This invention may have room to be improved upon, seeing as how they may not understand 100% of the physics behind it yet. The main questions being, how do you improve efficiency compared with ordinary A/C, and why doesn't it work as well on liquids, as on gasses?
My very first theory on this is that the more energetic less dense and therefor lighter hot air can more easily escape the center of the vortex(heat rises). One way of testing this could be by putting two dissimilar gasses into the vortex and seeing if the heavier gas comes out on the cold side.
Another application of this technology, may be to separate dissimilar gasses without the need to liquefy the gasses to separate them, like they do to manufacture pure nitrogen and oxygen.
Even if you can still create cryogenic temperatures with vortex tubes in series.
But they make noise so just have a muffler type thing on one end to not have noise if wanted to use it in a house. But if you wanted a house cooling system you should use the new" Johnson thermo-electrochemical converter system".
If you put compressed hydrogen into it at the right pressure it would come out as a flame thrower.
Youtube vortex tube
Also see: Pulse jet engine, or Youtube pulse jet, This is so cool that it's funny. See: Mythbusters for finding cool things funny.
Also see: Tesla turbine, or youtube it, if you haven't heard of it yet. This uses the principle of the "coanda effect". Which is also why wind over the top of a chimney will suck air out of the chimney.
Also see: Venturi effect, which is utilized in pulse jets. youtube it for some more visual explanations. This is also called Bernoulli's principle. I think all of these and the theory of flight are more easilly understood by all being seen as variations of the "Coanda effect". Because if a wing was shaped like the cross section of a frisby it wouldn't fly, and Bernoulli's principle says it would fly. See this link for a very good explaination of the theory of flight.
Bernoulli's principle is easilly remembered as: Faster moving air has lower air pressure.
The way a chimney works is also explained better by the coanda effect than bernoulli's principle, because if air in the chimney is attracted to air from a breeze above the chimney then the air in the chimney will be impelled to move in along with the moving air above the chimney from the inherent attractive forces. So the kinetic energy of the moving air is imparted into the chimney's air forcing the chimney air to move in the same direction, from the coanda effects force of attraction. This is the same with all of the ball and wind tests, and the 2 can test. All being explained better by the "Coanda effect".
Prank: Use bernoulli's principle or the coanda effect to TP someones house in seconds with the use of a leaf blower. See video.
Also see: Dredging, or Suction dredge often used in gold mining, which uses a solid state "y shaped" joint and the principle of suction. This is the same as how chimneys work but more specialized Y shape for dredging specific purposes.
The following picture is an improved wind turbine design.

Later added: I now am pretty sure that the coanda effect and van der waals forces are the same effect in different forms. I presume that fluids like air are attracted to solid surfaces(because solid surfaces electromagnetic charge is constantly pointed in one direction to attract free flowing fluids opposing charges) by electromagnetic forces at the atomic level in the same way as gecko skin is attracted to any solid surface. So in theory the "Coanda effect" which better describes the theory of flight than bernouli's principle, is actually an electromagnetic effect at the atomic level that is one and the same as van der waals forces.
Gravity could be an electromagnetic macro scale effect, but there is no solid theory or info supporting a connection yet.
1 comment:
The Vortex Tube is mainly used for spot cooling. Compared to an ordinary A/C unit some say that compressed air is too expensive. You cannot use liquids because it would freeze and/or clog up the tube. You can easily buy a vortex tube through arizona vortex tube mfg.
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