Sunday, December 29, 2013
Can We Save the Planet and End World War 3? A 3 Step Process to Finding Out:
Step 1. Know your enemy, What evil is trying to achieve:
- Get rid of ammunition by making it cost more through the implementation of green bullets, have gun registration to later know where the guns are when you outlaw them.
- Introduce GMO's which in studies were show that when fed constantly to animals, the 3rd generation were unable to have children from altered genetics by the GMO's, as a form of genocide and eugenics. Basically copying what has already happened on the grey alien planet of zeta reticuli where all offspring are genetically engineered into slavery.
- Silence whistle blowers by imprisoning reporters and wistleblowers as terrorists and censoring TV and internet as in europe. Poison the environment and control the education system and media to dumb down the population.
- Arrest and torture every single freedom fighter and also kill them. Assassinate leaders. Eventually kill off most of the people on planet earth into a controllable number.
- Create false revolutions to promote imperial agenda of over throwing other rulers by sabotaging electricity and water and economy to create artificial shortages causing discontent creating a problem then offering a solution of a new evil leader that is no better or even worse.
- Destroy the dollar and replace it with another currency that the people don't control but banks and governments control. Impose heavier taxes.
How to create a positive revolt or reverse an evil revolt using concepts of freedom and truth:
Disenfranchise evil:
- Arrest them
- Get rid of their funding sources
- Don't pay taxes
- Seize their property
- Educate
- Give supplies and money
- Provide alternate modes of survival
- Create an event that destroys their funding sources and jails all who committed crime while still maintaining working infrastructures for peoples survival, Redistribute wealth to the people, redistribute power to the people, Take over control of the media with positive military force and show the truth to humanity.
Step 3. Assess the capability to actually carry out positive objectives... Can you win?If not then retreat and regroup with friends in another part of the world and live to fight another day.
- The only way to win is for the entire planet to make unified moral decisions together.
- The only way that is possible is through complete transparency and education of people about facts and the media is the fastest form of education, once reality is known then people can act together on it.
- Also if the people of America revolted they would not win because of how big and evil the industrial military complex is right now. So the only way to revolt would be if there was a big enough truth revealed to the people that the entire military then refused to take orders or became a positive military, but then again they'd just replace moral soldiers with drones. Or another solution would be to arrest all the evil people controlling the industrial military complex and giving orders to turn it into a positive military.
- So the main objective to educate the main population and reveal a big enough truth to cause positive change, is to control the media as the best form of fast education, otherwise we cannot win.
- Since we cannot do that ourselves within a meaningful time frame on a world wide scale we need to retreat and regroup with outside help. Outside help is our only hope of winning. Within the near term.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Understanding 5D Reality Concepts
This is my 333rd post. It just happened to be a prophetic dream.
I just had a prophetic dream about 5D reality concepts. The true economy is based off of emotions which control the ideas and knowledge produced which then control the actions you take to build the ideas with your hands. And that the NDAA is a direct result of emotion interference and freedom of emotion. You disrupt the emotional balance you disrupt every form of thought pattern and productivity.
The productivity of a group is based on the synergy of that group and how well they work together and time is variable because at higher emotional states your perception of time changes and if you work well together and have synergy then you will have a longer day but also get a lot more work done in that day than uncoordinated individuals because of time expansions. So if you're president of a country you definitely want to have a group on your team that works together really well and has synergy to outperform all other groups around the world who work together less well.
Why men love women and why women love men and the sexual preference and sex drive can only be explained by it's effects but nobody knows it's cause. Maybe the human experience is our duality that at birth we are compartmentalized into one viewpoit viewpoint to see the universe through either as male or female and we don't have the full view of reality, and that why we are attracted to the opposite gender is because they are our "other half" and see the universe thourgh through different eyes and we are attracted to them as part of us as a whole and we are trying to reunite as a whole and share in the full experience of reality. The interesting thing is that sex is an expression of the emotion of love and the concept of unity carried out in physical reality. Love is knowing that everyone is connected and part of a whole and that you actually know everybody and everything
I just had a prophetic dream about 5D reality concepts. The true economy is based off of emotions which control the ideas and knowledge produced which then control the actions you take to build the ideas with your hands. And that the NDAA is a direct result of emotion interference and freedom of emotion. You disrupt the emotional balance you disrupt every form of thought pattern and productivity.
