Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Making biodiesel

The process is to put lye( AKA caustic soda/"draino") in vegetable oil,and that will separate the glycerin which will fall to the bottom and will need to be disposed of, and then put in some type of alcohol such as isopropyl or methanol into the new mixture and it will react to produce biodiesel.
It should work in any diesel engine but you may need to change the rubber fuel lines and fuel filter shortly after have been using biodiesel.You can also make a mixture of biediesel and regular diesel.
So if you make your own alcohol and vegetable oil and you will have to only buy caustic soda in order to make a supply of biodiesel fuel. Although you need to use different amounts of Lye for different degrees of rancidity of the vegetable oils. So do a titration test. Now just figure in the cost of each ingredient needed, and the amount of product produced from that and you will get the "cost/gallon".(usually around .50 cents/gallon)

The following was found under " biodiesel" on Wikipedia:
August 31, 1937, G. Chavanne of the University of Brussels (Belgium) was granted a patent for a "Procedure for the transformation of vegetable oils for their uses as fuels" (fr. 'Procédé de Transformation d’Huiles Végétales en Vue de Leur Utilisation comme Carburants') Belgian Patent 422,877. This patent described the alcoholysis (often referred to as transesterification) of vegetable oils using methanol and ethanol in order to separate the fatty acids from the glycerol by replacing the glycerol by short linear alcohols. This appears to be the first account of the production of what is known as "biodiesel" today.

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, recycled restaurant greases, and some types of algae; it can be produced locally in most countries. It is safe, biodegradable and reduces air pollutants, such as particulates, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Blends of 20 percent biodiesel with 80 percent petroleum diesel (B20) can generally be used in unmodified diesel engines. Biodiesel can also be used in its pure form (B100), but may require certain engine modifications to avoid maintenance and performance problems.

Biodiesel refers to a non-petroleum-based diesel fuel consisting of short chain alkyl (methyl or ethyl) esters, typically made by transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats, which can be used (alone, or blended with conventional petrodiesel) in unmodified diesel-engine vehicles.

Belgian Patent 422,877. This patent described the alcoholysis (often referred to as transesterification) of vegetable oils using ethanol (and mentions methanol) in order to separate the fatty acids from the glycerol by replacing the glycerol with short linear alcohols. This appears to be the first account of the production of what is known as 'biodiesel' today.[4]
  • If you're making a small batch: Use a throwaway blender on low speed for 1/2 hour to an hour, to blend it and then pour into another container to let the glycerol settle to be thrown away later.
  • Biodiesel dissolves rubber, so change the fuel lines in car to synthetic
  • Do a Titration test of the oil to see how acidic it has become, to know how much methanol or ethanol to add to the mixture. Because every batch is different.
  • Titration test 1st method: Is mixing an indicator solution and the titrating solution which is lye powder (of a specified amount) and then against that reference amount you add small amounts of oil at a time until the indicator changes the color of the entire sample.The indicator that was added is called (phenolphthalein,or turmeric) Which turns pink. Then you measure the ratio of oil to lye powder that was used in the sample and you will know how much oil/lye/methanol needed for a big batch.
  • Mix 1 liter of water with 1 gram of catalyst exactly.(The catalyst is '''lye")This is how to make lye water. But in the real batch of biodiesel you don't want any water to be in it, so only use the lye powder without any water added. To not have to filter the water out later
  • Titration test 2nd method:First put alcohol in a glass container and then add a tiny bit of home made PH indicator of Turmeric, which turns pink when it's at the right PH. It should turn a little pink because alcohol is slightly acidic. Then put a specified amount of lye powder in the glass container of alcohol and indicator, and then slowly add the oil that hadn't put in yet a little bit at a time (drops at a time) until the solution changes color, making sure to measure the amount that was put in it, in the end. And you will then know the ratio of lye/ oil to use in a bigger batch.
  • When the biodiesel has been fully reacted you then separate the fuel from the glycerol by either pouring out the glycerol from a hole in the bottom of the container(easier to do if you have that kind of container) or pouring/siphoning the fuel from the top of the container.
  • Then to further purify the fuel you want to boil away any excess unreacted alcohol(or methanol) and you may distill it to be used later, also, if needed. But it may not be necessary.
  • To mix the fuel better, in a large tank:May use a small air bubbler(The kind used in fish tanks. Get it at a thrift store for $1) and also a tank heater to aid in reaction. The large tank should have a draining spout at the bottom of the container.
  • Then pour the good fuel into a gas can and put into diesel engine car.
  • The best homemade biodiesel product out there:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It is estimated that over 2,000 people every year are sent to Hell accidentally only because they had forgotten some of the sins they had committed and had in turn forgotten to confess them. And even more unfortunate people had died this year before being baptized at a very young age and were also sent to Hell.
God provides no incentive to be a good person, if he forgives everyone who confesses their sins, even if that person is a repeat offender. Meaning that you can do it again as long as you confess the sins again.
And how do you know when you've actually been forgiven? What if you didn't magically confess your sins in just the right way? Or what if you forgot your sins from before you started going to church? And what if the sin was a complete accident, and you died before you could confess it?
The concept of forgiveness for your sins seems to be man made, if the theory has so many imperfections.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Speed is represented as:
Distance/Time= Speed
60 miles/ hour

