Native Americans were like any other human except that they had time on their hands and weren't in the pursuit of money. The natives of the northwest US had so much food available all year round that life was easy and enjoyable. So they were free to use their brains and their hands. This lead to art(totem poles) Stories, spirituality, philosophy, baskets, long houses, canoes, communities along the entire puget sound got along and would visit each other every year in the traditional canoe trips. They even lived together in large long houses with multiple families while nowadays we all have separate rooms and apartments. They had no concept of land ownership and never built fences...EVER.
If you compare them to modern white men and women. We are so vain that using dirt or animal or grass for any part of our houses is considered disgusting, Not to mention our obsession with self image. We have parents who act like children, and fake relationships where the only meaning to our lives is a spouse and kids and pets instead of adventure and exploration and being independent. We are always yelling at each other and stealing from each other mostly about money. We litter and don't care. We know so little about anything that assumptions and misconceptions are the main cause of arguments. And our lack of knowledge and experience makes it impossible to ever change our lifestyle or location in the world. We're so spoiled that it takes some people hours just to decide what restaurant they want to go to for dinner. We are so sedentary that we have an obesity epidemic. We don't know where our food or T-shirts come from and just buy it from the store.
So if I were to start over I'd have a society with native american knowledge but with modern technology.
The technical term is egalitarian society, but with research and development.
We have the technology right now to never have to work again but the only problem is that everybody on the entire planet is working and are actually by definition slaves to a master. It only gets worse with both capitalism and socialism.
How to do it:
As the native americans did, you all work together to build a town, then you all work together to make a farm with irrigation and plant plants, then you all work together to harvest them. Then the group or one elder divides the grain up evenly between families and the ones with more mouths to feed get a bigger percentage of the grain. And if there's tons of grain each person gets tons of grain.
When works needs to get done everybody volunteers to work, when food is plentiful everybody eats.
To add the modern twist onto that:
Plumbing: compost or pasteurising toilets
Lighting: Fiber optics, LED, Solar panels, Or high tech theoretical technologies like high voltage light spheres
Energy: Don't use any, Or atomic battery, or reverse heat engine, spinning tub of sand. Solar panels
Heating/cooling: Better insulated houses
Medical: Have a box of medicine supplies and someone who read a book on the subject and can look up info as needed. Just like the old days with house calls.
Vehicle: helicopter, lifter, paraglider, advanced golf carts
Entertainment: Too easy to become propaganda so better to just have social activities like eating and church and sports and classes building stuff or arts/crafts hunting gathering
Home construction: Walls with roof, will never break and is therefore free housing to the next generation, Easy and cheap to make materials and infinite houses free to habitate.
Gadgets Devices: Made right with best materials so that will never break and never need improvement for their universal function. Until get a better version then replace.
Jobs: None
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