The productivity of a group is based on the synergy of that group and how well they work together and time is variable because at higher emotional states your perception of time changes and if you work well together and have synergy then you will have a longer day but also get a lot more work done in that day than uncoordinated individuals because of time expansions. So if you're president of a country you definitely want to have a group on your team that works together really well and has synergy to outperform all other groups around the world who work together less well.
Why men love women and why women love men and the sexual preference and sex drive can only be explained by it's effects but nobody knows it's cause. Maybe the human experience is our duality that at birth we are compartmentalized into one viewpoit viewpoint to see the universe through either as male or female and we don't have the full view of reality, and that why we are attracted to the opposite gender is because they are our "other half" and see the universe thourgh through different eyes and we are attracted to them as part of us as a whole and we are trying to reunite as a whole and share in the full experience of reality. The interesting thing is that sex is an expression of the emotion of love and the concept of unity carried out in physical reality. Love is knowing that everyone is connected and part of a whole and that you actually know everybody and everything
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The Event Considerations and how the Astral Plane Effects It and True Strength
thing about "the event" and a paradigm shift that big is that showing people information that is that new and different will be extremely hard to
believe by a lot of people. Who knows the percentage that won't be able
to accept the information. So it actually has to be a gradual teaching
process once you have control over the media. And really they still may
not be ready for it even if you prove everything to them because people
may actually need to be spiritually ready to accept new knowledge which
means that if the astral plane actually exists then it is of utmost
importance to0 get that cleared before you actually show them the pink
elephant of aliens and gods and ascended masters and gravity propulsion
etc. because they may not even believe their own eyes and it may drive
them crazy and they may not accept it.
Really the big question is
why did it take exactly 25000 years for us to get to the point of making
computers to share information and create drones and atomic bombs to
kill every lifeform on earth and then right exactly when things are
getting unsopable was exactly 25000 years after the negative energy took
over. This problem of beleivability of this whole scenario we're in
right now lends credence to it either not being real, or that evil is
actually a force of good going easy on us so that we can win no matter
what and really there was never anything to be afraid of and there are
no real consequences in the universe and it's all just an illusion. In
fact evil was built into the universe in the first place so why would
the universe build in a factor that would destroy itself??? So satan
actually being an angel makes more sense than satan actually being evil.
But can a soul be destroyed in a black hole??? That's another question.
Or can it turn purely evil and be irreversible? None of this makes any
sense because I obviously don't have the full picture or any real facts
If you knew that the universe was all just an illusion and
there was no evil. And if you knew that there were no consequences to
anything, and if you knew what was in store for you in the future and
you'd have to go through infinite trials and tribulations, would you
agree to comply and play the game of your own free will??? That's the
real power in the universe, free will.
Knowledge and mental prowess
is not the real strength in this world because there is always infinite
more things to learn and you will eventually always forget those things
and need to learn them again, and anything you can do there's always
other people that can do it too and take your place. So really what is
the true power or strength in this world??? It may be, if it even exists
at all, you spiritual frequency or level and strength. This spiritual
strength may be what decides your ability to enect your own free will
upon the universe and to keep others from enacting their negative free
will upon you, if in fact spiritual energy and the etherial plane
effects the physical world in the form of luck and mind sets and actions
and world events creating either entropy or regeneration or
Because after all is the reason of living to live
and experience and carry out your own pursuit of happiness. this is our
freedom of will. To do this you want help and don't want hurt. To
prevent hurt you may need higher personal spiritual/psychic powers and
spiritual/psychic allies.
