Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lorentz force

Summarized Lorentz force states that when an electric current is perpendicular to a magnetic field then a directional force will be induced. Use the right hand rule to understand better.

A homopolar motor uses Lorentz force and is the highest torque motor possible with enough amperage.

A rail gun uses the Lorentz force but it does not utilize any external magnetic field. This is the fastest projectile possible, and may be used for a directed lightning bolt as the plasma behind the fast moving bullet create a conductive pathway.

People do the metal ring on the vertical metal cylinder demonstration a lot where the Lorentz force makes the ring jump off of the cylinder. They also theorize that Lorentz force may be able to deflect metal bullets as a force field. But this is just conjecture.

But one of the most promising uses of the Lorentz force is to use it to propel a boat without any moving parts. See this video, but disregard the magnet he uses, because for this experiment you are using the principles of the rail gun which doesn't require an external magnetic field. You need water that is more conductive for better results. So salt water is better, but any water with any impurities is relatively conductive. Also this could be used to pump water albeit salt water. But the reverse of that in a perpendicular magnetic field may be a hydroelectric generator that is solid state, as long as the water is conductive. This may work on any boat as a generator.

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