And if gravity is a warping of space as Einstein described. Then it is differently but accurately described as a warping of distance. And if you change the distance in the above formula you will effectively change the speed induced.

So if gravity is (M)meters/second squared it is the product of space being warped around the planet and through an object that is falling around it. And if the front of you is in denser space and the back of you is in less dense space but all parts of your body are experiencing the same time lapse. Then you will have speed induced in yourself, from the (2)distance at the front of your body but the (1)distance at the back of your body meaning that the front of you will essentially be moving faster (in time or distance)than the back of you and you will then fall forward.
And even at a 0.00 starting speed a speed will be induced in you, as gravity.
Once you understand what causes distance or what causes time, you will understand what causes gravity.
My belief is that a static field looks and acts exactly the same as gravity. Not to mention the discovery by an astronaut that the planets first particles coalesced by the force of static charges, when he shook some salt in a bag in zero gravity. And what lots of people don't realize is that a positive charge will attract another positive charge if one of those charges is stronger than the other.
A more accurate equation needs to be determined such as Relative distance of an objects movement in 1 direction/Time=Speed
And if 2 objects were a distance apart but not moving there would be no speed because of no actual movement.
And you also need to constantly measure speed to be accurate because you could move intermittently or at 10 miles/hour then 5 miles /hour and then 20 miles /hour but end up at the destination in 1 hour anyway.
And also the equation needs to indicate direction because you could go west then up then east then down and end up at the destination anyway or never(as in driving as far in your car as far as it takes to get to the moon, but you never actually went to the moon).
Question: Do you get heavier or have more mass as you get closer to a gravitational field?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The best toy possible

For all of the gamers out there that play simulations of the real world and all of the hobbyists and for all kids.
If you made a toy derrigable (blimp) that can fly up and down and in every direction and had electric motors and also was powered by solar panels on the top and lithium batteries. and also it had a digital video camera attached and also was remote operated over cell phone frequencies then you could explore the world and go on trips in real time and the real world all from the comfort of your home and the vehicle would be left in a clearing in any forest or on top of a tree to charge up, and no one will find it when not using it.

Full field of vision binoculars

This is a good image of how telescopes or binoculars work.
You may also be able to make the same thing with 2 one sided convexed lenses one big, and one small like this-
(] D
Which is a representation of 2 opposing one sided lenses. To perform the same task as the above image.
I plan on testing a full field of vision binocular set up that will be using Freznel lenses, Which are those flat type magnifying glasses that are just etched plastic. As long as it is symmetrical it should work based on the above optical info.

I'm going to try to add this to wikipedia soon under "ohm's law"

A useful way to calculate how many appliances that you can plug into the wall socket is to know how to use ohm's law. It can be read as (I=V/R) or (V=IxR) or (R=V/I). And if you know 2 of the input values for the equation, you can then determine the value of the missing value. And if you were to determine the
an easy way to remember the 3 equations is the pie chart
LATER ADDED: I decided not to because it wasn't totally accurate for the subject and I couldn't find the accurate picture online and would have to make it myself and it may not have been accepted anyway.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

soon to be written on my blog

  1. The infinite energy device that is used in the project serpo account. (I just have been putting it off because it requires me to make a picture to go with it)
  2. maybe a road trip survival kit list. to be able to live on the road indefinitely as long as you have a source of income to cover the car payments, and food and misc.
  3. maybe my where's utopia comicbook that I made if I get a scanner
  4. If I can find the time I may write my version of the universe currently describing the functions of every part of the universe that we live in that I have theorized based on the few scientific facts from studies in all of the obscure but important to understand facets of reality.
  5. I might release my last efforts to make the electron device work theoretically because I can't make it go anywhere
  6. I might release my best efforts in making the blackjack system theory practical.

