-Moral relativism: Lies, war, money, killing, control, secrecy, power, destruction, energy, anger, fear, sadness are all tools and forces and can be implemented in either good or bad ways. In the case of kiiling and war if you take a few lives but save many more, the relative relation of size of killed to saved makes it a power of good or a positive absolute value. Like killing a serial killer so that they never kill again. And if through one final war there was never a war again into eternity then all lives of every fufure generation would then have been saved making the war a relatively good thing.
-Compartmetnalization: The act of separating information of space time or data on a need to know basis to the necessary parties.
-First strike: Sending a nuclear strike to another country unexpectedly and fast enough that they cannot retaliate. Negating game theroy or mutually assured destruction.
-Credible theat and threat level: Also risk reward. Is something worth paying attention to and how much attention and money and time should be put into it at any given time.
-The Harvard Method: Slowly reading one page of a book at a time to get through a 5000 pg book. Otherwise making slight changes to a society imperceptable to the society over a long period of time.
-Political realism or might over right: "Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."[-Thucydides
-Analogies: Something that implies meaning or lessons or communication by being similar or connected in some way to the context or subject of the event or conversation.
-Means to an end, or the ends justify the means: Whatever you do now whether good or bad or costly is worth it for the end goal and the future superceeds the present situation.
-Essoteric and Exoteric knowledge: Essoteric knowledge is true factual full knowledge and Exoteric knowledge is false incomplete or loosly based on true or disinformation. Usually the populace is given multiple versions of false reality while the leaders withhold the true knowledge for themselves.
-Literal translation vs. manipulation and misinterpretation: A.K.A. Cunning and Deceit. Wiriting styles can very from being impossible to misinterpret and non biased, to being extremely easilly misinterpretted using trigger words and misleading manipulative language. This can be on purpose or on accident by the person being convinced already of false information. In the case of the bible, it was written in an easilly misinterpretted way using certain words to guide the thought process of who reads it. No science included because education was not on the agenda of the writers of the bible. The true purpose of the bible was manipulation and sedation of the masses.
-Plausible Deniability: Making it believable that you did or didn't do something purposes being even more hidden. Playing both sides of the game. Secret agents. Secret projects. False flags. Weather. Etc.
-Neutralization/Depoliticization/Demonization: You can't have war if nobody wants to fight. Neutral is not a bad position, it is a position of intelligence and not getting involved and not contributing to war. War mongers worst enemy is neutral and no political party. You need 2 sides to have a fight so demonization is the act of convincing people that they have enemies to start and contribute to war. Usually for the ends of financial gain over producing weapons and war bonds and depopulation and taking over a country politically and then investing in the devastated country.
-Greater Good: Tied with the idea of moral relativism, it the highest and greatest good for the planet that should be sought after no matter what the cost. One person might give his life to save 500 would be an example of the greater good.
-Desensitization: Repeating something offensive or evoking of emotion often enough that you no longer have that upwelling of emotion or reaction anymore. Sex, violence, cursing, the cartoon "family guy", etc.
-Repeat a lie often enough, it becomes fact: This works so good that now 70 percent of americans believe in aliens and also angels.
-Cause and effect: Basically what makes time travel impossible and what makes differnet timelines occur into the future. Butterfly effect/chaos theory. Get rid of the cause and there is no effect.
-Morality: That which promotes life, happiness, truth, equality, love, freedom, and responsibility.
Not really that complicated. Basically the fight between the material world and the conceptual world. Which will win? Most things are not provable in the conceptual world,they are mostly self evident truths/truisms.
-With great power comes great responsibility: Basically don't let kids or criminals play with atomic powered energy weapons or psychic technology. You may want to compartmentalize brilliant people, and destroy info, and devices and have checks and balances and psychological testing for high power level activities.
-Real vs. Percieved Threat: Both get the same reaction from the participant. Even if totally fake the participant will feel the same emotions as if it was real. This will cause them to act on that emotion or false information dillusions of reality in the same way as if it was real. This ties in with playusible deniability. This can also be used with double agents who fake being a real person. Thw other party will treat them and react to them as if they were real because that's the only information they know. Any emotion can be induced through a fake stimulous, love, hate, fear, etc. This disenfranchises the victim from their free will. This is also known as a "useful idiot". You may think you're doing the right thing for positive ends, but in actuality you were tricked and it's actually contributing to negative ends.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
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