Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Alaska Is Better

Alaska is the best state!

Population of the state of Alaska is currently a little over 700,000. The population of the city of Tampa Fl. alone is a little over 300,000. The size of Alaska is roughly half the size of the United states.

The state of Alaska is so big that it has just as many climate zones as the rest of the united states also. Some parts in the south are old growth temperate rain forests. Sitka Alaska was the first base established by the white man(Russians) in the pacific northwest, and the northwest indians all the way into alaska had such plentiful foods all year round that they had time to think and use their hands. They crafted Totem poles and told stories and led rewarding spiritual or philosophical lives and enjoyed community. While up north the sun sets in the fall and doesn't rise for 6 months. Eskimos who live on the west coast of Alaska have lived there for thousands of years but we're too scared to try.

There are infinite lakes and more waterfront property in Alaska than the rest of the united states combined.

This state is just like the old america before the 1950's because of these Awesome factors:
  1. There is tons of land so everyone has land to grow food and farm, this is free exercise and good diet and nutrition so don't need a gym.
  2. Everybody caries a gun because of wild animals. You don't even need a permit for some guns and it's hard to enforce. So people are generally safer.
  3. So there is less regulation and less enforcement and less laws and less taxes for infrastructure just like back in the old days.
  4. It's all about capitalism and opportunity in Alaska. Because of the endless resources and low population they have the lowest unemployment rate in the nation and biggest # of independent people, because it's easy to get a job even if you have a bad background and can be crappy at your job and they'll never fire you because they'd have trouble finding another worker. So they'll put you to work if you don't already create your own capitalist ventures. They have so much money they'll give you free room and board and food and then pay you on top to work there at a summer job.
  5. Because there is money and stuff in alaska there is less stealing, and in the 50's nobody ever had to lock their doors because nobody ever stole anything back then. This leads to nicer people.
  6. All the towns are small towns therefore low stress and a general better mood so everybody is nice. I can speak from small town experience that there is a huge load lifted off of your shoulder as soon as you start to live there. Anchorage is one of the nicest cities in America.
  7. You are always busy and never bored, why watch TV when you can move a ship off the shore or captain one or create a cabin or catch or hunt food and preserve it or cook it.
  8. Because of this Alaska's population has the highest IQ in the nation because they have to know how to do everything as a matter of survival. So if you want to learn a lot GO to Alaska. It's the best college of them all. Become an electrician or a welder or a captain and they'll teach you for free and put you to work with hands on experience. Also their IQ'd will rub off on you as you have to come up to their level to keep up.
  9. Because there are less people there are less accidents
  10. Because you make so much money you can save it up instead of using credit cards any more.
  11. No car fumes or pollution or noise or smokers.
  12. The permafrost is a permanent refrigerator and also makes outhouses not stink. All year round.

So you just have to trade crappy city lifestyle which obviously has no future in it... for the cold! And if you're fat like me, you're made for the cold anyway, so don't deny your genetics. And if you live in Alaska for very long you're sure to get rich in some way without even trying. Probably even a complete retard could succeed there, just like even kids were easily able to do before the 50's. And if you want you could transfer that wealth to a venture outside of Alaska later on if you really didn't like Alaska.

And if for nothing else, just build a cabin up there in the woods... even a shack! And have it somewhere that nobody will ever find in a million years and you will always have that there just in case you ever decide to stop working in the city. So you always have the option of never having to work again. Or just go up there as a summer cabin and go fishing all summer.

"Cold is a choice" based on the right clothes and right construction you will never be cold... Ever! Unless you're a moron!

Life is simple: food/shelter/community: Idle hands are not the work of the devil(Christian concept) , instead they are the source for human inspiration and innovation!

The Indians knew this and weren't obsessed with making money off of resources. When work needed to get done they would all work, and when food was plentiful they would all eat. They used what they needed. When the work was done they were done. Since you don't have any bills to pay and don't have anyone working for you they could just relax. The endless pursuit of money is just that... endless. There is never enough. And before you know it you have to save money to keep up. And then work harder while also saving up, and then you lose your job then your house. And have to take 2 jobs and have bad health from all the stress and cheap food. All for a few bucks and some cheap Chinese merchandise. Economics 101.

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