for extremely cold climates you can add spray foam to the inside as extra insulation. But making the clay for the adobe is easy, it can be separated from any dirt anywhere by stirring any dirt in with water, very thoroughly, and letting the particles of dirt settle and then letting the water dry out. And what you are left with is the clay(the smallest particles if dirt) having settled to the top. Just building a good old fashioned adobe house of any kind is just as compatible with use in a utopia, and any information on how to build an adobe style house can be easily and quickly found on the internet. But remember to water proof the adobe with paint because adobe isn't waterproof. And also keep in mind other safety precautions when building and living in the house.
  • Other types of houses use spray foam, or concrete, or a geodesic dome, and half of the house can be located below ground level for the good temperature moderation qualities.

  • People living in these houses can learn to provide mostly for themselves, by learning to grow food, by gardening. Or learning to make, distilled alcohol, which is a good disinfectant and solvent; not to drink. Make your own drinking water with a solar still or artificial aquifer. Or you can disinfect large quantities of water with chlorine. But to get a water source where there previously was none, you could dig a pit, at a low low point on a property, which water naturally collects in. And also learn to repair things like clothes, mechanical devices, and your house.

  • The vehicle of choice in utopia, which includes the best of all worlds, would be an all electric vehicle. Because with new battery technologies coming out, every day, and the old but perfect AC induction motors, it is now possible to make the lowest maintenance highest performance car ever out of all electric. And to power the car, you can just plug it into your solar panels at home, or have electric solar power stations by the road. Ultra capacitors are the enabling technology. You can buy solar panels with the money saved, from not buying gas.

  • For plumbing, the human waste can either be chemically treated with chlorine and CLR septic. Or the human waste can just be burned in a high heat rocket stove, with a chimney for air flow to feed the fire, using Bernoulli's principle. Modern sewage treatment requires awesome mega structures that require lots of money to build and upkeep, but simple small scale solutions are possible, and just as effective. Even solar pasteurizers, if you can make one that works.

  • The lighting for houses within 10 years(now it's 2008) will be OLED, or Organic Light Emitting Diodes, which can cover an entire ceiling as a sheet, and at very low cost when mass produced. This is all because LED's last indefinitely without replacement and are the most efficient artificial light source possible (90% efficient at converting electrons into photons). And it pays for itself in the long run. This technology is already in cell phone displays and in prototype televisions, that are battery powered, yet they still have the best picture quality ever created. But only rich people can buy them at the moment.

  • You could learn to make your own furniture by yourself, out of wood, to furnish your own house. And the feeling of accomplishment from building your own furniture, could be a good enough reason to do it. Or another option is to have inflatable furniture, for less cleaning of dust, and less dust mites, and very easy to transport furniture if you happen to move.

  • Communication would still be done with cell phones in utopia. But the reason for paying a phone bill is only a human construct, because it’s all automated now, with hardly any actual need to service telephone networks anymore. It’s mostly done by transistors and satellites and base stations and cell towers, with only very few maintenance crew, which are only needed during lightning strikes. But in a small town you can always use "walkie talkies" most of the time, unless it’s a long distance call of course. Which is perfect for a small scale utopia. Satellite phones and satellite internet are also available now, if you travel.

  • Cooking could be done on a rocket stove, either made out of clay or tin cans. Or a wood burning oven with a thermometer. Or just a barbecue. But electric cooking is still good if you have a good power supply.
  • There are many types of refrigerators, thermo-acoustic, solar powered ice box, vortex tubes(needs to be sound proof). But also you can smoke your meat, and grow fresh fruits and vegetables, year round, in a greenhouse, with florescent artificial sun lights. And up north, the outside or the permafrost can serve as a refrigerator.

  • Trash is not a big problem if you don't buy things with packaging, and any organic trash can always just be composted.

  • Personal hygiene is important in any civilized society. But there is always more than one way of doing the same thing. If you don't want to waste lots of water, and spend energy to heat it, and have nowhere to put the dirty water when done using it, then an alternative would be to use a rag soaked in some warm soapy water, which they do in log cabins in alaska. But also you can make your own “wet wipes” out of alcohol soaked rags. Alcohol is a solvent and disinfectant, and therefor also a self cleaning liquid. Include lemon scent into it to get rid of any odors. You can produce your own alcohol from any fermented fruit, which you later distill, because fruits naturally already have wild yeast in them. But the remaining things such as shampoo and deodorant are still the best at doing what they do. So they should be done the same way as they always have been. The benefits of these forms of personal hygiene are: (1) no plumbing needed,(2) no need for large quantities of clean water,(3) not as much need for waste treatment of shower water,(4) independence from utility prices.

