Youtube video 1 fish net making
Improved fish trap, may use paper clips if needed to secure it.
Native American fish trap. for survival situation.
bamboo fish trap. Better than fish wheel for catching salmon. Slanted strainer in rushing water.
Perch trap. for bait
Shore net fishing. AKA "draft net"
Shore net fishing 2.
Shore net fishing 3. only need one boat and one net, move in half circle along shore with boat. This is better for food than for money. The money doesn't last long, but the food amounts would last forever. Somehow predict fish movements but they say it's still luck.
Pound net fishing.

net anchored at one end, while boat goes in circle and pulls up net.(unknown name to this type of fishing)
Gill net from shore out to sea. And how to dry
rectangular net with 2 sticks.
fish wheel.
scap net. just worth mentioning
Additionally learn about flaking a net to stack it in an organized way a one neat pile.
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