Sunday, February 8, 2009

Noiseless Pulse Jet (NPJ)

Another new invention of mine.
As we all know the pulse jet is the loudest engine ever made, putting chopper bikes to shame, and there should be a youtube video of a pulse jet breaking a window if there's not already one.
Also we know of white noise that can block out sound in military helicopters. All you need is an exact opposite frequency and amplitude, and there will be no deafening noise. The possibility exists to have 2 perfectly synchronized pulse jets that cancel out each others noise but this would be so difficult to accomplish that it may be improbable.
So get an engineer to design the white noise and another engineer to design the pulse jet so that it will never break from extreme heat or corrosion. Then take the finished design to a manufacturer. And sell the new invention on the open market as an add on to a flying vehicle such as an ultralite.

Potential: Possibly if this is a powerful engine you could go into space with a big enough pulse jet as long as you didn't loose your hearing from the noise. also this could revolutionize the affordable aircraft market since this would be the cheapest jet engine ever mass produced as long as you could solve the noise issue. And it may or may not require any maintenance.

Also see: Ram jet for another solid state jet engine.

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