My bullshit detector turned on when I heard the words "masters" or
"Contract". When reading about the "galactic federation of light". There
is no soul contract that we must die because we could find a cure to
death. and there is no such things as masters of anything. We are
masters of our own destiny which is freedom of will. Bad use of words
and the use of trigger words and easily manipulated language is usually a
sign of evil.
What we have to be the most cautious of is strangers/romans bearing gifts. This could easily be a ploy to lure us into a
trap. This is our biggest danger as a human race in the coming changes.
Only the few among us who can sense danger and evil will be able to
avoid such trickery and will have to guide all the others that don't
have full senses and feelings. "Know reality" is the main qualification
of a starship captain and that quality may be needed soon.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Words and Phrases that are Pure Bullshit!
Certain words just trigger my Bullshit Detector...
They are going to try and brainwash you with psychological warfare. They will try and make you feel powerless, try to make you give up, make you think you are not special and have no value when the exact opposite is true. Never give up!
Terms that could be real:
They are going to try and brainwash you with psychological warfare. They will try and make you feel powerless, try to make you give up, make you think you are not special and have no value when the exact opposite is true. Never give up!
- Energy frequencies: When referring to psychic or spiritual energies is impossible to prove exists and that electrical frequencies or sound frequencies or time code frequencies have any effect on the physical body other than mild annoyance at best is highly questionable and unscientific.
- Shakras: The different parts of the body with different energies and colors is totally unprovable and does not have any basis in reality and would not even make sense if it was real that your feet energies should control any aspect of your spirit. Nonsensical and unprovable and unscientific.
- Meditation: This was originally prescibed to cure mental illness or insanity(sanitary brain) instead of medical aid. Your brain can only really come to conclusions and not change its own emotions unless outside influence changes those emotions. Meditation is not a science and is just a placebo.
- Energy vortexes: Why would a vortex have any greater effect on us that any other form of energy? and why would it be located on a specific place on the earth's surface, and not undergrouns and doesn't move with the weather like an actual weather vortex? And why does geometry supposedly effect this? And what type of energy is it? Totally the most unscientific idea I've heard yet.
- The power of Intent: That just feeling a certain way or thinking a certain thing can bring that thing to you is total brain washing of the public into non action. This is a typical propaganda disinformation campaign to enslave the people. Total nonsense and unscientific.
- I AM, DO, BE: When these terms are used in improper english in sentences describing how you feel and what you are doing always brings the writers credibility into question. These are powerful words to some people like trigger words used to trigger certain emotions but they have no actual useful meaning other than trying to make you also talk like an idiot if you copy them.
- Holographic Universe: The universe may in fact be a complex algorythm. But nobody actually knows this equation and this holographic universe term is actually used to make you separate yourself from reality thinking that everything around you is actually fake when in fact it's real and can kill you. This is another trick to manipulate your mind into inaction and trying to find magical solutions to the worlds problems from within when you have to actually get off your ass and do something to solve problems.
- Interdimentional Travel: Fist off there is no way to EVER prove through science that there is another dimetion to existence. Because it is outside of our reality and therefore not testable. This is the least scientific term ever created but the science pundit Michio Kaku supports it with string theory which is false science on its face because it's untestable. And secondly to think that you could travel through these dimentions through a star gate is even more unlikely. More likely is that there is just one dimention of many layers and facets, and using the word dimension is just a bad choice of words to begin with and doesn't accurately describe the real universe.
- Time Travel: Cause and effect and history itself and paradoxes negate the possibility of time travel. This is a brainwashing campaign word to make you think that there is someone out there with ultimate power that can change your life with this technology to make you feel helpless and fear. Typical disinformation and propaganda.
- Prophecy: Impossible unless you're simply predicting the weather. because time travel is impossible.
- Teleportation: This is currently not possible with existing technology and may never be possible. It basically defies every rational way of thinking. So it's most likely not possible.
- Spiritual Healing: Just go to the freaking doctors already. This is fake and makes you feel good about dieing slowly. This is brainwashing and is unscientific and imaginary magic that never has worked in the history of all medicine men. Escpescially not the fake ones we see promoting this these days.
