Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Restricted calorie diet

Nobody knows exactly how it works but it's main reasons might be Hormesis or mitochondrial hormesis. Cells not becoming less susceptable to oxidative or toxic damage. Or increasing your bodies defensive and survival state.

People say it's bad not to eat or unhealthy but when done right it's the healthiest thing to do. compared to overeating and being overweight.


People with low body fat should not do this and is dangerous, neither should older people with health problems, but should instead exercise.

It leads to loss of muscle mass and performance of exercise.


Reduce diet to 1200 or less calories a day without micronutrient shortage.

It has been shown to "increase" DHEA(growth hormone) in primates.

Increases memory because of low insulin levels.

Lengthens youthful appearance and function. Stay fertile longer also.

Original studies in lab mice of extreme calorie restricted diets extended expected lifespan by 100%. They lived twice as long.

Calorie restriction

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