If you are fat or ugly because of your environment and bad luck, and you make a mistake it's called awkward but if you're good looking and confident it's called cute. And if you are fat and ugly and say something to a good looking girl it's considered creepy while if you're good looking and confident it's considered endearing. This may be why over weight and unattractive people are usually shy and... not outgoing because if they were they'd be told they are awkward or creepy.
Also if you are a really bad person who's been in prison a few times you tend to look the part and are easily noticed as a hoodlum from even a block away by the way you dress and walk and talk.
I think it has something to do with how negative forces affecting our lives can manifest in physical form and be noticeable on a conscious level and even visible to other people who then want to avoid you. You're mental state is also effected by how people view you, leading to even more negativity. And when you're in a negative mental state it rubs off on other people when you say and do things negative and then they also have an induced negative mental state. Creating a self feeding negativity cycle.
I'd have to call this "Physical manifestation of Karma theory".
Also if you are a really bad person who's been in prison a few times you tend to look the part and are easily noticed as a hoodlum from even a block away by the way you dress and walk and talk.
I think it has something to do with how negative forces affecting our lives can manifest in physical form and be noticeable on a conscious level and even visible to other people who then want to avoid you. You're mental state is also effected by how people view you, leading to even more negativity. And when you're in a negative mental state it rubs off on other people when you say and do things negative and then they also have an induced negative mental state. Creating a self feeding negativity cycle.
I'd have to call this "Physical manifestation of Karma theory".
It is a well known military fact that if you keep a guy depressed and having no girlfriend to focus on then they will focus on hard work instead and not care about dieing. It is also well known that anger helps out when exercising pushing you to the limits.
Having a girlfriend is a distraction and gives you positive emotions and a reason to live and something to care for that is more important than the war.
The universal concept of love has to be eliminated when it comes to war because it is counter destructive.
It is in the planets best interest to keep every able bodied male single for the duration of this war.
Having a girlfriend is a distraction and gives you positive emotions and a reason to live and something to care for that is more important than the war.
The universal concept of love has to be eliminated when it comes to war because it is counter destructive.
It is in the planets best interest to keep every able bodied male single for the duration of this war.
I was on the bus today and was listening to some kids who were all having a ton of fun telling jokes to eachother. The thing is that even though the jokes were funny I wasn't laughing. But I did crack a smile at the one "are you my pinky finger, because I want to bang you on every piece of furniture in my house!"
Really I'd have to say that I was on a different energy format that those kids. I say... energy format because it encompasses emotional energy, physical energy, and actual thought processes. I can never stay in the same energy format, I'm constantly fluctuating and hardly ever get the urge to exercise or crack jokes anymore because I'm not in that frame of mind, or don't have the energy or emotional state.
I think we are attracted to people that are in the same energy format as us. The people who are usually attracted to me and who I'm attracted to as both friends and girlfriends are people that are very laid back and extremely intelligent high potential people but who are never too happy or too unhappy but that understand the universe in the same way I do.
Then there are people I don't get along with some like the college kids I'd love to hang out with but I know I wouldn't get along with them because they are just at too high of an energy level. Other people who I consider losers I try to avoid because they are either extremely negative and angry and hateful people who only destroy things, or they are extremely fat and ugly and stupid losers who I try to avoid because they'd bring me down to loserville too!
My energy format is all retarded and dysfunctional so I have nobody with anything in common with me.
Really I'd have to say that I was on a different energy format that those kids. I say... energy format because it encompasses emotional energy, physical energy, and actual thought processes. I can never stay in the same energy format, I'm constantly fluctuating and hardly ever get the urge to exercise or crack jokes anymore because I'm not in that frame of mind, or don't have the energy or emotional state.
I think we are attracted to people that are in the same energy format as us. The people who are usually attracted to me and who I'm attracted to as both friends and girlfriends are people that are very laid back and extremely intelligent high potential people but who are never too happy or too unhappy but that understand the universe in the same way I do.
Then there are people I don't get along with some like the college kids I'd love to hang out with but I know I wouldn't get along with them because they are just at too high of an energy level. Other people who I consider losers I try to avoid because they are either extremely negative and angry and hateful people who only destroy things, or they are extremely fat and ugly and stupid losers who I try to avoid because they'd bring me down to loserville too!
My energy format is all retarded and dysfunctional so I have nobody with anything in common with me.
If I've only known about 4 or 5 girls in the past 5 years that I've had an attraction to and who have also had an attraction to me, and if we assume that this is prevalent over the majority of humans. Then these are "types" of people who we have "resonance" with and I think that these "types" should be or may have already have been documented. As I know there's one documented type of person called... "GREB" which you can look up on urban dictionary. But if there are so few people that we each resonate with then that means that there are probably lots of types of people.
I method of defining these different people types could be done by finding happilly married couples who are both happy and content in the marriage and find out what qualities they share in common. Do this on a massive scale across the world and you may find lots of different "shared similarity groups". The ultimate goal of this documentation could aid in creating partnerships between people and mating up the entire human race. This would be the ultimate relationship building strategy and you could have 100 people who were your type in your area to choose from in person for best compatibility. Or recognize that they all live in another part of the world and that you should move.
This would increase the overall happiness of the planet and support structure also but would also lead to massive population increase and we'd need another planet.
Social cussioning effect: The effect of it being more unlikely that you will be affected by other peoples personal problems because of the unlikelyhood of you socializing with them in modern society.
The harder it is in a given society to start a conversation or to meet people and to have social activities or get togethers for that society, the more people are insulated from each other. This can lead to negative effects such as lonliness and secrecy and separation but it also has the positive effect of cussioning you from being effected by the mental/emotional/criminal/financial problems of others.