  • For cleaning clothes, there are now ionizing types of washing machines, that have already been made, that use no soap and that also reuse the water over and over again. which is an alternative to using a bucket of soapy water with a clean plunger to agitate the clothes.

  • For no war, my theory is that all fights are started by someone liking something too much and the other person disliking that same thing too much. In other words “The clash of extreme likes and dislikes”. So if one person weren’t so adamant about disliking that thing so much, or the other person wasn’t so adamant about liking it so much, there would never have been an argument. Case in point: Cows don’t fight with us about having to live in a small field their whole lives because they don’t dislike it enough to fight about it. So the goal is to not have extreme likes and dislikes, and to sweat the small stuff. And also to stay away from controlling people that start arguments. But when there’s no more improvement possible, I.E. in a utopia, then there will finally be nothing left to fight about, because there will be no better life to have to fight for.

  • The economy of utopia would be "macro scale tribal egalitarianism". Which is simply stated as: “If I help my friends out, then they will help me out”.
  • In a new theoretical society, that wouldn't need money, you would instead have stockpiles of goods and services that everyone pooled, and was able to share as long as they kept doing there part of contributing to the world goods stockpile, by working the same amount of hours as everybody else. This is in a sense "job sharing", or distributing jobs throughout the population based on how many people are required for that job.

For education, you would go to school for free for whatever job you most wanted to perform. Otherwise it would be on the job training if you didn't get in the way of other people during critical tasks. You would learn 4 hours per day while the teachers taught for 4 hours per day. The incentive for getting good grades would be that you wanted to live in society, by working as much as others. Because if you didn't work then you'd be kicked out of society, so it might as well be doing what you enjoy doing. That's why you train to do what you want to do.

Some jobs require more manpower like the medical industry or house building construction, so more of a percentage of society would be allocated to those tasks than to other tasks, so that everyone still shared the same 4 hour or less work day.

Each person works a 4 hour day, or so, in society, and there are different percentages of society allocated to each job field of society. For medical there is a lot more of a percentage of the population than other job feilds have, because you need: researchers, physicians, teachers, medical technology manufacturers, and medical technology engineers. So for just a rough example, you'd have out of 100% of the population of earth, 25% would be medical, 20% would be food industry, 10% would be engineers, and maybe 1% would be garbage duty, with all other job categories filling the rest of the 100% of earth's population. But everyone still only works a 4 hour day.

Because of no more need for national defense, form no more wars, military and police would now merge into 1 job description.

Having luxury items(such as entertainment or toys) means that you need people to produce those luxury items, which means that everybody in society has to work more in order to support that new sector of the population that is now producing luxury items for everybody. So in utopia you may choose less work over more luxury items. Or the other way around is possible also.

Some jobs are intermittent in work requirements and you may be on call and have to report to work at irregular times. Also people make items, then they are stockpiled somewhere and supplied to everyone as they are needed as replacements (as in when the item breaks or is used up). And when they run out of that item in the stockpile, then you get a call to go into work again, to make some more of that item, after your break from working.

If someone won't cooperate by producing things or they are always starting pointless fights. Then you can kick them out because if they won't follow the rules then they don't get the benefits of organized society. This may be impossible to avoid with humans always having different opinions about what their utopia would be. So there may still be different nations for different versions of utopia. Which may mean that there would still be war also, if people still can't agree on things.

So a good way to visualize this society is: If you treated it in the same as you'd treat your own family. Like on old homesteads in the 1800’s you would stockpile food after growing it yourself, and parcel it out equally among the family. And you’d stockpile clothes, or supplies that you made and give them to the family or trade with your own family without money or paperwork involved. And the whole family had to do their part, or earn their keep, or else they’d be kicked out of the house. But everyone in the family still worked the same exact hours per day as everyone else, even if it was a lot of hours- Which all is done in the same way that the hypothetical utopia is done.
  • The only reason that you don’t want to use money, is because it has value, and therefore it would get stolen eventually. So if nothing had value, or alternately could not be sold for money, then you would never have stealing. In reality all things don’t really have value, unless we as humans imagine a value. But you could just as easily give your spare things to others who are your friends, or spend your extra time helping friends for free, or spend your time teaching others to make their own stuff. This is essentially free trade without the need for money within your town. And for now this would only be one small scale town with this prototype society, as a test town, only to be able to validate this economic structure.

  • And also you’d want people that would follow the main rule of: “Don’t try to control other people that didn’t agree to be controlled”. Or in other words, only have people that can get along with each other. And any other problems can be solved by the scientific method.

