Sunday, February 1, 2009

Summarized Physics

All fluid dynamics are described by van der waals force .

Bernoulli's principle, the Coanda effect, flight, weather, capillary action, and so on are all explained in scientific theory as the van der waals force.

All unseen force lines are described by subatomic particles, and also time is the density of these particles.

Gravity, static electricity, magnetism, momentum, speed of time passage, are all described by subatomic particles. My time theory needs more data to be credible, but summarized means that space itself is like a fluid in a clock. More dense space is like water in a clock, and in less dense space is like oil in a clock. So time moves faster in less dense space. But questions about momentum are how does an object remember that it is in motion? Does it have something to do with relativity? Or is there no memory of motion and energy and it's just an illusion? We know the math E=mc2, but what is the theory?

Evaporation and condensation are known in fluids but it also may be a way to conceptualize how I theorise hydrogen is spontaneously being formed in the interstellar medium.

We can create bombs that turn matter into energy(subatomic particals), so then why can't subatomic particles be turned into matter, and why can't black holes also break down matter into subatomic particles and spew those subatomic particles out into the intersteller medium, in effect adding more space to the space between galaxies. Which may explain why the universe appears to be expanding.

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