Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to make your own country

Build it based on basic principles of human nature:
  1. People always do what they believe is in their own best interest even if that just being happy by helping others.
  2. People will always work toward improving their standard of living and becoming wealthy, which is why socialism doesn't work.
  3. Will trade with others that can do other things better than themselves.
To invent new things I do it for charity but others may want to get rich off of it, which is when it may be necessary for the good of the one outweigh the good of the many by letting the inventor get a patent and sole ownership of the invention as an incentive for them to invent in the first place.
Then make a currency that is based on something trustworthy. If you can print as much of it as you want then it requires faith that you have to hope everyone believes in. So instead use something that you know is valuable such as gold or artwork or a limited amount of unique coins to create rarity as value.
Some forms of currency could be:
  • gold unique stamped coin currency is the most trustable.
  • salt
  • Stamped game machine coins
  • Unforgeable ink stamp on paper of limited run of papers
  • Or trade reprints of pre-comics-code horror comics as currency for all anyone cares.
By the way this is a good way around sales tax and the freedom coin and hours worked credits and burning man project are taking advantage of this principle.
Then buy land, or an island with enough land to house and feed the people living in your country.
And maybe pay for taxes with an interest earning fund of the amount needed every year.
To get around taxes just renounce your citizenship and live on a yacht on international waters and go to uninhabited islands for recreation and food. Also to not pay property tax on a house you can build a floating house on the water, even next to land. To not pay luxury tax on a ferrari you can sign the title away to a friend for cheap and then have them give it back to you somehow and you technically don't own it anymore, and won't know you're still driving it. See: part 2 of the unemployment episode of "mission hill".
When buying an island it will have no electricity or buildings or water or sewer and may just be solid rock. But if its only you on the island then you don't need a sewer system. Also with all of the spare time on your hands, building the rest should be easy at working 8 hours a day like at a normal job.
Also the biggest and most productive country has always won all of the wars. But if nobody else is after you then you will have no wars to worry about.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It's not what we're teaching kids but how we're teaching kids. I say teach to the extent of the speed the child can learn, therefor let them decide their own speed and direction. Start listening to kids. They know what they're good at and what they need help with and what they like or dislike about their teacher.
But never put a kid into special education when they have no learning disability other than maybe very extreme mental handicap, because my dad worked with perfectly normal people only labeled as "special ed" that now can't do math because they were only not taught it as a kid, even though that wasn't their disability.
If you ever teach less than they can learn then you are denying them of there own true potential, stunting their intellectual growth process, and denying them knowledge, and all future benefits of that youthfully acquired knowledge.

Instant Roof

I just posted this on

Have a factory that produces a solid sheet of 1/2 to 1/4 inch thick plastic that is 20 foot wide and cut at intervals to be a length of about 50 feet or whatever. But the general idea is that you roll up the finished product to transport it to a building site and then at the building site you just unroll it and put it on top of the house, as well as attach it in whatever way works best. This roof will last forever because it's plastic and may not blow away in the wind if it's thick and heavy plastic. It could be an arched roof or an A shaped roof. An arched roof may just be easier because it's the natural shape left over from being rolled up. Also for natural lighting just cut out a hole of any shape in the roof, and put a frosted translucent plastic window over that hole, for easy energy savings during the day.
The plastic to make the roof sheet out of could be recycled and any color. In the same way that they make imitation wood planks out of recycled plastic. Also this kind of roof would be a good insulator already because it is made of plastic, but an alternative may be to make it out of rubber. And you could always just spray foam the underside of the roof.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fun Sites to Read and Write Articles: Opinion and Fact very liberal and very political get paid to write a good article maybe

update on free cable post

a new free tv on internet site also it has other free downloads
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

update on contradictions post

contradictions post

update on free cable post

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Noiseless Pulse Jet (NPJ)

Another new invention of mine.
As we all know the pulse jet is the loudest engine ever made, putting chopper bikes to shame, and there should be a youtube video of a pulse jet breaking a window if there's not already one.
Also we know of white noise that can block out sound in military helicopters. All you need is an exact opposite frequency and amplitude, and there will be no deafening noise. The possibility exists to have 2 perfectly synchronized pulse jets that cancel out each others noise but this would be so difficult to accomplish that it may be improbable.
So get an engineer to design the white noise and another engineer to design the pulse jet so that it will never break from extreme heat or corrosion. Then take the finished design to a manufacturer. And sell the new invention on the open market as an add on to a flying vehicle such as an ultralite.

Potential: Possibly if this is a powerful engine you could go into space with a big enough pulse jet as long as you didn't loose your hearing from the noise. also this could revolutionize the affordable aircraft market since this would be the cheapest jet engine ever mass produced as long as you could solve the noise issue. And it may or may not require any maintenance.

Also see: Ram jet for another solid state jet engine.

how's this for a saying

you know somebody's your friend if they stick around no matter what you do.

children and animals follow this rule and seem to be happy creatures so maybe they have something.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Summarized Physics

All fluid dynamics are described by van der waals force .

Bernoulli's principle, the Coanda effect, flight, weather, capillary action, and so on are all explained in scientific theory as the van der waals force.

All unseen force lines are described by subatomic particles, and also time is the density of these particles.

Gravity, static electricity, magnetism, momentum, speed of time passage, are all described by subatomic particles. My time theory needs more data to be credible, but summarized means that space itself is like a fluid in a clock. More dense space is like water in a clock, and in less dense space is like oil in a clock. So time moves faster in less dense space. But questions about momentum are how does an object remember that it is in motion? Does it have something to do with relativity? Or is there no memory of motion and energy and it's just an illusion? We know the math E=mc2, but what is the theory?

Evaporation and condensation are known in fluids but it also may be a way to conceptualize how I theorise hydrogen is spontaneously being formed in the interstellar medium.

We can create bombs that turn matter into energy(subatomic particals), so then why can't subatomic particles be turned into matter, and why can't black holes also break down matter into subatomic particles and spew those subatomic particles out into the intersteller medium, in effect adding more space to the space between galaxies. Which may explain why the universe appears to be expanding.

Religious Sayings

There are 2 ways of looking at the universe:
  1. Either everything happens for a reason, or
  2. Nothing happens for a reason.
God rewards assholes and idiots.