- Miracles: Basically it's a lie to get you to believe in jesus. You have to witness a miracle for it to be real not just something written down 2000 years ago and edited since to control you.
- Stargate: No evidence that there are other dimentions or that stargates can let you travel between them. This is pure conjecture and isn't worth thinking about.
- Portals: That you can open up a portal in a person that lets out a lot of good energy that can change a planet is not very believable. And that positive change doesn't just come from people cooperating and communicating and being moral people of their own free will is hard to believe. And why did it take 5000-13000 years for a portal to emerge and then another few right after that within a few months? This is too nonsensical to consider and is unscientific and controversial.
- Sacred Geometry: That a special shape has special powers is retarded. Devices specifically made for a specific purpose with energy then applied to them have special powers, like lasers. Not some inanimate object with no energy applied and no specific reason to have any effects other than being a paper weight.
- Karma: There is no proof that anything you do in this universe has any consequences. If you became saved by god, then sinned and made a deal with the devil, and then got saved again, and then made another deal with the devil until being saved yet again would negate the whole concept of consequence to any of your actions. But I would say there is something to be said for how you feel personally after doing something that was wrong. There may be actual psychic consequences to actions.
Terms that could be real:
- Ghosts: There have been some caught on film, and I have actually seen one when I was a kid and no doubt everyone else has had personal experinces that they can't deny.
- Psychic powers: These were proven in the early 1900's and then were quickly disproven and dicredited and are now looked upon with disgrace and disaproval. There is no more research going on in the U.S. of psychics but the new world leader in that research is the UK and you don't pump money into researching something that isn't real. Not only that but there may be psychic boosting medications that have been made and could be being kept secret.
- Aliens: There's no reason that aliens wouldn't exist and could travel between planets with gravity and time dialation technology. They would be a lot more advanced than us and always develope along certain evolutionary paths like lizards, insects, mammals, and amphibians etc. Because those planetary environment adaptation principles apply across the universe. They would have had the same governments and ideas and concepts and technologies and would be either good or evil and be able to help us or to hurt us and there's no telling how many of them there are or the percentage of good and evil ones. And if somehow they had a technology to look human and talk like us somehow there would be no telling how many of them would actually be walking among us right now. Also there are infinite UFO sightings across the world of technology that is far in advance of earth technology giving credence aliens visiting us.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Judicial system and Rule of Law, and how to fix the Courts and Bring in Common Law and Justice
"Legality is not Reality." -A Judicial Maxim
"That which you have wished upon another is YOUR wish granted in return."
"What ye sow, so shall ye reap."
How to fix our judicial system... Are you ready?... Here it goes...
Get rid of the cause of crimes and there will be no crimes.
Now this may not work 100% but it will get rid of most crime and what's left can be settled by people in charge with their own rules and punishments... or by the people in charge getting the 2 or more parties involved in the crime together to reach an agreement to settle or balance or make amends or fix the dispute. After all it is a transaction that has taken place between 2 parties when a crime has taken place, whether it be a spiritual transaction or a material transaction, so to finalize the transaction and leave it behind you you have to come to some sort of equalization of deeds or properties lost. When there is no property that can make up for something priceless then it must be repaid with something priceless which would be a deed or service or sentence.
The cause of white collar crime is: Sadistic satisfaction and power and profit, silence, extortion etc. Get rid of those elements and make them unobtainable or non existent and you won't have motive for any crime so crimes won't be committed in the first place.
This all requires a different form of government or societal structure:
-First of all people should not be owned by the state from the time they are born until the day they die, okay!
-instead of currency everybody should all have the same stuff and everything they need so that there's no reason to steal.
-there needs to be transparency so that we can see everything except for codes to proffesionals jobs and if people know they will get caught then they won't commit crime and also they won't be able to be blackmailed either.