Therefore if you can defend important individuals from the major evil people and dangers in the world, then the social cussioning effect will protect them from most of the other common crazy people in the world.
Emotional induction: When an event or action or communication by one person or group of people or production causes an emotional response in a participant or observer of the action or event or communication.
There may also be an induction of a particular emotion by close proximity or sensation such as touch or odor or sight or sound.
Example: a person crying inducing compassion in another person; A person laughing inducing laughter in another person; Something somebody said inducing anger in another person.
All geniuses through out history were pudgy.
This theory is based on the effect of the "sugar rush". When you eat a candy bar and get a sugar rush you feel like you have tons of energy and just want to spend it doing something such as exercise or playing a video game or another adrenaline pumping activity. You also have a high general energy level wich is conducive to positive emotional states such as laughter and being overly talkative and extroverted and laughing a lot more. The theory is that if you naturally based on your genetics burn the fat in your body more efficiently than other people, this increases blood sugar levels in your body leading to a natural sugar rush throughout your life and you will always have a natural high and natural positive emotional state.
If you have trouble burning the fat in your body and body alternately stores fat more readilly than other people based on your genetics then this would cause a lack of overall energy in your body. This lack of energy would be conducive to a relaxed state and more negative emotional range and introversion. This relaxed state and introversion and pudginess is among the tops facts linking the great minds throughout history from Albert Einstein, to Benjamin Franklin, to Isaac Newton, to Leonardo DaVinci, accepting Nikola Tesla who may have had supernatural intervention or may have had different genetics leading to a relaxed state or poor nutrition. This low energy state in no way detracts from their dry sense of humor though! There are probably also some personality factors that come into play and certain brain genetics (like full brain functionality)that come into place asside from the fat burning genetics.
It has been shown that being in a relaxed state is what gives access the the rear right side of the brain which is the imagination center of the brain. That's why we always come up with epiphonies while we're in the shower or taking a dump! This may also contribute to why the great geniuses never have flourishing love lives but instead never even have children and die poor and lonely. But mainly I think that fact is due to Secret society manipulation of the love lives of these poor souls. Because being extremely intelligent makes you a threat to the families running the world. because after all they are not geniuses and liek a sure thing.
If you are a genius you will be overweight, never have kids, die poor, and your ideas willget stolen and put into the hands of the irresponsible.
I method of defining these different people types could be done by finding happilly married couples who are both happy and content in the marriage and find out what qualities they share in common. Do this on a massive scale across the world and you may find lots of different "shared similarity groups". The ultimate goal of this documentation could aid in creating partnerships between people and mating up the entire human race. This would be the ultimate relationship building strategy and you could have 100 people who were your type in your area to choose from in person for best compatibility. Or recognize that they all live in another part of the world and that you should move.
This would increase the overall happiness of the planet and support structure also but would also lead to massive population increase and we'd need another planet.
Social cussioning effect: The effect of it being more unlikely that you will be affected by other peoples personal problems because of the unlikelyhood of you socializing with them in modern society.
The harder it is in a given society to start a conversation or to meet people and to have social activities or get togethers for that society, the more people are insulated from each other. This can lead to negative effects such as lonliness and secrecy and separation but it also has the positive effect of cussioning you from being effected by the mental/emotional/criminal/financial problems of others.
Therefore if you can defend important individuals from the major evil people and dangers in the world, then the social cussioning effect will protect them from most of the other common crazy people in the world.
Emotional induction: When an event or action or communication by one person or group of people or production causes an emotional response in a participant or observer of the action or event or communication.
There may also be an induction of a particular emotion by close proximity or sensation such as touch or odor or sight or sound.
Example: a person crying inducing compassion in another person; A person laughing inducing laughter in another person; Something somebody said inducing anger in another person.
All geniuses through out history were pudgy.
This theory is based on the effect of the "sugar rush". When you eat a candy bar and get a sugar rush you feel like you have tons of energy and just want to spend it doing something such as exercise or playing a video game or another adrenaline pumping activity. You also have a high general energy level wich is conducive to positive emotional states such as laughter and being overly talkative and extroverted and laughing a lot more. The theory is that if you naturally based on your genetics burn the fat in your body more efficiently than other people, this increases blood sugar levels in your body leading to a natural sugar rush throughout your life and you will always have a natural high and natural positive emotional state.
If you have trouble burning the fat in your body and body alternately stores fat more readilly than other people based on your genetics then this would cause a lack of overall energy in your body. This lack of energy would be conducive to a relaxed state and more negative emotional range and introversion. This relaxed state and introversion and pudginess is among the tops facts linking the great minds throughout history from Albert Einstein, to Benjamin Franklin, to Isaac Newton, to Leonardo DaVinci, accepting Nikola Tesla who may have had supernatural intervention or may have had different genetics leading to a relaxed state or poor nutrition. This low energy state in no way detracts from their dry sense of humor though! There are probably also some personality factors that come into play and certain brain genetics (like full brain functionality)that come into place asside from the fat burning genetics.
It has been shown that being in a relaxed state is what gives access the the rear right side of the brain which is the imagination center of the brain. That's why we always come up with epiphonies while we're in the shower or taking a dump! This may also contribute to why the great geniuses never have flourishing love lives but instead never even have children and die poor and lonely. But mainly I think that fact is due to Secret society manipulation of the love lives of these poor souls. Because being extremely intelligent makes you a threat to the families running the world. because after all they are not geniuses and liek a sure thing.
If you are a genius you will be overweight, never have kids, die poor, and your ideas willget stolen and put into the hands of the irresponsible.
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