  • But if this lifestyle isn’t your cup of tea, just remember that this way of living may be just as viable as any other way of living. And can always be altered to fit your own personal needs. Case in point: The cave men had just as viable a way of surviving as we do today, as shown by the fact that they survived and we’re sitting here right now. It's just a matter of how high of a standard of living you have, or even just what you personally consider a higher standard of living. And is it so great to have to work more than any other society in history just to keep up our standard of living? And is modern society the greatest standard of living in the end?

Also see: Utopia List

Also see: House Design Pics

Also see: New house design pics

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Perfect House Design: Version 2

Perfection is not obtainable, and is only theory, so the goal is to make the "most" perfect life for yourself that is possible based on the laws of physics and the most current technologies available. So the "most" perfect life is the goal. This is only one version of life that one person may look at as the most perfect. Everybody has a different opinion of what their personal utopia would comprise.
The above 2 pictures show what is needed to make an adobe house which works just as well as my previous design of a spray foam house, as long as the adobe was water proofed with liquid vinyl paint or plaster. This is an above ground house that most of the materials for are free, except for the steel reinforcement rods(could use bamboo or other hardwood) and the water proof paint.
This design is also fully compatible with my "An Actual Utopia" post. Also see: "Utopia list" and, New House Design: 3/24/08
In order to get clay to be mixed in with the adobe mixture: Dig a hole in the ground and mix up some dirt with water to make a thick mud. And when the water is completely saturated with dirt, you let the hole totally dry out within a day. And in the end what has settled to the top of the mud pit was the smallest particles in the mud which are called clay. Now skim the clay off the top and mix it with some sand to make adobe.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Less Is More:Theory (updated 1 time)

  • Cooks use this theory to tell students that if it's good produce and meat you can't make it any better because any seasoning added would just block the natural flavor which sells itself.
  • Business people use this theory to not let out the secrets of their success until they've already succeeded. Keeping your mouth shut has it's benefits.
  • People tend to create too full of a plate for themselves. They have way more friends than they can keep up with. They have a pet that they always will have to consider before going on vacation. They get a job that takes up all of their time. They add so many extra luxuries and luxury items to their lives that have to be payed for that they have to get a better job or work more hours to pay for. Which is what will take up all of your time, and most of your life. Working for others at high interest into their pockets, and creating more work for yourself than the luxuries of life are worth. Look to "Utopia now" about how it's economy works, for a more in depth understanding of this theory.
  • People rack up too much debt in America and will be in debt to others essentially forever. Which means they take out a loan on a house because they can't buy it outright which means paying one of their biggest monthly bills, every month, for 30 years. And because they now have no way of saving extra money from paying a costly mortgage every month, they will have to take money out of the house in a refinance, if they ever want any money to do a project. But the worst part about these loans is that in the first years of the mortgage it is paying 100% interest to the lender. Which means if you ever move to a different house within the first years of the mortgage, or you ever refinance, then all of that money payed toward the mortgage in the following year, is 100% interest on the loan, or 100% loss on your money and into the pocket of the person you pay your mortgage to. Quite frankly, it's a better financial decision to live at campsites.
  • Simple technologies always have less maintenance than complex technologies.
  • Everyone wants the simple life, with less problems, and less liabilities.
Henry David Thurough: As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness. Our life is frittered away by detail... Simplify, simplify, simplify. Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have even lived a more simple and meager life than the poor.
Albert Einstein:Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.

Culmination Of All Endeavors

This is when what your entire life has been building up to until this moment. You will see this part of life, that everyone wants to experience, at the end of every good movie, or good video game. Everyone has a different program that their brain wants to carry out eventually. But most people never realize what their ultimate personal purpose is. Unless they have lots of time to think about it. But then once you've achieved your ultimate life's goal, you realize that you've reached a place where there's nothing left to do now, and that you can finally stop trying and relax for once because you're finally done doing what you've always wanted to do. Is it the feeling of being at ultimate peace with ones self. Or is it feeling multiple emotions at once. Or is it the final realization of reality. Whatever it is, this is what we all hope to achieve in our life story. But usually in life there is no definite ending, but only indefinite continuation of the same old, boring, mundane life. But hopefully you and I and everyone else will finally have this most supreme of insights into life. The feeling of finally being done and at the end of the story. But then not knowing what's next.
(See: The ending of "The Good the Bad and the Ugly"; See: The ending of "The Abyss"; See: The ending of "Conan the Barbarian") All of these movies and many more have tried to capture what they call the climax of the story. But that I call "the culmination of all endeavors".

If the theory of utopia, or heaven on earth being possible, is proven to be fact, then I will finally be happy, and be done with my life. My goal having been achieved, I can then break all ties with the world and be able to rest on a tropical island somewhere where there is nothing but the sound of ocean waves. And no more bad thoughts or things left to worry about, ever again.