Thursday, September 18, 2008


  • I like how after god destroyed the dinosaurs, he then twiddled his thumbs for 65 million years until he finally decided to create humans.
  • Also he was nice enough to save the Jews the first time from the Egyptians but wasn't so keen on saving them the second time from the Germans.
  • Is god happy when you die because you are then able to be with him, and if so does that mean that god would be happier if everyone was dead, so that they could be with him.
  • A good excuse is always just to say, "Well if god doesn't care then why should I care". This works in almost any arguments that have to do with ethical debates.
  • But my personal favorite is when people say "you can't do it that way" I like to say " Well the universe tends to disagree with you". This is good when you're around controlling family members that always want perfection and things to be done there way.
  • If you have to change yourself in order to get into heaven then why did god make you the way you were.
  • One religion in Taiwan says that you need a face tattoo at some point in your life in order to be accepted into heaven. And others say that in order to get sex in heaven you need to kill lots of other people by blowing yourself up. So which one is the right religion anyway, it's too bad that god won't tell more people about the requirements for heaven than just the one religious profit, who could actually be an evil person in disguise. Why wouldn't he give believers proof that their leader was not an evil person in disguise.
  • Fact: The most dangerous criminal is one that is willing to commit suicide, because you can't really punish them if they're already dead. So if there are no consequences to dieing because of a belief in an after life then you're creating perfect criminals or soldiers that don't fear death. What god supports such an evil thing.
  • God isn't very smart if he has to keep changing his original plans by meddling in human affairs, and using miracles to fix what he did wrong previously. Basically any miracle is god breaking his own laws of physics, so then why did he even make those annoying laws of physics in the first place. But when was the last real miracle that you've seen, really, that could be proven was not just a magic trick, or a misinterpretation of natural events.
  • Using the bible to win any argument, is very easy because the bible contradicts its own words so many times that you can find verses that back up your point of view in any philosophical debate, for basically any point of view that anyone has(Hitler did this and also terrorists). That's the reason why there are so many interpretations of the bible and so many spin off religions of the very same book(catholic, presbyterian, jewish, mormon) all because of all of the different ways of interpreting the same words. The main reason being that the words are interpreted metaphorically and also that the words contradict themselves so much. See: This link of all of the bible contradictions.
  • Unsubstantiated theory: Higher education correlates to lower levels of belief.
  • The word belief is a contradiction in and of itself. Believing in something, for no reason, is not rational. You could hope the world is that way, but telling yourself that it is that way for certain when there is no possible way to be certain, is just contradicting your own thoughts.
    If the bible only had facts and proof then it wouldn't be a religion.
Seems to me that this is all better explained by there being no good, or bad, or a "god" at all that meddles in any human affairs, because if a "god" or ghosts were real, then all of the evil world leaders would have had retribution by now. This is how you can prove that both god and ghosts do not meddle in human affairs, because they would have gotten back at evil killers by now. And if that's true then it's probably luck and skill that have won all of the world wars so far.
UPDATE: I do still keep an open mind to spirituality and living forever and becoming more than human because maybe when we are able to travel the galaxy an meet new intelligent species and philosophies they will know more than we know about the after life and being happy and all knowing and spiritual.

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