-fight/prevent force with an equal and opposite force so that it's mutually assured destruction if you try to harm someone or force them into a contract with force. Such as in the case of murder, the penalty should be execution which is an equal and opposite force.
- do not allow sadistic satisfaction to be satiated with truth and systems and they will have to find some other form of satisfaction or wither away.
People that try to change the world only by solving their personal problems with courts and contracts are first of all not helping other people, and second of all supporting the system of courts and contracts, and third of all their attention is focused on something that doesn't help solve the actual problems facing the world.
They are using their free will as a vote to support the system by cooperating in it and accepting it even though they know by it's very foundation that it's corrupt.
There are so called freedom fighters all over that just like to fight in court instead of spreading the truth and are only taking advantage of a corrupt system and participating in it to save a couple of bucks on car insurance and mortgage payments etc.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Concepts have always existed since the
beginning of time since the first alien civilization and are basically a
law of physics because they are universal and unchangeable.
It is up to us as sentient being to use discernment to choose between concepts keeping the good ones and discarding the bad ones for our personal use.
Matter and energy have always existed in the universe and were put there in the beginning of time also.
It is up to us as sentient beings to use discernment in collecting resources and information and using it to better ourselves and our environment creating value for ourselves out of what was worthless.
You could say that both concepts and the matter in the universe since put there in the beginning of time were a gift from the god that created the universe and that none are truly ours but are only given to us. It could just as easily be said though that since there are both good and bad concepts and bothe good and bad environments and good and bad energy that what was given to us could be considered both a blessing and a curse.
The only real conclusion to all of this though is that it is up to us to choose the environment that we wish to live in out of what is available. The freedom of choice. That is the meaning.
What if in the course of history there have been particular individuals of different species that through the course of their lives had experienced a certain concept, and that their embodiment of that concept was so complete and extreme that when they died because of their vast knowledge of the concept they and proven worth that they gained a special place or seat in the universe as a god of that concept. And that each concept has it's own god. concepts such as "determination", or "vengeance" or "mischief".
This would be a very entertaining way for the entertainers(as I call them) to run the universe. This is how I would probably run the universe because of the entertainment value and for the wisdom value and governance value.
It is up to us as sentient being to use discernment to choose between concepts keeping the good ones and discarding the bad ones for our personal use.
Matter and energy have always existed in the universe and were put there in the beginning of time also.
It is up to us as sentient beings to use discernment in collecting resources and information and using it to better ourselves and our environment creating value for ourselves out of what was worthless.
You could say that both concepts and the matter in the universe since put there in the beginning of time were a gift from the god that created the universe and that none are truly ours but are only given to us. It could just as easily be said though that since there are both good and bad concepts and bothe good and bad environments and good and bad energy that what was given to us could be considered both a blessing and a curse.
The only real conclusion to all of this though is that it is up to us to choose the environment that we wish to live in out of what is available. The freedom of choice. That is the meaning.
What if in the course of history there have been particular individuals of different species that through the course of their lives had experienced a certain concept, and that their embodiment of that concept was so complete and extreme that when they died because of their vast knowledge of the concept they and proven worth that they gained a special place or seat in the universe as a god of that concept. And that each concept has it's own god. concepts such as "determination", or "vengeance" or "mischief".
This would be a very entertaining way for the entertainers(as I call them) to run the universe. This is how I would probably run the universe because of the entertainment value and for the wisdom value and governance value.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
False Destructive Concepts
- The concept of scarcity is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of mental illness is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of land ownership is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of the petroleum based economy is a false concept implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of bills and debt are false concepts implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept that Mars and Venus are uninhabitable is unprovable since our government has proven untrustworthy, and this concept has been implanted by the elites into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of overpopulation is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of necessary evil is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people... There is no such thing as a necessary evil. Evil is not necessary.
- The concept of the inequality is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of Jobs is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of worthlessness is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of subtle imperceptable downward trends although they work is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of intellectual property is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
- The concept of secrecy is a false concept implanted by the elite into the global consciousness to control the people.
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