Sunday, September 12, 2010


Okay so I'll try not to bore you but. I was thinking about the laser show that I saw in washington and during it they explained how the lasers worked. So basically the originating light sparks the laser light and then that light bounces around creating more light but only a small fraction of that bounces exactly horizontally between the 2 mirrors inside the laser. Then one of the mirrors is only 50% mirror and 50% window so it lets out a bit of the light while the light that's left over makes more light in a never ending cycle to make a constant laser beam.

It may require a tiny bit of external energy to keep the light going, but for now lets go into theory and say that you used a less partial mirror like 90% mirror so that the laser would build up more light and let it out slower and maybe even last forever on it's own. So why not make it into a flash light. Well that wouldn't work for obvious reasons, most lasers require hazardous chemicals and are too bulky to fit in the palm of your hand.......

So if they're big and bulky but require very minimal amounts of power then why haven't big corporations with lots of money gotten one of these and put it upstairs and let the light out through a lens as an emergency lighting system for when the power goes out. Granted it only has one color but it's better than having no light and paying to run twice as many generators in the store.

So that's the first "Why haven't they done this yet???" Question.

So then I was thinking about the NIF(national ignition facility) that is supposedly making fusion energy this year. They just use very, very, long strands of doped fiber optic cables to amplify the light before all of these thousands of miles of cables and light converge on one point to create heat as intense as the center of the sun......

So the good thing about erbium doped fiber optics is that they'll amplify white light.....hmmmm so why don't we have erbium doped fiber optics along side the powerlines and telephone lines and as the light goes long distances it will get more powerful like NIF, but then we could either make money off of the light just like cable companies make money off of TV. Or god forbid have free light energy everywhere!!!!

So those are my "Why haven't they done this yet??? questions.

The only reasons I can come up with are conspiracy theories like if we had free light energy then we could convert it to electrical and that would be the end of energy dependency...BUT PLEASE JUST TELL ME, I WANT TO KNOW!

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