Friday, January 24, 2014

Positive Revolutions and Civil Rights Improvements

There has been a lot of progress for the living conditions of the human race over time. Here are some of the positive things that have happened and may happen in the future.

Past and Current:
-The first revolution was that of christianity. It may be fake and made up by humans but what it did do is bring morals to the people and end infanticide and the deadly perverse gladiator games of ancient rome which used slaves.
-During the presidency of Abraham Lincoln we saw the abolition of slavery across the world even though we didn't see the abolition of financial slavery from banks.
-During the civil rights movement we saw the end of racial discrimination. Now at least it is a lot less and there is full integration and equal opportunity.
-During the women's lib movement women have been allowed equal rights and opportunities as men. 
-And now we see the gay rights movement and how gay people are now allowed to marry in several states.
-Now the information age is bringing alternative media and a way of getting the full news and more transparency and a place for wistleblowers, researchers, and insiders to talk and share info safely.
-Also in the early 90's the US government pulled the pledge of allegiance from the schools which is part of the new Globalization policy. This is helping people to realize that all humans are one and not separate. This is the opposite of the past separation of people which is what is the main cause of most conflict in the world.
-Conformity used to be the norm with everyone wearing business suits and hats and schools teaching conformity and being ridiculed for being different, but now we have seen major strides in the movement for "Individuality"And "personal soverenty". Now there are infinite styles of clothes to choose from and many different lifestyles from goth to emo to punk, to skater, to hippie, to greb, to townie, to chav, to hipster. All with there own variations now personal or individual expression has become the norm.

-In the 50's the term "organic farming" was coined and finally after all these years there is now a shortage of organic food from high demand because people are sufficiently scared of all products that use fertilizers and GMO's. So this may be one of the next revolutions.
 -Also the information age is bringing out a lot of new info to more people about the banking system and people are starting to become unhappy with it. The people may decide to use a new system other than our federal reserve banking system in the future. The best way is a basket of commodities, but we have to watch out for all who are pushing a basket of currencies or just plain electronic money. The people don't have control over either of those. Money has to be in the possession of the people.
-California has put up more solar panels this last year in 2013 than ever before. This may be copied by other placed as a way to get off of centralized control of energy in a sustainable safe way.
-Utah is making strides to end homelessness realizing that it's cheaper to buy a year lease for an apartment than to house and feed the homeless in prisons. This idea may be copied in other areas.

And with all of the color revolutions going on around the world and mostly the middle east we may see some new "independent states" in the future who can decide their own destiny without the intervention of inperialist countries. The awareness of the people in these countries is rising and is a direct effect of the "tension" created by the brutal and evil regimes, as a source of the growth that's happening. Like Martin Luther king said about Socrates in his "letter from Birmingham jail", "Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal".

It's only a matter of time before we all know everything and then act on it together as a whole morally.

Apparently most of the fun is happening right now!

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