Monday, January 27, 2014

The Scientific Transitional Process to Utopia

First Phase: Practicality and the greater good rules. Basically the only form of funding in the world is slavery by use of companies or taxes or credit cards or drugs etc. Both sides need funding even if they are the side of good so they would have to use slavery to win. Also both sides still need the use of force and weapons to win. Also both sides need to keep the truth secret to win. And the truth can't be let out until after winning. Can't release self sufficient technologies yet either.

Second phase:After defeating evil you would then have to transition out of slavery by slowly introducing new technology to make the planet a good one to live on for everybody. The big question is now that you have a monopoly of power on earth how do you make sure that the people running the world do the right thing???
  • Keep power separated with checks and balances.
  • Maintain the power of the people.
  • Have an automatic truth release after you win no matter what.
  • Have procedures to do psychological tests tomake sure people in power are moral.
  • Make sure public mindset is against the evil in power and is taught moral ideas and is taught how to take care of themselves is SHTF scenario.
  • Have infrastructure and computer systems hardwired to only function to certain commands.
  • Have fail switch shutting off operations implanted in the moral leaders for if they are compromized. Also automatic info release.

Third phase: Technological developement based news instead of celebrity gossip. Truth era. Space travel to find new planets to decrease the population on earth and to find new oportunities ofr growth and more personal freedoms not confined by space and competition.

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