Religion and Prejudice and Science

  • Belief in the “scientific method” is a belief that the universe can provably be understood. finding ways to test theories that the results of cannot be disputed. This is also a good way to solve arguments with friends or family.
  • Spiritualism” in my own definition means being open to all religious or spiritual or supernatural ideas
  • Religious” in my personal definition means that you show solidarity with only one religious or supernatural view point and are unwilling to change it, and block out all new view points.(using the bible to win arguments).
  • Prejudice” in my opinion is separating yourself from other groups of any label
I first suggest to any religious or spiritual prescriber, to research what the scientific method is and then decide whether you would like to believe in that. Then you can continually read books on the universe that you live in, written by scientists that use the scientific method. And put the pieces together for yourself. This way you are more objective and unbiased when you explain to others actual workings of the universe and not just hearsay opinion.

Any view point if held too fanatically by the individual has now become prejudice. Even if those ideas are based on actual science. Anything is possible because if you say it is impossible then you are implying that you know everything about the universe and that you know all of the possibilities. And I can prove anyone wrong about that by just asking you what causes gravity, or even magnetism. Or you could be misinterpreting those facts or are interpreting them in a biased way. To prove biased ideas or ideals.(radicals of science or religion)

It is not any religion that causes the evil in the world, because a religion is just written words in a book. It is the people behind the religion that use the religion as only an outlet for their inborn fanatical human tendencies. Prejudice (a human tendency) can be in the guise of any religion and fuel war.
LATER ADDED : Practicing religion is practicing at "believing whatever you hear". Despite of all of the contradictions that you come across in any religion. With an original philosopher's good philosophy soon come followers. And where you have followers you soon have leaders. And where you have leaders you soon have corrupted leaders. So that no matter how well intentioned the original philosophy is, it will eventually be used to get power or to control the people. And if I was the devil I would be pumping out new religions all the time to breed corrupted people.(This idea was contributed by my dad, which I agree with logically)

Fascism: It's okay when you get to control other people, because, besides, you're right all the time anyways. But when other people or the government are controlling you, it doesn't feel so good all of a sudden. Hell is having no control over your circumstances or an impossible to understand universe. Heaven is a universe that is understandable and controllable. And if earth can be understandable and controllable, then heaven on earth is possible.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Prediction : New Coinage Design

Because they say that we will never get rid of paper and coin currency, I predict that there will be a new coin developed in America to solve the problem of the copper in pennies being worth more than a penny, and the nickel in a nickel being worth more than a 5 cents. It would probably be done by combining coins into a higher denomination new coin. So there would now be a new 7 cent coin of copper and a new 15 cent coin made of nickel, as just an example. But maybe they will finally come out with some new form of electronic payment, that is theft proof and identity theft proof. Utilizing RFD technology to interface with computer tellers. And when it's cheap enough(and it will be) all merchandise will have RFD's in them too, which gets rid of lines, I guess.
The most likely identity theft proof technology is biometrics which uses some kind of easy interface of unforgeable personal biology. But that technology is way down the road of new discoveries.
LATER ADDED: Maybe I'm being too optimistic. Maybe the government that has fort knox will say ...
"Screw all the people who rely on the dollar to put food on the table. And screw all of the old people who were going to get their hard earned social security check. We're now going to just let the system collapse, and let the problem run it's course. Now I'm just going to save my own butt. Because at least we the people in power aren't involved. And why should I care about them, I mean they aren't me, so why should I care about anyone other than myself. It's only logical. I'm just following orders. It's not my fault."

"Rich Guy Wins" Theory

As ascribed to some games of poker and to monopolies. It can also be seen in sports. I should have placed a bet because I said that in the 2008 superbowl 42 that the rich guys would win. And sure enough my pick for new york giants was correct. Based on the knowledge that the rich guy buys the franchise, the rich guy gets the high bid on the best players, and in some sports(namely the basketball ref. scandal '07) even the judges can be payed off. Not to mention that the superbowl is always on a different channel every year because each channel bids for it and the rich guy bids best. Also continuing the theme, the commercials which attract half of the viewers of the superbowl, also go to the highest bidders for the airtime. I guess they just keep us little guys around so that we can work for them.
Anyways I would have won the bet, oh well!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The "Something Will Stick" Theory of Learning

If you read enough on one particular subject, then gradually some of it will "stick", or be remembered. And if you continue to read on that subject for long enough then eventually so much of it will have "stuck", that you will know practically everything on the subject, and be a master of it.
Example: I was given too many classes on meteorology in school as a kid and had to study it even though I didn't care for the subject. But when I took a test on it later in highschool I got 100% of the answers correct. And still to this day I can remember almost all of the cloud types and how they predict and read the weather patterns using isobars,warm/cold fronts, and direction, and all of the scientific instruments used, etc.